eighty - more games

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The third day of the Winter Cup. Over the first and second days, every first-round game was completed. The fifty schools participating were reduced by nearly half, to thirty-two. All of the schools with a member of the generation of miracles had passed to the second round, excluding Touou.

The second round of games. Along with seeded schools, the remaining thirty-two schools gather on the court. On this day, in sixteen games, all the teams will clash. So, there they were, sitting on the bench as Riko started the game plan speech.

“Our opponents’ strength is a slow half court game. It’s not a good matchup for a fast-paced team like ours, so we’ll change our starting lineup and see how things go. Sasaki-kun! Izuki-kun! Teppei! Mitobe-kun! Tsuchida-kun! These five will be our starters!”


“Oi,” Hyuuga glared at Kagami and Kuroko. “Don’t look so worried right before the game.”

“I’m not worried,” Kagami rebutted.

“Then let me hear you!”


“The fifth winter cup match between Seirin high and Nakamiya South high will now begin!” The referee announced as the two teams stared each other down. “Bow!”

“Let’s have a good game!”

“Ya know,” Sasaki mused as he walked with Izuki for the tip off. “I’m surprised that chief put me in as shooting guard.”

“I was too, but I sort of get it,” Izuki said thoughtfully. “She didn’t want to chance up losing, and as much as it pains both her and Hyuuga, you’re probably the better shooter.”

“Awwww that’s so nice to hear!” The azurette playfully swooned, causing the point guard to sweatdrop. Soon enough, the game started. It went smoothly, even as Sasaki got double teamed, he still managed to get a bunch of threes.

The match ended with Seirin the victor, coming out at 108 to 82.

“We’re moving on to the quarter finals!” Izuki cheered as the team celebrated. Meanwhile, at the Yosen game, something unprecedented occurred. With a score of eighty-one to zero, they walked off the court the winners.

Sasaki was impressed, to say the least. “That was crazy,” Izuki mumbled after they finished watching the taped game.

“That was a basketball game, right?” Koganei questioned, not quite sure anymore.

“In a local tournament, that score wouldn’t be unreasonable in a game between a strong school and a weak one, but this has happened two games in a row at a national tournament.”

“It’s the complete opposite of Touou’s super aggressive style,” Kiyoshi added his thoughts. “They haven’t given up a single point two games in a row.”

“It’s not enough to call their overwhelming defense impregnable,” Riko spoke up. “This is the power of Yosen high.”

“Oh, by the way Sasaki-kun,” Kuroko turned to look at him. “Aomine finished teaching me to shoot yesterday.”

“Oh?” Sasaki’s eyebrows rose. “I’ll look forward to seeing it, then.”

GC Of Bros With No Hoes Except Naoto
No Game No Life: Good luck Sauce-man! We can’t watch since Hasegawa-san and Sassa-san wouldn’t let us take another day off to watch you.
Not A Smurf: They said if he makes it to the championship round, we can watch.
Hobo Gremlin: me too
RBF LV101: You’re so lazy
RBF LV100:

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