eighty six - strategy

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(Before we start the chapter, I want to say something. I put 200 comments as the goal last chapter because I didn't think anyone would be willing to take the time to actually write all those comments. Clearly, I was wrong. Hence this chapter being uploaded. So, to those who vigorously commented in those forty five minutes before I threatened to go to bed, your effort has payed off. Enjoy the chapter, you've earned it.)

The first point started off with a powerful block from Murasakibara, the rest having done him much good in restoring and increasing his bravado. After another Thor's Hammer, the score was no longer tied.

Sasaki could tell from what Kiyoshi was thinking that he was slowly but surely getting down on himself. The last straw was, as he went for a rebound, Murasakibara reached over him and used the Vice Claw on the ball. "Is this how you do it?"

"Dang," Sasaki pursed his lips.

"Murasakibara used the Vice Claw?!" Kagami's jaw practically dropped.

"No way!" Hyuuga eyes were wide as the giant landed, ball in one hand. Dribbling to the other side, Murasakibara easily got past the defenders.

"You can't be serious!" Kagami held his ground.

"No you don't!" Kiyoshi roared. However, it mattered not. Shoving the ball into the hoop, it was as if the two were just mosquitos from how they were blown away by the force.



"Damn it!" The redhead cursed before realizing that the point guard wasn't getting up. "Kiyoshi-senpai!"

"Teppei!" Riko wailed from the sidelines. Slowly, Kiyoshi pushed himself off the ground.

"It's not.." He breathed. "It's not over yet.." Sasaki watched as Murasakibara offered him a hand up, to which the point guard accepted. "Thanks," He said, and was pulled up. However, it wasn't a normal helping hand, it seemed, as the purple giant held on longer than he needed to.

"This is reality. Unable to do anything, you ran out of strength. If you're benched, you will die completely inside. No matter how you struggle, Seirin will lose. How do you feel?" Murasakibara taunted. "You weren't able to protect anything again, but did you have fun playing basketball?"

"That's low, Atsushi," Sasaki put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, let the poor man go before his arm goes numb."

"Fiiiine," He drawled, opening his hand and allowing Kiyoshi's arm to fall from it's grasp.

"Seirin, member change!" The announcement was made, and Sasaki nodded approvingly.

"Seems like I'll be in your care, Murasakibara," He gave him a bow. "Please don't talk me down like you just did, I'm very susceptible to mental breakdowns."

"Never thought of it."

"Murasakibara, you bastard!" Kagami growled.

"Huh? What are you so mad about?" The giant raised a purple eyebrow.

"Hey, Sasaki, orders from coach," Izuki jogged up to him, holding out his fist. "I'm point for both offense and defense, and she says for you to stay as center and do the best you can."

"That's so like her," Sasaki did not seem happy to hear that as he spoke, sighing as he returned the fist bump. "Give me the ball anytime, I'll leave their number five to you."

"You can count on me," Izuki nodded. Mitobe was switched out as well, allowing Kuroko into the game. Sasaki walked away from Murasakibara-the center of the drama about to unfold-and headed over to Himuro.

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