ninety two - the pass

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(Comment goal is 51. There is only a possibility of two updates today, but since I gave you all a surprise midweek update, I'd better not see any complaining 👀🧐)

Seirin came out to watch the last bit of the game, with over eight minutes left on the clock. All eyes widened at the score. “They were tied at half time,” Hyuuga gawked. At half time, the scores had indeed been tied at 39 points each. It had turned into 63 Rakuzan to 49 Shutoku.

Now that’s a big lead, Sasaki grimaced. Looks like I was right, and I didn’t even mean to give Seijii all my luck!

Soon enough, the scores turned so it was 71 Rakuzan to 51 Shutoku. “A twenty point difference..” Riko sounded like she didn’t believe it.

“This is the true strength of Rakuzan and Akashi,” Hyuuga muttered, everyone practically shell shocked.  Suddenly, Kuroko spoke up.

“The game isn’t over yet,” He said, his gaze focused on Midorima. Sasaki’s eyes were also drawn to him, a proud smile on his face. That’s the person I fell for, he mused to himself. “Because Midorima-kun and his team haven’t given up.”

“GO SHINTARO!!!” Sasaki cupped his mouth as he shouted.

“They haven’t given up?” Tsuchida questioned, and the phantom confirmed.

“No. He’s trying to do something.”

“They only have ten seconds before they receive a violation,” Koganei noted, watching the seconds tick down as Takao weaved the ball around himself. “Do they not know how to attack?”

“Of course they know how to attack, how do you think they tied with us—”

“Not in general! I mean, right now! Like, they don’t know what to do,” The cat faced male supplied, and Sasaki ‘Oh’d.

“I’m sure that’s partially true, but what they’re about to attempt is probably pretty risky. Have you taken a look, Sasaki?” Kiyoshi glanced at the azurette briefly, but he shook his head.

“Nope, I tend to not read minds unless I need to or have a use for it,” He shrugged. “Now is not one of those times.”

“Ah, I see,” The center nodded. “Considering the remaining time and point gap, a single mistake could be fatal. Hesitation and uncertainty lead to mistakes. In other words, they’ll make their move when they’re ready.”

“Here it comes,” Sasaki’s eyes sparkled, causing a few people to scrunch their eyebrows at him.

“I thought you said—”

“Their body language says it all,” He replied before they could finish accusing him of reading Shutoku’s minds. Midorima had just entered his shooting motion without the ball, and immediately Sasaki was looking forward to what would happen. He could guess, since he and Takao were similar, as to what they had planned.

Sure enough, it was exactly as he predicted. The ball was delivered perfectly into the greenette’s hands, and then he shot. Obviously, the dude made it.

“He caught the ball mid-air and shot a three pointer?”

“Is that even possible?”

“Midorima’s amazing for making that shot, but that’s not all,” Izuki’s eyes were wide, focused on Takao. As they should be, Sasaki hummed. “Passing the ball right into Midorima’s hands takes unbelievable accuracy.”



“Owwwwwww!” He complained after the captain had hit him in the back of the head. The pass happened again on a fast break, and even as Sasaki’s head was hurting, he was smiling. That’s so friggin cool.

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