thirty four - meal and new teammate

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Sasaki could not cook and he knew he could not cook, so he ordered in after asking what Midorima and Aomine wanted. At about half past seven, the two arrived. "Come on in!" Sasaki beamed as he opened his front door. Immediately, Midorima frowned, noticing the crutches and the brace.

"Are you alright, Hayate?" Midorima asked as he stepped inside, taking off his shoes as Aomine did the same after pecking Sasaki's forehead. "Is this why you didn't play in the games?"

"Yeah, I sprained my ankle," He explained sheepishly. "Not to worry! Only a little over a week and a half left until I'm good to go!"

"I'm glad, but don't rush. That could make it worse," Midorima advised, frowning. "Libras were at the bottom on the day of your second game, I wanted to warn you but I didn't have your number."

"Well now you do!" Sasaki said, sweatdropping. "Come on, let's go eat! I starved waiting for you guys!" He complained, leading them further into the house. They arrived at the dining table and Sasaki plopped down at the head of the table, the other two following suit on either side of him.

"Thanks for the food!" Sasaki clapped his hands together before he began eating, being mindful of his manners since he knew Midorima had a problem with mannerless eating.

"Thanks for the meal," The other two quickly dug in as well.

"Thank you for allowing us to come over, Hayate," Midorima said, dabbing his mouth.

"No problem," He smiled in reply, "I mean, we are dating now so it's only natural for us to hang out. How about next time, I come check out your house, Shinaro?" Sasaki suggested, and Midorima's eyes sparkled as he cleared his throat.

"I suppose that would be acceptable," He agreed. Aomine frowned at him.

"I'll take him if you don't wanna."

"I never said I wouldn't," Midorima shot him a glare, making the other male smirk viciously.

"Guys," Sasaki held his hands out to them, and they placed their own hands in his. Giving them both a knuckle kiss, he smiled at him sweetly. "Don't fight at the table. You can fight later when we go cuddle."

"Very well," Midorima said as Sasaki released their hands.

"Whatever," Aomine tutted, leaning back in his chair as he stared at Sasaki, who had gone back to eating. "Aya."

"Hm?" Sasaki paused in his attempt to consume what was in between his chopsticks in order to turn his attention to Aomine.

"I love you."

"If you say so," He shrugged, going back to consuming his food. Soon after, the three finished their meals without further incident. They then headed over to the living room to gaze at a screen and cuddle.

"I'm glad I thought of this beforehand," Sasaki grinned, proud of himself as he laid across the two with his head in Midorima's lap. He hummed as the greenette petted him, then slapped Aomine's hand as it tried to go somewhere it shouldn't.

The movie was an action one because Sasaki did not want to encourage Aomine to do something in a romantic atmosphere.

Nothing else happened, the three just enjoyed the movie and then it was over and time for them to go home. "Daiki go home, I'm fine!" Sasaki argued as he and the two stood at the door.

"No, someone needs to be here to make sure nothing happens!"

"This is a safe neighborhood! Nothing is going to happen!"

"What if another spider shows up?"

"I'll leave it be!"

"What if it's poisonous?"

"You mean venomous?"

"There's a difference?"

"Yes," Sasaki was extremely exasperated at that point.

"While I respect your wish for privacy," Midorima stepped in, "It would put my mind at ease if someone were to watch over you. But I don't trust Aomine to be that person."

"Huh, so you want us both to watch over him?" Aomine snarled, repulsed by the idea.

"How about this, Shintaro, are you okay with sleeping over? I can have my driver send you home tomorrow," Sasaki suggested. "Then Daiki can go home and-"

"Why would I want to go home when you're with another guy?" Aomine asked, cupping Sasaki's cheeks. The person in question deadpanned.

"So is the only solution both of you staying?"


"Fine," Sasaki sighed, giving up. Suddenly, his foot was no longer on the ground. "I'm not even going to protest," He chuckled to himself as he allowed himself to be carried to his room by Midorima, Aomine grumpily following.

After texting his driver and requesting another from his mother, Sasaki allowed himself to be moved between the two. "Thanks you two."

"For what?" Midorima and Aomine raised an eyebrow. Sasaki just smiled, pecking their cheeks.

"For existing."


"This morning was rough," Sasaki looked dead as he went with Kuroko to the gym. It was day the redhead was supposed to be back to being allowed on the court.

"What happened?"

"You don't wanna know."

"Then why did you bring it up?"

"Because I wanted to complain about Aomine and Midorima," The white haired boy replied, and immediately Kuroko's face hardened.

"Did they not leave last night?"

"Yeah, they insisted on staying over to watch over me and keep the other guy in check or something," Sasaki sighed as they finally arrived at the gym. "We can finish talking later," Slinking over to the wall, he put his crutches against it and slid down into a sitting position.

After a few minutes of waiting, Kagami showed up. "Hey," He greeted.

"There he is!"

"We were worried about you."

"Teme Kagami," Hyuuga growled at him. "You really didn't show up after that."

"Sorry," The redhead immediately bowed, causing the captain to sweatdrop.

"I-if you're going to apologize, just come in the first place!"

"Hey," A new voice Sasaki didn't recognize greeted as a new person stepped into the gym. He was tall, built and- was wearing the Seirin uniform?? "Let's practice!"

".. Good to see you, Kiyoshi," Koganei said hesitantly, everyone trying to figure out why he was wearing his uniform.


"Don't give me that!" Hyuuga squinted at the new person as he grabbed his shirt. "Why are you wearing your uniform?!"

"I got excited about coming to practice again!" Kiyoshi answered before Hyuuga started shaking him.

"Are you serious? Are you?"


"Are you?"

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