ninety three - murasakibara

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“What?!” The team shouted, causing the azurette to flinch.

“Why didn’t you say so sooner?!” Riko demanded, stepping forward with her fan in hand.

“Because I’m a point guard and it wasn’t necessary!” Sasaki defended himself. Seemingly convinced, Riko huffed and put her hands on her hips.


“It’s quiet,” Koganei turned everyone’s attention back to the court. “Shutoku’s more cautious than they’ve ever been.”

“Of course they are,” Hyuuga muttered. “They can’t afford to make mistakes now.”

“Akashi just stopped the momentum they gained from their consecutive threes, and with what Sasaki’s explanation, this is going to get a whole lot harder,” Kiyoshi observed. “If they fail, they won’t have time to make up for it. This moment will decide Shutoku’s fate.”

Takao attempted to get around Mibuchi, but was surprised with a double team of Mibuchi and Mayuzumi. “They’re double-teaming Takao this time!”

“Limiting his options,” Sasaki watched, his eyes narrowed and focused on the scene in front of them.

“Such incredible pressure!” Koganei breathed, “It’s impossible for him to pass accurately into Midorima’s hands now.”

“If he’s the shadow to Midorima’s light,” The azurette said, “He’s trained for this, knowing that he’d be put in a situation like this. There’s no way that it’s impossible. If anything, it makes it’ll show just how much he’s put into this when he makes that pass we all know he’ll attempt.”

“How do you know for sure?” Kagami asked, causing him to chuckle.

“Wanting to be considered worthy, and working for that acknowledgement, there’s nothing you won’t do. I know from experience.”

“Huh?” Everyone looked at him, startled to hear that, when suddenly, the ball being caught made their attention shift back to the court.

“Just as I thought,” Sasaki sighed, smiling bitterly. Akashi had caught the ball, driving all the way to the other side of the court and doing a layup. With that, Rakuzan returned in full force, ending the game in the lead.

“The game is over! With a score of 86 to 70, Rakuzan High wins!” The referee announced after the buzzer.

“Alright Sasaki-kun, it’s time for you to go to the training room,” Riko turned to him, so with a nod, the azurette moved away from his team and made his way to the room he’d been told to go to. When he arrived, it was empty, so he selected a bed and plopped down on his stomach, groaning into the pillow.

“Hey,” A voice rang out through the otherwise silent room, causing Sasaki to move his head so he could see who it was.

“Hey back,” He replied, his eyes drooping now that he’d confirmed it was Murasakibara and not some other weirdo.

“What’re you doin in here, Sauce-chin?” The purple giant took a seat beside the bed, gazing at Sasaki boredly.

“I hurt my tailbone so I can’t play right now,” The azurette lied simply, drawing a hum from the other presence.

“Want some snacks?”

“Who doesn’t want snacks, buddy.”

“Ha, mood,” He smiled, standing up. “Can I have your card?”

“If it’s all for me, yeah.”

“Haya-chinnnn,” He frowned at him for a second before sighing. “Fiiiine.”

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