one ten - not over

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(Good morning everyone! There is a possibility of three chapters today. Comment goal is 51 as usual! Enjoy~}

This pressure! Hyuuga gasped as he held the ball, Mibuchi barely giving him the chance to breathe. It’s no use. I can’t go for Barrier Jumpers, much less normal shots. “Sasaki-!” He tried to pass, only for Hayama to steal it with ease.

“This is bad! Run back!”

“You’re not going anywhere!” Kagami fronted the blonde forward, who tutted in his mind.

Then how about this? Lightning dribble level 5! As he started bouncing the ball, trying to get around Kagami, the redhead wasn’t letting him go where he wanted, so with a light laugh of acknowledgement, Hayama pulled away and passed to Akashi.

The captain moved the ball towards Mayuzumi in turn. What? Are you sure you want it there, Akashi? The phantom asked himself before realizing there was no use in questioning the captain. Don’t blame me if they steal the ball. If you say so, it must be alright.

Thus, Mayuzumi punched the ball up towards the basket, Nebuya ready and waiting for it. “An alley-oop with Nebuya?!”

“It’s not over yet!” Kagami shouted, jumping to try and block the center from scoring.

“Kagami!” The team called, desperate for him to stop Nebuya. However, as Sasaki stood beside Akashi, the captain said something as a smile came across his face.

“No. That’s not your place anymore, Kagami.”

“Oh damn, you realized it too?” Sasaki glanced at his lover, who looked kind of smug if Sasaki was being honest. Nebuya had just dunked over the redhead.

What should we do? This is getting bad.. Hyuuga thought, his face twisting in realization as he looked at Kagami’s hunched over form that was now kneeling on the ground, panting vigorously. And we’ve finally reached the limits of Kagami’s stamina.

I can’t breathe.. Kagami’s thoughts pushed themselves into Sasaki’s head, causing the azurette to roll his eyes.

I can see you huffing and puffing over there, no need to exaggerate big guy, the azurette thought to himself, knowing if he actually sent that to the redhead, it may make things worse for him.

My limbs feel alien and heavy. My mind is dull. I can’t properly assess the situation. This is bad, I’m nearly running on empty.

“This is bad,” Sasaki heard Koganei say. His thoughts were in line with that statement. “He’s out of the Zone. Kagami’s completely out of gas.”

We can’t win without Kagami-kun, or Sasaki-kun’s Zone, Riko thought, and the azurette almost tsked. He was so sick and tired of how patronizing everyone was, but he was really trying to hold himself back from lashing out, at least for their final game. We can’t use anymore timeouts, either. Isn’t there anything we can do?

Dammit, it’s not over yet! Hyuuga went for a barrier jumper, but Mibuchi was right on him.

You’re slowing down, the shooting guard observed. You think I’ll let you take that shot? He got, like, at least two fingers on the ball as Hyuuga shot it, so obviously it bounced off the rim instead of going in. Under the net, Nebuya and Kiyoshi were gritting it out.

It’s no use. I can’t get into position. Kiyoshi thought before his knee suddenly started bringing attention to itself. Sasaki winced just at the thought.

His knee is finally screaming, Nebuya noticed. But I’ll show no mercy; this is a battle! He quickly got the rebound before Kiyoshi could even think of trying to jump for it, then passed it to Hayama who was booking it to the other side.

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