ninety six - the call

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(Last chapter today, we just won our first game so we'll get a home match next Tuesday for the start of playoffs so that's super exciting. Uhhh sorry I'm ranting and you guys probs don't care, so ignore me and enjoy the chapter!)

“We won!” Furihata exclaimed as everyone gathered in one of the hallways.

“I can’t believe it!” Koganei held his fists in the air. “We made it to the finals!”

“What’s wrong, Kuroko?” Tsuchida questioned, noticing the phantom staring at his hand.

“I was so focused on passing,” He muttered, “I hadn’t made a shot yet since Sasaki-kun came in..”

“Well, that’s probably because we needed you in that aspect more than in the scoring part,” Sasaki slung an arm around him, causing the smaller male to frown.

“Get off of me please, I dislike you touching me.”

“Oh, my bad,” Sasaki immediately withdrew himself, holding his hands up in surrender. Furihata, Kawahara and Fukuda all squinted at the two.

“Wait, aren’t you guys dating?” Furihata questioned, confused by their actions.

“Nope, we broke up,” The azurette smiled lightly, though it was anything but a light topic. All three jaws dropped.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!”

“No, no, it’s okay,” Sasaki assured them.

“Jeez. Don’t celebrate too hard,” Hyuuga reprimanded, his hands on his hips.  “The war’s not over yet.” He looked like he was really trying hard not to smile but he was failing miserably as he made a really creepy hehe sound.

“Captain, your face is melting!” Kagami gaped. “It’s gross!”

Luckily, Riko put a stop to it a second later by smacking him with her fan. “Pull yourselves together! One more game to the top,” She pulled back as she gazed at the team in front of her. “We’re playing for Kaijo and every team we’ve beaten.”

It was silent for a moment as everyone let the weight of that fact sink in. “Okay, let’s go home!”

“Hey, Sasaki,” Kagami suddenly pulled him aside. “Where’s my ring?”

“I’m not proposing to you.”

“That’s not what I meant!” The redhead’s face matched his hair as he flushed. “My necklace with my—“

“Yeah yeah, I was just teasing,” He waved him off, setting down his bag to grab it out of the pocket Akashi had told him he put it in. Only, it wasn’t there. “Fffffffff….udge.”

“I TRUSTED YOU!” Kagami fisted the azurette’s collar, glaring daggers at him.

“Calm down, my bag fell over during the game so it’s probably on the ground on the court, we can go look for it, okay?” Sasaki suggested calmly, his voice low as to not attract more attention than the redhead currently holding him hostage.

“Tch,” He growled, releasing his shirt only to grab his hand and drag him with him as he called out behind him: “We’re going to find my ring!”

“Wait, Kagami!” Hyuuga yelled after them, surprise written on everyone’s faces. Kuroko’s face went dark the second he saw their fingers interlaced.

The two soon arrived in the gym, splitting up to look for Kagami’s necklace. “It’s not here!” Sasaki could hear him complain from all the way across the gym. “Where is it?!” Suddenly, the azurette felt eyes on him, causing him to glance at where the feeling was coming from. Low and behold, Midorima was handing over the necklace to Kagami. “Yeah, that’s it! Where’d you—” the redhead broke off as he saw who was in front of him. “Midorima?”

“Shintaro!” Sasaki jogged over, beaming. “Hey, you doing okay?”

“Yes, I’m just fine,” He answered, pulling the azurette in with his free hand and pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Good job today.”

“Thanks!” Sasaki grinned up at him as the redhead put the necklace back around his neck before standing up. “Did you come to give Kagami’s necklace back?”

“Partially,” The greenette admitted, keeping his arm around Sasaki as he spoke. “I also came with a warning.”

“OooooO explain please.”

“You beat Kise,” He stated.

“Well, yeah,” Kagami sweatdropped. This drew a quick nostril exhale from Midorima, a slight smirk on his face. That pissed Kagami off instantly. “What?!”

“I didn’t think you’d reach Akashi,” Midorima decided to continue, his expression reverting to it’s usual blankness. “You’ve done well.”

“Why’re you acting so high and mighty, huh?! What are you even here for?”

“I was in a pensive mood,” He replied.

“What? Aren’t you playing for third tomorrow?” Kagami seemed confused.

“As if Shintaro would lose if Kise’s out, and we all know he will be,” Sasaki butted in, still in the greenette’s arms. Kagami deadpanned at him.

“In any case, I’ll watch your game when it’s over,” Midorima stepped forward, releasing Sasaki from his grasp.

“Ha! Are you rooting for Akashi?” Kagami teased.

“Of course not, idiot.”

“Huh?!” Immediate irritation appeared on the redhead’s face.

“I don’t intend to or need to,” He said, glancing back at them with his next words. “Akashi is strong.”

“I’ve played him, and I’ve seen you play him, of course I know that,” Sasaki deadpanned, causing the greenette to flinch as if he hadn’t expected that answer.

“We know that,” Kagami shoved Sasaki playfully. “Still gonna try our best to whoop his ass though.”

“Shin-chan, say bye to your boyfriend, it’s time to go!” Takao called suddenly, pulling the three out of their conversation and pointing their attention to the hawk eye wielder.

“Let me tell you one more thing,” Midorima paused as he walked between the two Seirin players. “There are two Akashi Seijuros.”

“…I think my brain just short circuited.”

“What are you talking about?! What does that even mean?!”

“Ask Kuroko,” Were Midorima’s parting words. “Or Akashi himself, for that matter. Later, do your best.”

“You already know I’m on it,” Sasaki was already on his phone, dialing Akashi. He picked up on the second ring.

“Well, this is a rare occurrence. To what do I owe the pleasure, Hayate?” The Rakuzan captain asked, moving a shoji piece as he played against one of his teammates.

“Shintaro just said there are two Akashi Seijuros and I’d like for you to elaborate, unless you’re cool with having me hear second hand from Kuroko that is.”

“Oh,” Akashi entire body froze, his eyes hard. “I would rather that you hear it from me, but whatever your decision, I’ll abide by it.”

“Then, are you at my house?”

“Not at the moment, but I can be within the hour.”

“Great! I’ll see you there. Do you mind if I bring my team or—”

“Just you.”

“Oh, uh, okay,” The azurette blinked rapidly for a few seconds. “Love you, Seiji.”

“I love you too, Hayate. See you soon,” And with that, the call was cut.

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