seventy nine - snacks

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“Hey, not bad,” Alex was leaning forward in her seat as she watched the game end. “Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much from Japanese basketball. I’d better apologize for that one. They’re lacking in size and power, but their speed and strategies are impressive. Furthermore, every player is excellent, too..” Her lips quirked upwards.

“Well, they are playing in the winter cup, after all. They’d have to be to get this far,” Sasaki mused, sitting on the other side of her while Kagami was on the side Sasaki wasn’t.

“That number seven guy who just come on the court,” Alex’s eyes narrowed in on him. “Is pretty good.”

“They made it to the top four in the inter high last year,” Izuki said. “That’s Kobayashi Keisuke of Onita High.”

“At 188cm, he’s an unusually tall point guard for Japan. Not as unusual as Sasaki, but still,” Hyuuga added.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“It means you’re weird, daho!”

“Why’s everybody so mean to me?” Sasaki pouted, deflating in on himself. 

“His opponent today is..”

“My boyfriend!” Sasaki suddenly sprang up. “GOOD LUCK SHINTAROOOOOO!” As if that shout of encouragement turned the tide of fate, Shutoku won the game with a thirty eight point lead, 109 to 71. “He’s so cool,” The azurette rested his hand on his fist.

“So you were here, Sauce-chin,” A voice came from behind them, causing Sasaki and a few others to look at who it was.

“Oh, hey Murasakibara! How’s it going, man?” Sasaki stood up, holding his fist out for a greeting. Returning it with zero hesitation, the two started chatting while everyone else just seemed stunned.

“Wanna go get some snacks?” The purple giant questioned. In turn, Sasaki glanced behind him, asking Riko with his eyes if that was cool with her. She was too stunned to respond for a moment, then, waving him off, a smile lit up the azurette’s face.

“Sure! I’m not treating this time, though.”

“Oh,” Murasakibara frowned, but didn’t really seem to mind as they headed up the stairs to the main lobby area, where the vending machines were located. “Congrats on winning your first game, Sauce-chin.”

“You too,” He smiled. “Brutal though it may have been.”

“Meh,” The purple giant shrugged. “So long as we win,” Sasaki hummed in response as they arrived at the vending machines. Selecting what they wanted, they each paid and received it before heading over to the chairs and sitting down with their choices. “Imiustou..” he mumbled under his breath, Sasaki barely catching it at all.

“Pardon?” Sasaki cocked his head.

“Nevermind,” The purple giant pouted, aggressively opening his snack as the azurette chuckled at the childishness.

“Oh, and by the way,” Sasaki spoke up after a few seconds, catching his attention. “You can call me Hayate, if you want.”

“…Okay,” He muttered, his tone suggesting that he was, in fact, happy about that. Humming again, they got back to eating when suddenly Sasaki shivered.

“It’s getting colder these days,” He grumbled, pulling his jacket closer around himself. Murasakibara frowned before tapping his lap.

“Come over here, Haya-chin,” He told him, and a surprised look passed over Sasaki’s face before he decided it was better than being cold.

“Thanks, man,” He moved so that he was sitting in Murasakibara’s lap, which was actually very comfortable. Thick thighs save lives, guys. Suddenly, the male’s arms were around him and his face was buried in Sasaki’s neck. “Uhhh..” Sasaki thought to protest, but in the end decided against it.

Don’t ask him why, he didn’t know. (Plot)

“I wied wast im..” He said into his skin, and Sasaki still didn’t understand a single word of it. Just as he opened his mouth to ask, Murasakibara raised his head so that his chin was resting on Sasaki’s shoulder. “I do like you..”

“Oh?” The azurette was being surprised left and right that day, it seemed.

“Hayate,” A familiar voice sounded, causing the two to look towards the person. “Let go of him, Murasakibara,” Midorima glared eloquently at the purple haired giant, who returned the look more sinisterly.

“Don’t wanna. Why don’t you go fuck off, Mido-chin?”

“Whoa!” Sasaki shot up. “Bad word. Nope, not today Satan,” He speed walked over to Midorima, only to not be on the ground the second before he reached him.

“You can’t leave me,” Murasakibara’s breath was hot on his skin, but the aura he was giving off was bone chilling. It was comparable to Akashi’s, in Sasaki’s opinion. Luckily, Midorima was not one to back down so easily, or at all.

“Atsushi! I brought some food-“ A new person called, walking up only to break off as he saw what was happening. “Atsushi?” The three glanced at him, and the purple haired giant’s eyes were drawn to what was in the newcomer’s arms.

“Omnomnom,” He was immediately eating it back in his chair, causing Sasaki to let out a sigh of relief.

“Come on, Hayate,” Midorima outstretched his hand.

“Yeah, you should go while he’s distracted,” The person gave a sympathetic look to the two. “I’m really sorry about him.”

“No worries,” Sasaki smiled at him before grasping Midorima’s hand and allowing the greenette to guide him out of the stadium. Murasakibara watched them go through the window, his eyes murderous. This will be the last time you get away from me, Haya-chin.


(a little smut to finish up the chapter, sorry if you don’t like it)

“Wai—ah!” Sasaki’s mouth went wide as his lover rubbed their cocks together. Sasaki’s hands were above his head, pinned there as they laid on his bed.

“I know.. I won’t go all the way, since you have a game tomorrow,” Midorima whispered against his skin, kissing the spot Murasakibara had infected. “I love you, Hayate.”

“I love you too,” He responded, then drew in a sharp breath as Midorima’s hand started going faster. Their mouths soon connected, the kiss being hot, passionate, but slow. They expressed their feelings through that kiss, telling the other how much they meant to them, and how much they had missed being with them over the past few days.

Suddenly, Midorima stopped. “Come on, we should go shower,” He suggested, panting slightly. The azurette gaped at him.


“Don’t worry,” He chuckled, nuzzling his nose and gazing deep into his eyes. “We can finish in the shower. Less to clean up that way, don’t you agree, Hayate?”


(Sorry for late update, had a tri-home-game. Good news, we won! 8 wins and 3 losses so far in the season!)

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