ninety four - climax

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"Ow, ow, ow!!! That hurts!"

"Just cause it hurts doesn't mean I'm gonna stop, Haya-chin."

"But-ah! Oh, that felt good.."

"Right there?"

"Ah! Yeah, yeah that's the spot-"

"What..." Riko mouth was practically on the floor as her eyes bulged at the scene playing out in front of her. "Is going on here?!"

"Oh, hey chief!" Sasaki beamed at her from under Murasakibara. "How'd the first three quarters go?"

"T-they went fine, we're in the lead," She blinked rapidly, still unable to fathom what she was seeing. "Are you ready to go in, then?"

"Yeah, thanks to Murasakibara here," The azurette said before frowning at the dude on top of him. "Get off me please."

"Fiiine," He groaned, moving so that he was no longer straddling him and stopped kneading his back. "Don't work too hard."

"We'll see," He finger gunned at him, then turned to Riko. "Ready?"

"Yeah," She nodded quickly, so the two were off. As soon as they were out of the room, Murasakibara's aura changed. He picked up his phone, calling one of the contacts listed in it.

"Muro-chin, we needa talk."

"Sasaki!" Kagami was the first to notice Riko's return with their star player, smiling brightly.

"Hey, looks like you guys are having fun," Sasaki returned the greeting, giving the redhead a fist bump.

"Alright, Sasaki-kun please sit down," Riko shot a pointed look at him, causing his butt to be on the bench in two seconds flat. "Now then, Sasaki-kun will be going in as point guard, but the plan will remain the same. Get at least a fifteen point lead before Kise-kun gets back on the court."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" The azurette inquired, causing a few people to open their mouths.

"Kise-kun hurt his foot in his last game," Kuroko explained to him. "So the coach pulled him out. He'll be returning in the last few minutes though, using Perfect Copy."

"Ah, rightio," Sasaki nodded, feeling kind of bad for his boyfriend but it's not like any of that was his fault. He'd just play and see how things turned out, like he always did. The score was 67 Seirin to 58 Kaijo when Sasaki stepped onto the court, flexing his arm.

As the fourth quarter officially began, Sasaki threw in to Kagami who busted through his double team, faked a shot and passed to Kiyoshi. The center threw the ball into the hoop, adding two points to Seirin's score.

"Yeah! We're ten points ahead!" Koganei cheered, causing Sasaki to sweatdrop. And this is why you're failing math, buddy.

As Kaijo had the ball, Sasaki stood in front of Kasamatsu. He nicked the ball when the captain passed but it didn't sway far off course and the person wearing number nine, Nakamura, caught it easily enough. Shooting, it bounced off the rim. "Rebound!" Moriyama yelled.

Kobori got to the ball first and made it go into the basket, several cheers going up. "He pushed it in!"

"Kaijo's not giving up!"

"We won't lose!" Kasamatsu directed. "Don't let them pull any farther ahead!"

"We'll win!" Hyuuga shouted. " Do everything it takes to pull ahead!"

With the ball in his hands, Sasaki whirled around Kasamatsu and alley-ooped with Kagami, gaining two more points. "An alley-oop!"

"They're 15 points ahead!"

"Kaijo is screwed!"

"They're anything but screwed at this point," Sasaki glanced at their opponent's bench, where Kise had just started talking off his warmups. "A twenty point lead would have been better, but I guess we'll see how things go."

The final four minutes would be where everything was duked out, and the winner decided. Kuroko and Kise stepped onto the court, Nakamura and Mitobe subbing out in exchange. "Ready to play, Kuroko?" Sasaki asked, holding his fist out for a bump.

Kuroko nodded, but didn't give him a fist bump. "I am."

"So am I," Kagami was the one to give the azurette a fist bump, grinning. "Let's kick some Kise ass."

"You said it," Sasaki snickered. Just then, Kise stalked by them with a piercing look in his eyes. It was almost enough to make the azurette shiver.

"We can't let our guard down," Kagami seemed to have felt the same way after seeing the Kaijo ace's expression.

"Until we hear the end of game buzzer," Kuroko slipped on his sweat band. "There's no telling what will happen."

Thus, the game resumed. "Don't relax until it's over!" Hyuuga roared. "Hands up! Let me hear you!"

"Yeah!" The team responded, doing their all to guard their mark. Kasamatsu passed to Kise, who Kagami was on.

"He's here!"

"Kaijo's ace, Kise!"

And just like that, Perfect Copy's Akashi ankle breaked Kagami before driving in with Aomine's speed. I wonder how Akashi took that, Sasaki briefly thought, knowing Rakuzan had only shown up at the start of the fourth quarter just like he himself had.

In the next millisecond, Kise dunked the ball over Kiyoshi. Even as Seirin went for a counter attack, Kise was fast enough to get back and use a copy of Murasakibara's block to shut down Kagami's lane-up.

That's a lot of pressure, Sasaki thought as he headed back to guard the captain who now had the ball. "This isn't good! Head back!"

"I think not you trick butt witch," Sasaki stole the ball as Kasamatsu attempted a pass to Kise. "No Midorimas for you! Only for me!" He shot just before Kise could jump with him, adding three points to Seirin's score.

"Alright!" the bench cheered. That made the score 80 Seirin to 64 Kaijo, keeping the lead with sixteen points. Of course, Sasaki expected that lead to decrease any minute now. Especially with only three and a half minutes left in the fourth quarter.

Suddenly, Kise was in front of Sasaki, his eyes blazing. "We'll win!" He snarled. "I'll put everything I have on the line! Come at me, Ayacchi!"

"Woah, easy on the volume," Sasaki covered his ears a second before the whistle was blown, a time out being announced by Seirin. "Welp, see ya in a few, Ryoutacchi," The azurette winked playfully, scampering away as Kise deadpanned.

Sighing, he shook his head as a small smile appeared on his face. "Yeah, what was I expecting? For you of all people to come at me seriously, probably when hell freezes over, right?"

(As I said on my message board, only one update today. Sorry for everyone who was looking forward to two new chapters, I only wrote one and probably won't have time to write another today. If that changes, I'll make another announcement on my message board. As of now, though, hope you enjoy the chapter and have a great rest of your day!)

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