forty two - bath and interhigh

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"Hayate, get up."

"Nnnnnnnngh don't wanna.."

"Hayate, don't be like that. You can't sleep in the bath. You'll catch a cold."

"Ugh, fiiiine," Sasaki slowly but surely opened his eyes as he stretched, yawning. "Oh, hey Shintaro."

"Hello," He nodded, "How long have you been in here?"

"Bruh, I have no clue," The boy shook his head before realizing they were both naked and blushing slightly. "If you don't mind me saying, you have a beautiful body."

"Thank you," The greenette smiled, cupping Sasaki's cheeks. "So do you."

"Hehe," He giggled playfully before pecking Midorima's lips. Before they could go further--both were willing--Takao knocked.

"Shin-chan, hurry up."

"Takao," He growled before sighing and standing. Sasaki blushed harder as he also stood, then grabbed his towel. The two made their way out, Takao smirking at them before he left to allow them to dress.

"Hayate," Midorima stood behind him as the white haired male was pulling on his shirt. Turning to him, Sasaki raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" He cocked his head as the greenette grasped his shoulders as he looked him straight in the eye.

"When we get back to Tokyo, will you let me make love to you?" He murmured, and immediately Sasaki's face burned bright red and he covered his face with his hands.

"How can you say something so embarrassing with a straight face?!" He demanded, trying to break away but Midorima wasn't going to let him as he gripped his waist and pulled him against himself.

"How else can I make myself clear?" He asked, wrapping his arms around Sasaki. Hesitantly, Sasaki returned the hug. "You can say no, I can wait."

"..." Sasaki was silent as he deliberated in his head on what his answer should be. Just as the greenette was about to pull away, Sasaki's hands cupped Midorima's face and he kissed him.

It was a long kiss, and Sasaki ended up against the wall with his legs wrapped around Midorima's waist as they swapped saliva. After a few minutes, the two broke away, panting slightly and blushing. "So, can I take this as a yes?" Midorima chuckled as he leaned his forehead against his lover's.

"Yes," Sasaki replied, also chuckling a bit. "But it has to be on a Friday so I have two days to recoup!"

"Alright," Midorima smiled softly, "I love you, Hayate."

"I like you too," Sasaki beamed. Midorima smirked inwardly, knowing he had been the first to receive those words from the boy in  his arms.

"I know you're having a moment but the bath is gonna close any minute."


"Game over! 89 to 91, Shutoku!" The referee announced, and the two sides bowed.

"Thank you!" After that, they returned to the benches for a water break. Shutoku had won two out of the three games they had played at the training camp so far, but all of them were close.

Riko soon had everyone from Seirin go outside, where barrels of ice were waiting for them. "What is this?" Kuroko questioned as everyone observed the barrels.

"It's my special icing technique," The coach explained proudly, "it's great for sore muscles and fatigue," She said, and soon everyone was trying it out.

"It's cold!"

"We ended up losing two out of three games."

"Have we gotten worse?"

"Not at all," Kiyoshi interrupted, "you've definitely grown, have some more confidence. We're strong!" He encouraged while shaking in one of the ice barrels.

Sasaki bit his lip as he went in one, also shivering as his legs were cooled down in an instant. Luckily, it was soon time to retire for the day so everyone went back to the hotel.

Sasaki decided not to take a bath that day because he figured he might run into Midorima if he did so and he was not over the embarrassment from the day before. Instead, he retired to bed early.

The next day was the day Seirin was to leave for back home. Sasaki went on another beach run that morning, and spent fiftern minutes making a sand castle because he had yet to make one.

After he returned, everyone was ready to leave so that thanked the owner and went on their way. "All right! I feel alive!" Koganei cheered.

"I thought I was going to die so many times."


"I want to sleep in my own bed!"

"I couldn't sleep with a different pillow."

"You were sound asleep!"

"Buried in pillows, buried in darkness!"

"Izuki damare."

"Where do you think you're going?" Riko asked as everyone turned the corner.

"What? To the station.." Hyuuga answered, making the coach deadpan at him.

"Why do you think we held our training camp here?" Riko demanded, "This year they're holding the game here!'

"I see," Izuki got out his phone, "today's quarterfinals game is between..." Hyuuga looked over his shoulder and both gasped.

"Kaijo and Touou!" The captain exclaimed.

"Oh no," Sasaki grimaced, knowing for a fact the two aces would use the game as a means to compete for him and show off if they knew he was there watching.

"Let's go watch the inter high," Riko grinned, and that's what they did.

"Kagami-kun," Kuroko looked behind him as he addressed the redhead who--low and behind--was sitting behind him on the bus. Sasaki was sitting beside Kuroko, so he looked to see what his boyfriend was about to say.

"What do you want?" Kagami seemed to dislike the way he was looking at him.

"Before we left, Midorima-kun gave me a message," He said, going on to tell him what the greenette said. "I only taught him a lesson because he's so stupid."

"That is something he would say," Sasaki snickered at how many angry veins were pulsing on Kagami's face.

"Also, 'don't lose until I beat you' apparently."

"Ha! Like hell I'll lose! You tell him that!"

Soon enough, the Seirin team arrived at the venue for the interhigh. "Amazing! So this is the interhigh!" Koganei exclaimed excitedly.

"Coach, when's the game we're here to see?" Hyuuga questioned as Riko looked it up on her phone.

"After this one. It should be soon," She answered.

"Kuroko," Kagami spoke up, causing him to glance at him. "Who do you think will win?"

"I don't know," The blue haired phantom replied honestly, "This is the first time I've seen two Generation of Miracles starters play against each other. However.." He trailed off for a second. "Aomine-kun inspired Kise-kun to play basketball."

"Really?" Kagami seemed surprised.

"They used to play one on one a lot," Kuroko continued, a grave expression on his face, "but Kise-kun didn't win a single time."

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