four - goals

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"Oi, Riko-san," Sasaki greeted as the two walked towards each other in the hallway. "I was looking for you, it's about the-"

"You want the official member application form, right?" She smirked as she held up a piece of paper. "Fill it out and give it to me on Monday on the roof at 8:45am," She instructed, looking very pleased with herself as she handed it over.

Scanning the paper in his hands, Sasaki nodded. "Sounds good. Oh, and by the way, I won't be able to come to practice today," He grinned cheekily, "Since I'm still a prospective member, it should be okay, right?"

"I'm gonna slap you."

"Hehehehe gotta catch me first!" Sasaki bolted in the other direction, making Riko sigh and shake her head, not bothering to go after him.

Meanwhile, the spirited white haired male managed to get to his classroom safely, slumping into his seat and breathing out a breath of relief.

"What was that about?" The homeroom teacher asked, glancing up at him from his book. Sasaki waved it off.

"Nothing, just had to get to base before my friend caught and tortured me."

"Don't bring that friend in here or I'll be the one torturing you."

"Haha, understood," Sasaki chuckled sheepishly. The rest of the day went on as usual until it was the end of the school day. Instead of heading for the gym like he had been, Sasaki jogged off school grounds and made his way to the streetball court where his friends had contacted him to meet up for a game.

"Hey! Just get outta school?" They greeted him when they heard the fence open. The white haired boy nodded.

"Yeah, but I rushed over so I'm plenty warm," He assured them as he dumped his bag down and took off his tie and jacket. "What do you guys need me as today?"

"Point guard, apparently he's having girlfriend troubles and is trying to appease her or something," They all shook their heads, what happened to bros before hoes?

"Well, let's go out and have some fun, yeah?" Sasaki grinned, grabbing the ball and glancing at each of them.

"We gotta wait for the other team, dumbass."


Monday morning soon came, and Sasaki and the other first years stood on top of the roof facing Riko, who was smirking. "I've been waiting for you," She said, her voice tone sounding weird enough to make all of the first years sweatdrop.

Kagami ran a hand through his hair. "I forgot all about it, but Monday.. THE MORNING ASSEMBLY IS IN FIVE MINUTES!"

"Good to know," Sasaki snickered, shaking his head as Kagami took out his paper.

"Hurry up and take it," He said, only for Riko to speak up.

"Before that, I have something to tell you," She said, making them pause. "I made a promise when the captain asked me to be his coach last year. I promised to focus solely on pushing the team towards the national championship. If you don't think you're ready for that, there are other clubs better suited to you," Riko told them.

Sasaki could see where she was coming from, that competitive spirit definitely ran in the family. Kagami huffed, "Huh? Of course I'm-"

"I know you're strong," Riko interrupted, "but I need to know you have something even more important. No matter how hard you practice, 'someday' and 'maybe' aren't good enough," She elaborated, still smirking. "I need to know you have ambitious goals and the will to accomplish them," Gesturing out over the railing, Riko continued, "Give me your year, class and name. Announce your goals here and now."

"Freaking nuts, that's cool," Sasaki's eyes lit up.

"If you fail to achieve them, you'll come back up here, strip naked and confess your feelings to the girl you love," It was not his imagination, Riko's smirk had definitely gotten more devious.

"Now that's freaking nuts," Sasaki shook his head as the other first years besides Kuroko and Kagami freaked out.

"All the second years did it last year," She informed them, making Furihata go slack jawed.

"Huh? No one told me about this."

"I heard about it when they recruited me," Fukuda grimaced.

"But I didn't think they'd actually.." Kawahara trailed off.

"Like I said before, I'm looking for something concrete and reasonably ambitious. You'll have to do better than play my first game or do my best."


"This'll be easy, this isn't even a test," Kagami smirked, jumping up on the railing beside Sasaki. The white haired male whistled quietly. "CLASS 1-B NUMBER FIVE, KAGAMI TAIGA! I WILL DEFEAT THE GENERATION OF MIRACLES AND BECOME THE BEST PLAYER IN JAPAN!"

"Freaking nuts, this guy just put a huge target on his back," Sasaki muttered to Riko, who shrugged.

"It's ambitious, and with his skill and drive I believe he can do it," She waved off his concern, instead just looking impressed as Kagami returned to the ground. Soon enough, the other first years went, but right before Kuroko could go, the principal barged onto the roof and scolded everyone.

From then on, all of them were banned from the roof. "Freaking nuts, man! That was my favorite eating spooooot!" Sasaki complained as he walked back down with Kagami and Kuroko.

"Looks like you'll have to find somewhere else to chow down," Kagami replied, not really caring. That just made the white haired male pout more.

"Thanks captain obvious."

"Not a problem sergeant sarcasm."

"Nice one comrade comeback."

"Glad you approve senpai smartass."

"Of course dictator dickhead."

"You know what-"

"No more," Riko interrupted them, dead panning. "Go to class, and I'll see you after school!"

"Uh, yes ma'am," The two agreed, shared a bit of a glare until Riko shoved them away from each other and Kuroko dragged Kagami away while Sasaki went on his own with Riko staring a hole into his back to make sure he got there.

"This is gonna be a weird year," She sighed, shaking her head and making her way to her own classroom.

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