one o' three - limits and new plan

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(As usual, 51 comments is the goal! Enjoy the chapter~}

“This isn’t looking all that good,” Sasaki looked around, noting each and every one of the team’s expressions. They looked like they were close to giving up, especially since Fukuda had reached his limit and was subbed out for Kawahara. He gave a mental order to Kagami to guard Hayama, and that he’d take care of Mayuzumi.

“You again,” The Rakuzan phantom grumbled as he sauntered over, and Sasaki held up a peace sign.

“Yep! Couldn’t leave you unentertained for too long, I’d be a bad host if I did!” The azurette grinned, drawing an eye roll out of Mayuzumi. 

“You’re insufferable.”

“Thank you!” He beamed. Sasaki wanted to do something, but he knew it would destroy what the coach was trying to do. Not like that’s working, though, he thought to himself as his gaze went dark for a moment.

There were three options for him at that moment: go with what Riko had planned, put Kagami back in the Zone, or face off with Akashi. The third one seemed like the best idea in his opinion since it was the one they hadn’t tried yet.

But with the time as it was, it wouldn’t matter in that quarter. With only a few seconds left, Akashi left a lasting impression by alley-ooping with Mayuzumi, dunking it even though he was only 5’8ft. “Did you think it was exclusively a larger player’s skill?” Akashi inquired of Kagami, the one who looked most shocked. “I can do this anytime I feel like it.”

Sasaki’s head was clouded with his team’s thoughts, how there was no hope, how they were going to lose, how there was nothing they could do. Not to mention how far behind they were, red numbers stating 57 Rakuzan to 37 Seirin.

Sighing, Sasaki was the first to walk off the court. The ten-minute half time was spent in the locker room, silent. That is, until Sasaki spoke up in the final minutes. “I have a plan,” Sasaki muttered, drawing everyone’s attention. “Can I have the reigns?” He asked Riko, who nodded immediately.

“Yes, please do! What are you thinking?!” She asked eagerly.

“I will be on Akashi, and I’ll use my ability to stop whatever he thinks of doing. That way, we can at least catch up,” He explained. “Also, I’d like Kuroko to come back out.”

“What?” Everyone’s jaws dropped.

“Why would you—”

“Because, you moron,” He stared coldly at the phantom. “I came up with a way to get your misdirection back.”

“What?!” Everyone yelled, but one glare from Sasaki shut them up.

“All you have to do is guard Mayuzumi, the rest of us will make sure he can’t pass. That way, he’ll shoot. The more he will shoot, the more he’ll stand out. We can incorporate this when we get more caught up, though. So, until I give the okay, Izuki will be in as point so I can score us some points. Cool?”

“Yeah,” Hyuuga nodded, as did everyone else.

“Good, then let’s go,” He stood up, leading the way out of the locker room. Sasaki still felt incredibly bitter, but he still wanted to have fun rather than whatever the hell they had been doing.

“The third quarter will now begin,” The announcement came over the stadium as Rakuzan and Seirin returned to their respective benches. The Seirin players gathered around, forming another huddle.

“Let’s go, Seirin!” Hyuuga shouted. “Fight!”


“Sasaki-kun,” Kuroko called out, stopping the azurette in his tracks. Glancing back at him, Sasaki waited for him to say something. “I’m counting on you,” he said eventually, holding out his fist.

“Yeah,” He turned. “Leave it to me,” He walked onto the court without returning the fist bump. Sorry to add to your trauma, Kuroko, but I’m really not in the mood to give you a fist bump.

Seirin had the ball first, so they gunned and got the point with a well timed screen and three from Sasaki and Hyuuga, respectively. “He already made one!”

“Hyuuga’s threes!”

“Defense! Let’s stop this shot!” Hyuuga yelled, but Sasaki was already on it. While they had been putting stuff back around the bench after coming out of the locker room, he’d told everyone his plan for defense. Kagami and Hyuuga would be around the three-point line while Izuki and Kiyoshi took the inside. Sasaki himself would full court front Akashi to make sure nothing got past him.

However, that didn’t stop Mibuchi from making Hyuuga foul. (61-40)

Crap, that’s his third! Izuki tensed up, almost as if he was the one that had three fouls and not Hyuuga. Sasaki was more concerned with Hyuuga’s line of thought. However, he didn’t stop him as he protested that he hadn’t hit the Rakuzan player.

Thus, Seirin’s captain got his fourth foul, and was subbed out. “I will be the shooting guard on offense. On defense, I’ll still be on Akashi, and Mitobe will be on Mibuchi," The azurette lined out. "Clear?"

“Yeah,” The three, minus the silent dude, agreed.

“Kagami, I think it’s about time,” Sasaki muttered as he passed him. “I’ll let you know when I think it’s optimal for you to reenter the Zone.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

It was Seirin’s ball after that, so Izuki had the ball. He was being guarded by Hayama, and Mibuchi was on Sasaki. “Hello!” Sasaki greeted cheerfully.

“Hey, it’s good to see you again, but I won’t be holding back,” Mibuchi smirked, causing the azurette to mirror his expression.

“Good, can’t wait to see what you have to offer, Mibuchi-san.”

“You know,” He suddenly said, a quizzical look appearing on the azurette’s face. “You’re not my type, but I would totally date you.”

“Uhhh, how does that work?” Sasaki blinked several times, trying to process his words.

“Well, you make me think of me, but better, which is totally worth dating,” Mibuchi admitted, drawing a sheepish chuckle out of the new shooting guard.

“Awww, that’s so nice!” The two suddenly shivered as they felt eyes on them. They were Akashi’s very angry eyes.

“Oh dear,” Mibuchi sweat dropped before waving at him. “Don’t worry Sei-chan, I’m not trying to steal you boyfriend!” The captain looked him dead in the eye for a second before it looked like he huffed and looked away, now less angry. “Phew, dodged a bullet there.”

“No kidding,” The two went up in giggles and the entire court sweat dropped.

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