one o' seven - same ol'

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Riko quickly called for a time out. With just over eight minutes left on the clock, the scores were Seirin 106 to Rakuzan 99. While the lead was solid at the moment, they knew it would not last against Akashi’s current self.

“I’ll do it,” Kagami grumbled gruffly.

“Kagami!” Furihata exclaimed in surprise. “You mean you’ll do it by yourself?!”

“Kay. We’re counting on you, then,” Hyuuga glanced at him.

“What?” Fukuda gaped at him. “Don’t you think you agreed too quickly, captain?”

“It’s a valid verdict,” Izuki stopped drinking, nodding to himself. “Yeah, nice.”

“You too, Izuki-senpai?!”

“You heard them, Kiyoshi,” Koganei offered said person a chance at the box of lemons, the center taking one gratefully.


“Why is everyone agreeing?” Fukuda tried to make sense of it.

“Why are you objecting?” The Seirin captain sounded tired.


“It’s how we’ve always played. Against the Generation of Miracles, we always face this situation. Eventually we have to rely on our aces. Currently, one of them is taking a nap, so we’ll have to make due with the other one.”

“Thanks,” Kagami deadpanned.

“If we didn’t have you, we’d be screwed,” Hyuuga continued as he stood. “But we do have you. That’s good enough,” He bumped his fist against the redhead’s chest with a knowing look. The other starting players soon joined, also bumping their fists onto Kagami’s chest.

Kuroko put his fist into the redhead’s back. “Kagami-kun,” He muttered supportingly as said person glanced behind him. Then, the phantom and the others made their way onto the court as Kagami stared after them. The bench also got to fist-to-chest bump Kagami, their eyes sparkling and their faces warm.

“You know what this means, Kagami-kun,” Riko punched his left peck. “This fight will determine who wins and who loses. Win, Kagami!”


Then, for a split second, the redhead glanced at the patch of floor that Sasaki had become. I’m sorry, he thought.

Briskly walking onto the court, Kagami joined the others and stared down the imposing Rakuzan.

“Aomine, I’ve been wondering..” Imayoshi trailed off.

“Huh?” The Touou ace glanced at him.

“Earlier you said something…’He’s even deeper in the Zone.’ What did you mean?” The entire team turned to look at him, causing his face to twist in distaste. Then, he turned back to look at the court.

“It’s something of a metaphor. When you enter the Zone, you open a massive door. Inside it is water. The more you focus, the deeper you sink. If you sink far enough, you reach the bottom. That’s when you’re fully immersed in the Zone. You can perform at your true best. But there’s an even bigger door; a faceless figure stands before it like a gatekeeper.”

“What if you open that door?” Sakurai questioned as Aomine scratched the back of his head annoyedly.

“Who knows? I’ve never opened it. But I’m certain,” He leaned forward, his eyes back on the court. “Beyond that door lies a Zone greater than the Zone. If Kagami has any chance of winning, it’s by opening the second door.”

Point after point, play after play, Akashi dominated. The second that the score tipped in Rakuzan’s favor, a substitution was called. “Izuki-kun,” Riko called, standing beside Sasaki. The azurette stretched his hand out for a high five, which Izuki returned.

“Your mark is number 7,” He reminded him, so Sasaki nodded. Walking onto the court, he noticed that Kagami was having an inner monologue that seemed very self destructive.

It’s no use. I can’t play any better in my current state! I’ve entered the Zone and reached the bottom, but… I can’t open the new door I see there. I need to move the guy standing in front of it. It’ll never open if I just wait! What am I supposed to do?!


“Kagami-kun,” Sasaki and Kuroko spoke at the same time, on either side of the redhead.

“Kuroko..” He glanced at him, then slid his gaze to the other. “…Sasaki..”

“Why don’t you give up?” Kuroko smiled.

Damn, that’s one way to put it, Sasaki looked away, trying not to chortle.

“Why would you say that now, Kuroko?! And what’s funny about that Sasaki?!” Kagami’s attention darted between the two, trying to make sense of the situation as the other Seirin members also looked confused.

“I’m not telling you to give up on the game,” The phantom had a knowing look on his face. “I mean give up on fighting alone. I said I was counting on you, but it could be too heavy a responsibility. If that’s the case, let us help you carry it,” He put his fist out, and Sasaki returned the bump with a grin.

“Get it now, ya big dummy?” The azurette teased.

“I-I can handle it myself!” He tried to protest.

“Akashi’s laughing at you right now in his head.”

“I didn’t need to know that!”

“Actually, I’m also laughing at him in my head right now.”

“Ah, yeah I see that.”

“Can you two not go off into your own world right now?!” The redhead fumed.

Kagami, Sasaki spoke to him through their minds, giving him a look. Trust me. Trust us. Will you? I’ll back off if the path you wish to take is solitary.


It’s your decision. Sasaki went to turn and walk away, but Kagami caught him arm.

“I trust you,” The redhead said, almost desperately. “Lend me your strength, please Sasaki.”

“I plan to,” He smiled back at him. Taking back his arm, he turned to face him fully once again. Extending is fist, he cocked his head. “I may not be your shadow, but I will be behind you to back you up. Stop thinking about the Zone and start thinking about the game. Let’s go win.”

“Right,” Kagami returned the fist bump, feeling a weight off his shoulders.

And just so you know, Sasaki’s voice echoed in the redhead’s mind as the azurette walked away. I did hear what you said earlier. I forgive you.

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