seventy two - captain of the generation of miracles

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(I've decided the English voice actor for Sasaki would be Vincent Tong. It took me a hot minute to decide, but here we are!)

“Calm down guys,” Sasaki looked between them with a pointed gaze. “Can I get more hugs, Daiki? Shintaro?”

“Mmm, yeah,” Aomine put the ball he was spinning down, pulling Sasaki into his arms and nuzzling his face into his neck. Suddenly, his grip tightened. “You’ve got a babysitter, Tetsu?”

“You’ve got Sa-chin, Mine-chin.”

“Satsuki’s got nothing to do with this.”

“Oi,” Sasaki patted Aomine’s back. “Let go.”

“Don’t wanna.”

“You gotta shaaare, remember?”

“Bah,” He exhaled loudly before doing as told and letting Sasaki go.

“Before I hug you,” Sasaki glanced at the object in Midorima’s hand. “Why do you have scissors?”

“It’s my lucky item for today,” He answered, so hesitantly giving him a hug while avoiding the sharp pair of scissors, Sasaki quickly stepped away and smiled until he was suddenly engulfed and no longer on the ground.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Aomine demanded as Murasakibara hugged Sasaki.

“He’s offering hugs, and I’m his friend so why not?” The purple giant challenged.

“Furihata, you good man? You look kinda pale, maybe even a bit blue,” Sasaki peered at him as said person gawked at the entirety of the generation of miracles. Well, almost entirety. Suddenly, Kise’s phone beeped.

“Your phone’s annoying, Kise. Is it Akashi?”

“It’s..” His eyes widened before a disgusted look appeared on his face. “A text from a fangirl.”

“Go to her then and leave Aya to me!”

“Not on your life!”

“Damn, you really know how to get to people,” Murasakibara hummed and Sasaki shrugged.

“I’m not even doing anything.”

“Whatever,” He let the azurette go, then attempted to open his bag of chips. It didn’t work. “Mido-chin, let me borrow those scissors.”

“Haaaa,” The greenette sighed, turning his head away. “No.”

“Whaaat?” He deadpanned before glancing at Kuroko. “Kuro-chin, do you still have the pair you used to stab Sauce-chin with in the heart?”

“HUH?!” Everyone turned to face the giant as he pursed his lips.

"Was it a knife? Wait, no,” He suddenly looked ready to murder. “It was your words.”

“T-that’s enough out of you!” Sasaki covered Murasakibara’s mouth frantically. “I’ll open your chips for you.”

“You sure? I’m pretty sure I’m stronger than you.”

“Yep, just trust me,” He grinned, easily tearing open the bag and handing it back to the purple giant, who started munching happily.

“Oh come on,” Kise exhaled angrily. “Why’s the guy who summoned us here the last to arrive?”

“There’s no need to be upset,” Midorima pushed up his glasses. “That’s how he is,” This statement drew a sigh out of Aomine and a hum from Sasaki.

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