seventy eight - reality check

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So this is how it feels, Aomine thought as he stood on the court, faced with Sasaki. This is how it feels to be faced with someone you know you could never even dream of besting..

This fucking sucks, he clenched his jaw. I've never felt so helpless. There are only two minutes left in the fourth quarter, and we're down by thirty two points.

Is he enjoying this? He can hear my thoughts, so there's no way he doesn't know what I'm thinking. Aomine glared at Sasaki, drawing a confused look from the azurette.


"You should know what," The Touou ace growled, almost pouting as he turned his gaze away and confused Sasaki even more. It took him a second to understand what the other was thinking.

"Oh," He chuckled, a sad smile on his face. "Daiki, look at me."

"What?" He whipped towards him angrily. The look on Sasaki's face made him feel worse. "Don't look at me like that!"

"Daiki," He mumbled, closing the distance between them. "I can't hear your thougths right now."

"Huh?" Aomine's eyes widened, their gazes connecting as Sasaki nodded. "What do you mean?"

"The zone is an ultimate space," Sasaki began, "But it's also extremely restrictive. When I enter the zone, I can no longer use my ability. So, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to tell me what you're thinking, just like you would anyone else."

"Fuck," Aomine ran a hand through his hair. "No, I've just been blaming you and thinking that you were enjoying tormenting me.."

"Tormenting you?" Sasaki raised an eyebrow before looking down at the ground. "You needed a reality check. I'm sorry that I just happened to be the one to give it to you."

"No, don't be sorry," Aomine shook his head, chuckling. "It's fine, I did need one. But," He set himself in front of the azurette, his eyes blazing as his lips formed a grin. "We aren't done yet, so let's finish with everything we've got, Aya!"

"...Yes," Sasaki was glad that Aomine had seemed to have gotten over his little funk. The rest of the game flew by, and just as he wanted, the two went all out until the buzzer sounded.

It was Seirin's victory: 151 Seirin to 106 Touou.

"Time's up!" The referee announced. With that, the Seirin team went up in cheers, Kagami, Izuki and Kiyoshi tackling Sasaki in a hug.

Aomine stood to the side, watching with a slight smile. This fucking sucks, he sighed, but for some reason, since it's Aya... I just can't hate it.

"Don't you cry on me, now," Sasaki was suddenly beside him, smirking teasingly.

"In your dreams!" The Touou ace retorted. Then, he turned towards him fully and extended his hand. "Good game, Hayate. I had fun."

"I'm glad," Sasaki beamed, gripping his hand in return. "I did too! Let's play again soon."

"I'll look forward to it. But first," He held his arms out. "Can I have a hug? It's the least you could do after handing my ass to me."

"Ha," The azurette laughed before walking into his lover's arms and squeezing him tight. "I'm proud of you, Daiki."

"... Fuck you," Sasaki felt Aomine bury his face in his neck. Closing his eyes, he hummed as he let the Touou ace cry silently.

~(yes I'm attempting to make you cry.. Did it work?)~

Surprisingly, Aomine didn't come over to Sasaki's house that night. He did text him goodnight, though, so it was better than nothing. Meanwhile, just because he hadn't come over didn't mean others didn't.

Riko had excused Sasaki to go home by himself since everyone else was heading to Kagami's for dinner. She knew the Zone would have a tramendous impact on the person who used it, and she wasn't about to risk one of their best player's health for a team dinner.

"You pushed yourself too hard," Midorima repremanded, Akashi tucking Sasaki into bed.

"You need rest, so just sleep for now. I'll leave some food for breakfast tomorrow since I have to leave tonight," Akashi told him, "Since you skipped dinner, make sure you eat a lot for breakfast."

"But don't force yourself either," The greenette added, the Rakuzan captain nodding along with him.

"Murasakibara thought you might need a snack, so he gave me some of the candy he really likes. I'll leave it with the rest of the food," Akashi mumbled, pressing a kiss to Sasaki's forehead. "Now sleep."

"..Got it.." Sasaki grimaced. They were so overbearing, he'd barely gotten through the door and they had already been hounding him. Not that he really minded all that much. It was nice that there were people that worried and cared about him to this extent.

It made him feel loved.

Luckily, the impact of his zone use came after he went to sleep, meaning Sasaki didn't have to endure anything other than his dreams.

The next day, Midorima was the only one left and he walked him to the station after making sure he had eaten his fill. "Take this," He held his fist out, something obviously inside it. Stretching his hand out to recieve it, Sasaki found himself in possession of a tea packet.

"Um, what's this?"

"Libra's lucky item for today," Midorima pushed up his glasses. "Libras are said to be seventh in the rankings, so its just to be safe. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Aww," Sasaki flushed slightly as he looked at the tea packet with new eyes. "Thanks, Shintaro!"

"You're welcome. Now get going, being late is also a sign of bad luck."

"Roger that," He chuckled, giving him a peck on the cheek before jogging and waving goodbye. Soon, Sasaki met up with his team, only to see that they had aquired someone.

"Guys, we gotta stop picking things up off the street. I understood with number two, but we can't just kidnap women-"

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Riko demanded.

"Yeah Sasaki, how badly do you see us to think something liek that?" Kagami frowned at him.

"It was the first thing that popped into my head," Sasaki explained with a shrug. "If that's not it, can someone explain why this female is with us?"

"She's my teacher from America," Kagami told him, causing Sasaki's eyues to brighten as his gaze went to the girl. Their eyes met, and he realized that she was staring at him with her mouth wide open.

"Uh, nice to meet you, miss teacher," Sasaki awkwardly waved. "Sasaki Hayate, point guard extraordinaire~"

"Ah!" She gasped, shaking her head rapidly for some reason before smiling. "Nice to meet you too! Sorry for staring, I'm Alexandra Garcia! I'll be here for the duration of the winter cup to watch my two babies--"

"We aren't babies, Alex!" Kagami's face flushed at her words, causing Sasaki to snicker.

"Now that everyone aquainted," Riko stepped up. "Let's head in. Shutoku has a match today, and we're gonna watch."

"Roger that! Let's watch Midorima kick butt!"

(Hello everyone! Surprise! I updated because I wanted to let everyone know that I've just published a new KNB Yandere fanfic called Family Problems! You should all check it out! It won't be as slow burn as this one has been, and will have much more yandere action. But enough about that, I hope you liked the surprise update! Sadly, this is the only update for today since it was a surprise and I don't have anymore chapters in storage.
That's all for today, thanks for reading and commenting!)

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