one o' one - back in

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(As usual, comment goal is 51. Enjoy! This won't be as bad as last chapter so feel free to take a breather~}

“Sasaki-kun, you’re back in,” Riko said as the break between quarters was about to be over. The scores were tied at 21, Rakuzan having made a comeback with Sasaki gone and the entire team stiff from the strife they’d witnessed between their two best players.

“Got it,” Was all the azurette said, standing up and letting the towel slide off his head onto the bench. “Mitobe, Kagami,” He said, startling the two with his authoritative tone that left no room for argument. “Switch marks, Kagami take number 4 and Mitobe take number 7, I’m on number 5,” He ordered, and just as Kagami was going to protest along the lines of you’re just trying to take it easy!, Riko hit him with her fan.

“Sounds good, we’re counting on you Sasaki-kun,” She said, giving him a thumbs up. Nodding in return, the buzzer soon sounded for them to get back on the court. It was Rakuzan’s ball, and Akashi was intrigued to see that Sasaki wasn’t on him, but instead Mayuzumi.

This may complicate things, but first I’ll test the waters, he thought. He passed, the ball seemingly going towards Kiyoshi. Looks like I didn’t need to worry, Akashi observed as Mayuzumi got there, slapping the ball towards Mibuchi.

It didn’t make it.

“Wonderful pass, Mayuzumi-san~” Sasaki’s grin was back, but anyone who knew him well could see how fake it was. All of Rakuzan’s eyes widened, not expecting someone to be able to intercept a phantom pass.

“As expected of you, Hayate,” Akashi exhaled sharply as the azurette flashed to the other side of the court.

“Stop him!”

“Too late,” The azurette sang, already sinking a layup and adding the first points of the second quarter to Seirin’s score. “You’re a lil gloomy for my taste, sir,” He said when he got back on Mayuzumi, who deadpanned.

“Says the guy who sulked the entire first quarter after getting yelled at.”

“Ouch,” Sasaki made a face. “Yep, definitely grumpy.”

“What’s your deal?” Mayuzumi demanded, almost fully fed up with the guy in front of him.

“Well, I was put in,” Sasaki answered, “So I’ll play. That’s all there is to it.”

It was at that moment Mayuzumi realized that Sasaki Hayate was dangerous, catching the faintest of glimpses of what he was truly capable of. He exchanged a look with Akashi, who nodded to him that he understood.

“I admire your effort, but it will take more than that,” Akashi remarked, the ball beside him as he bounced it. “To shut Rakuzan down,” The ball wasn’t there anymore, now in Nebuya’s grasp. Easily dunking over Kiyoshi, it appeared that Rakuzan was back in the running. At the very least, they weren’t backing down.

But then, something different happened. Sasaki made a face as, instead of passing, Mayuzumi shot the ball. “Well then, looks like I have my work cut out for me,” Sasaki flexed his arms. Play after play, Rakuzan switched up their offense with either a pass from Akashi or a shot from Mayuzumi. Obviously, Sasaki blocked each and every shot or pass Mayuzumi attempted.

Somewhere in there, Riko subbed in Furihata to guard Akashi. At first glance, Sasaki was almost blue in the face from how terrifying that must be for the poor first year. Then, when play started and Furihata fell flat on his face, the azurette decided he didn’t want to watch and so he looked away.

That movement made it so that he could be there when Akashi went for a layup, slapping the ball away from him. “Sorry bro, maybe don’t underestimate the first years so much,” He advised with a patronizing smile as he jogged to catch up with the others who’d gunned with the blocked ball back to the other side.

“Sasaki!” Hyuuga passed to him once the azurette got to the half court line.

“He’s gonna do it!”

“Another half court shot!”

“You wish,” Sasaki smirked, already moving around the incoming back behind him and passing to Furihata, who sunk a three. “Nice one!”


The next time, Furihata wasn’t so lucky. Ankle breaking him, Akashi shot a three before Sasaki or Kagami could get there to help. “Nice shot, Akashi!” Nebuya yelled. Suddenly, Rakuzan took a time out, startling everyone not on that team.

“Oh, well alright then,” Sasaki hummed, turning to make his way off the court.

“Furi!” Said first year was suddenly on his knees, shaking as he leaned on the bench for support.

“Huh?” He seemed confused, even his voice was shaking.

“Are you hurt?”

“No, but…” He tried to stand, but his legs seemed to have taken the day off of wanting to function. “Huh?”

“You’re out, Furihata-kun,” Riko decided after a brief look of shock.

“What?” He turned to look at her. “I’m okay! I can still play!”

“Lucky for you, Midorima gave me a dictionary because it’s my lucky item today, apparently,” Sasaki dug around in his bag, grabbing the book and flipping through it. “Ah yes, just as I suspected. Okay means—”

“We get it,” Riko deadpanned, knowing he was trying to be funny but was taking it too far. Turning her attention back to Furihata, she opened her mouth. “You’ve got no strength left, so you can’t play.”

“What?” Koganei questioned. “You mean he’s just exhausted?”

“Something like that,” Sasaki hummed, putting the dictionary away.

“That was rude, Sasaki-kun.”

“I don’t wanna hear that from you.”

“What do you mean by that?” Kuroko narrowed his eyes at the azurette, obviously about to get angry if he said something the phantom didn’t like.

“Just that I don’t want to hear something so condescending…” Sasaki looked down at him coldly. “…From a powerless player.” The statement seemed to shock Kuroko, causing him to take a step back. Then, a second later, he mumbled something.

“I was right about you..”

“Maybe you were, maybe you weren’t,” Sasaki shrugged, then Fukuda suddenly spoke up loudly.

“Let me play!”

“Fukuda?” Koganei turned to look at him, as did the coach.

“I just need to stay on Akashi like Furi, right?” He summarized. “Kawahara and I can do that!”

“Fukuda-kun…” Riko trailed off, surpised that he stepped up to help.

“Then we’re counting on you!” Hyuuga stood up, patting the first year on the head.


“Wh—Hyuuga-kun!” Riko didn’t seem to like that he’d given his permission, but the sound of the buzzer went off.

“The time out is now over.”

“Oh, come on!”  Coach groaned at Hyuuga before turning to Fukuda. “We’re counting on you, Fukuda-kun. Same thing on defense.”

“Hai!” He nodded, stripping off his warm up shirt to reveal his jersey.

“One more thing!” Riko yelled to those already on the court, which consisted of everyone but Fukuda. “Close the gap on offense!”

“Yeah! Let’s go!” The captain agreed.

“Seems like you and Tetsuya had a spat just now,” Akashi commented to Sasaki, who shrugged.

“Guess you could say that he hates me now. Well,” He looked down for a moment. “More than he already did.”

Don’t worry Hayate, Akashi thought, drawing the azurette’s attention. All of your problems will disappear soon enough.

“I don’t like how that sounded.”

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