eighteen - pg show down

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(Usual line up - Sasaki as point, Mitobe as center, Hyuuga as shooter, Kagami as forward, and Kuroko as himself)

The match started off with a bang, Kuroko and Kagami attempting to do an alley-oop and getting wrecked by Midorima. Sasaki whistled as he marked Takao. "You aren't going anywhere, buddy."

"Don't need to," His black hair shooshed as he passed to the number five on his right. Hyuuga blocked the shot and Sasaki got the ball. "You're pretty fast, Sasaki. I'm getting even more excited," Takao grinned, and the other male mirrored that expression.

"So am I," He smirked before diving in, faking to the right and going left. Takao's eyes widened, when he had complimented him on his speed, he hadn't realized he'd be this fast!

Midorima got in front of Sasaki, but the boy passed to Mitobe before either of them could blink. Mitobe passed to Hyuuga, who attempted a shot and missed. Otobo managed to get the rebound, and both Sasaki and Takao started sprinting.

"Shit, I just can't get you off me, now can I?" Takao complained before smirking and passing to Midorima. Sasaki blinked. "Doesn't matter now. Sink it, Shin-chan!"

"Bakada," Midorima stated as he shot the ball, landing and turning around while pushing up his glasses. Kuroko and Sasaki whizzed by each other, exchanging a look in that fraction of a second.

Kagami caught up with Sasaki shortly after, and caught the pass Kuroko threw from the other side of the court, dunking it. "Nice one!" The white haired male patted him on the back.

"All thanks to you," Kagami replied.

"More like all thanks to Kuroko," Sasaki mused before darting over and getting back on Takao. They were at a stalemate once again, and even when Midorima got the ball, he passed. At first, Sasaki was confused as to why, but then he sort of figured it out.

Somehow, Takao managed to get around him and passed the ball to Otobo, who easily did a layup. "Nice play, man," Sasaki commented as they jogged back together. Takao narrowed his eyes.

"What's up with you? People don't normally compliment their opponents or take it easy like this," He told him, making the other male frown.

"What's wrong with calling it as I see it? Besides," Sasaki caught the ball from behind him without even looking, causing Takao's eyes to widen as he shivered from how dangerous the person in front of him looked. "Who's taking it easy?"

Before Takao could get over the shock, Sasaki was already up in the air, shooting a three. "Alright!" The Seirin bench cheered as the players went on defense.

"Oi, Takao, Kimura, change marks," The Shutoku coach called out, "Takao, get on number eleven."

"Aw, and we were just getting at it," Sasaki pouted, still guarding Takao. "Well, I suppose I'll still mark you on defense so that should be enough, right?"

"We'll have to wait and see!" The black haired male passed behind him to their number eight, who landed a layup.

"See ya Takao~" Sasaki waved as the opposing point guard went to his new mark, and Sasaki's new mark got on him. "So your name is Kimura-san?" He asked as he turned his attention to his new marker.

"That's right.." The boy sweat dropped, unsure of what the person in front of him gained from reaffirming his name.

"I'm Sasaki! I'll be in your care, so please take care of me," He grinned, and the number of sweat drops increased on Kimura. Just what is this guy trying to pull?

Hyuuga had the ball, and attempted to pass to Kuroko. Sasaki wanted to facepalm but that would delay his reaction speed as Takao stole the ball and passed to number five. Get over to our net.

As number five passed to Kimura, Sasaki whizzed between them and stole the ball right back. "Sorry Takao, can't let you have all the fun stealing balls!"

"You bastard!" Kimura growled as he tried to keep up, only to gap as Sasaki whirled around him and sent the ball flying towards the hoop.

Good thing I gave you a heads up, Sasaki thought with a smirk as Kagami dunked it.

Yeah, scared the shit outta me though, Kagami returned, but who cares, let's get on defense.

Rightio, Sasaki hummed as he got on Takao. "So, did you have fun marking Kuroko?"

"Meh, he's a pretty dull one if you know what I mean," The point guard responded, "especially compared to you."

"Awww, stawp, you'll make me blush!" Sasaki teased, the two snickering. The coaches for both teams sighed and facepalmed.

A few points later, after Takao revealed his hawk eye and Kuroko was left exposed and practically useless, Seirin took a time out with the scores being tied at elevens, three minutes and forty seconds on the clock left for the first quarter.

Sasaki sucked water out of his water bottle as he listened to Kagami and Kuroko beside him. "Hey, don't tell me you're going to keep letting them get you."

"Well, I suppose I don't like it," Kuroko answered while seemingly pouting, and Sasaki almost spit out his water. What was with that lame answer?!

"That's what I like to hear!" Kagami grinned. The white haired boy was appalled. "Coach!" The redhead called out, getting her attention. "Let us keep going like this!... Please," He added at the end.

"Like this?" Riko repeated. "You know your misdirection won't work against Takao-kun, right? Are you going to be okay?"

"I'm not okay," Kuroko responded, and Sasaki gaped at him. "I have a problem."

"Yeah, I see.. I mean, what are you going to do?!" She demanded, and the answer was barely given before the time out was up.

"Friggin nuts, you both are crazy," Sasaki shook his head as he stood next to Kagami and Kuroko. "But lucky for us, I'm just as crazy."

It didn't take long for Shutoku to score the first point, and for Sasaki to notice that Mitobe and Hyuuga were already out of breath and were moving slower than normal. But it was to be expected since they had been the driving force for the game before that one, and they had had such a small break.

Even so, Sasaki had faith that they would be okay. So that's why he passed to Hyuuga. "Which cares about kings? Go die!" Hyuuga yelled as he sunk his shot.

Sasaki sweatdropped, going on defense.

Kuroko and Takao had another steal moment and so the ball ended up with Midorima. He was standing directly on the center line, and Sasaki knew exactly what was coming. Block him, Kagami!

But sadly, the redhead didn't make it in time. Midorima shot, and the net shooshed around the basketball as it fell through. Friggin nuts, Sasaki sighed, and we aren't even done with the first quarter yet, what a game.

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