ninety nine - championships

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(Possibility of four updates today. Comment goal for this chapter is 51, as always. No gibberish! Now then, enjoy the update!!)

"Captain, is something wrong?" Kawahara asked when he noticed Hyuuga wasn't warming up, instead favoring to look at their opponents.

"Look. This isn't good," Hyuuga's tone was grave as Kawahara, Izuki and Sasaki turned to look at where his gaze was directed.

"They're just passing into layups.." Kawahara soon realized why the captain was worried when he realized that the Rakuzan players had yet to miss a layup or go off beat.

"They follow precisely the same rhythm and never miss," Seirin's captain observed. "The layup is the most accurate basic shot, but no matter how good they are, I've never seen anyone make 100% of their shots."

"Midorima's quaking."

"You shut it, daho," Hyuuga grunted before continuing. "They're more than got the basics down. They've absorbed them on a frighteningly deep level through repetition. A layup's never sent chills up my spine before..." He trailed off, chuckling slightly.

Suddenly, one of the Rakuzan players belted out the loudest and longest burp Sasaki had ever witnessed. "Oh god, that was beautiful."

"That was too long!" Mibuchi yelled. "Was that your longest one yet?!"

"Yeah!" The burper patted his stomach, obviously proud of himself. "I filled my stomach to capacity today. I'm facing Kiyoshi, right?" He got a mean look on his face. "We go way back. I can feel strength welling up inside me~"

"What about you, Leo?" A blonde asked, a canine tooth peaking out from between his lips.

"Hyuuga Junpei," Mibuchi replied after sighing. "Country boys aren't my type, but I'll take good care of him."

"Good luck buddy," Sasaki patted Hyuuga on the shoulder, already feeling sorry for him.

"Get your hands off me!" He slapped the other male's limb away from him. "Giving me the shivers! What is up with you today?"

"Wha-" Sasaki went to protest, but the captain was already getting back at warming up, so the azurette just sighed.

"Anyway, I'm worried about you," Mibuchi stated, gazing at the blonde. "You're on Kagami, aren't you?"

"Yeah, he's tough!" The male grinned. "But it'll work out! Ne, Mayuzumi-san?"

"You never take anything seriously," Mibuchi grumbled when Mayuzumi didn't reply, only giving a dead-like look in return. "Do you understand our situation?"

"Sure do!" He attempted to balance a ball on his head, failing in the first few seconds. "We just have to crush Seirin, right?"

"Just my butt," Sasaki pursed his lips, deciding to ignore the rest and get back to warming up rather than listening in like a gossip girl or whatever the Americans called it these days. Just as Kuroko and Akashi were speaking, Sasaki received a pass and went for a windmill, slamming it into the basket so hard that the structure groaned.

Looks like you have PTSD now, huh? Sasaki snickered at Kagami as the redhead flinched from the groaning sound, probably flashing back to the time he was under the hoop was almost crushed because Murasakibara broke it.

"Shut up! No I don't!" He denied.

A few moments later, the two teams were asked to leave the court so that the Kaijo-Shutoku game could continue. It ended up at 96 Shutoku to 54 Kaijo, and thus it was time for the main event of the night: the championships of the Winter Cup, decided by the two teams Seirin and Rakuzan.

"It's over! Shutoku places third in the Winter Cup!" The crowd cheered, the two teams clearing off the court to allow the main event teams to get settled. The other three first years gave Kuroko a new sweatband, so that was kinda cute in Sasaki's opinion.

"It's time," Hyuuga spoke up as everyone got in a huddle, "Let's go! Let's win! Seirin, fight!"


"Before the game begins, allow us to introduce the teams. In the black uniforms, Seirin High. Their faculty advisor is Takeda Kenji. Their coach is Aida Riko."

"Their coach is a high school girl? Amazing!"

"Is that for real?"

"Next is their starting lineup. Number 14, Sasaki Hayate."

"Alright~" The azurette had a sparkling grin on his face as he stepped onto the court.

"Number 11, Kuroko Tetsuya."

"There he is! The Phantom Sixth Man!"

"He's starting again today!"

"Number 10," The announcer continued. "Kagami Taiga."

"All right!" He flexed his arm.

"Number 7, Kiyoshi Teppei."

"Number 4, Captain Hyuuga Junpei," The announcer finished listing the starters for Seirin.

"Yeah!" Hyuuga yelled, obviously fired up.

"In white uniforms, Rakuzan High. Their coach is Shirogane Eiji. Next is their starting lineup: Number 8, Nebuya Eikichi."

"Yeah!" He thundered, his muscles pulsing with veins.

"Number 7, Hanamiya Kotaro. Number 6, Mibuchi Leo. Number 5, Mayuzumi Chihiro."

"Their only third year..." Kawahara gulped.

"He seemed pretty strong during warm ups," Fukuda agreed.

"But he's got a unique aura.." Furihata murmured, not taking his eyes off the dude.

"Number 4, Captain Akashi Seijuro."

"The Winter Cup final between Seirin High and Rakuzan High will now begin."

"Bow!" The referee called, so the two teams did so.

"Let's have a good game!" The two teams soon intermixed as they got ready for the tip off.

"Senpai, could you let me get the jump ball?" Kagami requested of Kiyoshi, who didn't miss a beat.

"What's gotten into you?" The center questioned. "You certainly jump higher than me, but your timing.."

"Please," The redhead looked ready to go, like he wasn't overestimating himself and he wasn't underestimating himself either. The look in his eyes made Sasaki snicker. Already?

Let 'im, He told Kiyoshi, who glanced at him for a moment before turning back to Kagami and giving his approval.

"Fine, I'm counting on you," Thus, Kagami stepped into the center circle of the court, fronted by Nebuya as the ref stood to the side with the ball in hand. Soon, the whistle was blown as the ball was thrown into the air, the two players jumping for it.

The redhead got to it first, directing it over to Sasaki who easily grasped hold of it, almost sent it to Kuroko but decided against it when he saw his thought process included sending Hyuuga an Ignite Kai pass.

Instead, he spun around Mibuchi, who had taken it upon himself to block Sasaki's pass path, and passed directly to Hyuuga who managed a layup.

"Cool down a bit, Kuroko," Sasaki suggested as they jogged back. "You're overexcited. I get we're playing Akashi, but still-"

"Don't tell me what to do."

"You and I both know Kagami and I are the only ones who can catch Kai, don't do something stupid like that when we're in a situation like this," He warned again, but didn't say anything further as the phantom gave him a dirty look.

No slip ups. Right now, it's all or nothing.

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