SiXtY NiNe ~ hot spring shenanigans

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(Last update today! I'll see you guys next Saturday! Enjoy the chapter!)

Sasaki hummed to himself as he came out of the changing room, heading towards the room Seirin had rented. As he turned the corner, there was suddenly a hand over his mouth. Flashing back to when he had been kidnapped, he immediately elbowed the dude and was about to flip him over when he recognized the person’s voice through their gasps for breath. “Daiki?!”

“Damn, you sure know how to defend yourself..” He coughed, smiling weakly.

“I’m sorry, flashbacks from the first time I got kidnapped happened and it was just a reaction. Sorry,” He cupped his lover’s face as Aomine regained air in his lungs. “What are you doing here?”

“Satsuki got her hands on the winter cup brackets,” He replied, his lips forming a devious smirk. “We play first round. Good luck, Aya.”

“For real?” Sasaki raised both his eyebrows at the news. “That doesn’t make any sense, but if it was Momoi, I can’t say I don’t believe her intel.”

“Yeah,” He nuzzled him. “Anyways, the team thought to pop in and say hello and tell you guys, so how about we head out for some one on one?”

“That’s so boring,” Sasaki pouted. “I’d be down for two on two though.”

“Great,” Aomine grinned. “How about we get Tetsu and Kagami to join us?”

“Sure, but I’ll leave Kuroko to you since I don’t think he wants to talk to me,” Sasaki chuckled sadly, and instantly the urge to kill the person making his lover sad surfaced with newfound vigor in Aomine. However, he had to keep himself in check, it wasn’t time yet.

“Fine,” He sighed before kissing Sasaki full on the mouth. The kiss didn’t last long, but those few seconds felt like lifetimes to the two involved. “Meet me outside,” Aomine instructed once they broke for air, then walked away.

“That weirdo,” The azurette shook his head before going off to find the redhead. He found him about to exit the hotel, so he called out to him as he ran over. “Kagami!”

“Huh?” He turned towards the voice, his eyes widening at the form sprinting towards him. Realizing it was Sasaki, he waited for him to catch up. “What’s up, man?”

“Phew,” Sasaki exhaled before grinning at the redhead. “Wanna play two on two with Aomine, Kuroko and me?”

“I’m pretty sure Kuroko’s gonna be down for a while since he overheated,” Kagami said, “But I'm down,” He paused, actually processing what Sasaki had offered. “Wait, what? Aomine’s here?”

“Yep, he’s tryna recruit Kuroko to the cause right now,” The azurette told him. “Oh, by the way, where’re you headed?”

“They were sold out of sports drinks,” The redhead responded as they started walking towards where the convenience store was. “Is all of Touou here or is he just freestyling?”

“He said the whole team was there because Momoi managed to get the winter cup brackets in advance and that we’re their first opponents and they wanted to say hi, or something,” Sasaki shrugged, “That’s how I understood it.”

“Is that even possible? We shouldn’t be playing a team from the same prefecture in the first round,” Kagami frowned. “Guess that’s what’s so special about the special bracket, huh?”

“Guess so,” The two shared a smile, then the redhead went and got the sports drink for Kuroko and they headed back to where the blue phantom and Aomine where.


“Here,” Aomine put the sports drink down next to Kuroko’s head as the phantom laid on the bench with a towel over his eyes.

“Thank you-“ Kuroko took off the towel, then he whipped up as he saw who it was. Pressing a button on the vending machine, a grapejuice fell down.

“It’s been a minute,” Aomine mumbled, taking the drink out before side eyed glaring. “Tetsu.”

“Aomine-kun,” Kuroko’s eyes narrowed.

“I didn’t poison it or anything,” The Touou ace remarked after a long silence, the two having just glared at each other. “Just came to tell you that Aya wants to play two on two, so the other two would be you and Kagami,” He explained, cocking his head slightly with a sigh. “So, you in or are you too cooked to be of any use?”

“I’ll play,” Kuroko answered, “After you tell me why you’re really here.”

“Wow, jumping to conclusions already,” Aomine exhaled sharply, almost a laugh but not quite. “Pure coincidence.”

“I don’t believe that for a second.”

“Well, then you’d be right. Satsuki and the others wanted to come see you guys to tell you that we’re your first match up of the winter cup,” The dark haired male smirked deviously. “So basically, you’re going home after the first round.”

“I don’t think so, Aomine-kun,” Kuroko stood up. “Our ace is in top form this time, we won’t lose.”

“Ah, we’ll see about that, huh,” His expression didn’t change as he looked down at his former teammate. “Tetsu.”

It appeared to be a stand off as Kagami and Sasaki approached the two, so Sasaki started jogging until he embraced his lover. “I’m back! Kagami is onboard,” He announced, beaming at him.

Immediately, Aomine’s attention turned to him and his expression softened.  “Is that so? Great. Tetsu’s also rarin’ to go, so let’s get going.”

“So, what teams are-“

“Obviously, I’m with you,” Kagami and Aomine said at the same time before looking at each other incredulously.

“The hell are you talking about? Aren’t you Tetsu’s light now?”

“Sasaki’s my teammate so of course I want to work with him.”

“Tetsu’s also your teammate, dumbass.”

“Yeah but I’m closer with Sasaki-“

“Since when? I’ll kill you.”

“Uh, let’s calm down,” Sasaki stepped in between the two. “I’ll play with Daiki, and Kagami can play with Kuroko. And then we can switch after a minigame or so, how does that sound?”

“I don’t wan-“

“Great, it’s settled!” Sasaki shot a pointed look at his lover, who backed down with a huff and crossed his arms.

“Kuroko, are you feeling any better?” Kagami asked as the four started walking.

“Yes, I am,” He responded with a nod.

“I’m glad,” The redhead smiled slightly before it morphed into a full blown smirk. “Then let’s kick their asses, huh Kuroko?”

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