thirty five - kiyoshi

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"I've been in the hospital since last summer. Because of my surgery and rehab, I've been taking a break. Kiyoshi Teppei, 193 cm, 81 kilos. My position is center. Nice to meet you," The newcomer introduced himself after changing out of his uniform.

Well good, we needed an actual center, Sasaki thought to himself as he watched and listened in.

"Teppei, you're sure you're okay now?" Riko asked, and he smiled.

"Yeah! I'm completely healed," Kiyoshi replied with gusto. "I've forgotten some stuff, but I wasn't doing nothing in the hospital."

"Did you learn something?" Izuki asked eagerly.

"Yeah," Kiyoshi grinned, "Card games."

It's like looking in a dumb mirror, Sasaki snickered to himself as he listened in.

".. So?"

"It's fun."

"That's got nothing to do with basketball!" Izuki and Hyuuga yelled.

"Also, one more thing," He added, looking serious. "I'm putting my undefeated three year high school career on the line. I'm serious about doing this. My goal is, of course..." He trailed off. "Where is it?"

"Huh?" Everyone looked baffled.

"Where's the Inter high being held?" Kiyoshi asked.

"It changes every year, and we already lost!" Izuki reminded him. "We've got our sights set on the Winter Cup now!"

"Where is that this year?"

"In Tokyo, every year!" Hyuuga answered exasperatedly.

"This is the guy who created the Seirin basketball team.." The first years looked extremely disappointed. Sasaki, however, was not in the least.

"Anyway, if you're going to climb a mountain, you've got to aim for the top," Kiyoshi continued, "but let's not forget to enjoy the scenery."

Practice began, and after doing the usual menus, they went with five on five. Immediately, Kagami fouled as he dunked. Immediately, Sasaki wanted to kick him.

Like, why was he reverting back to being a loner? Being a loner in basketball is no fun, Sasaki nodded to himself.

"You're too forceful!" Riko reprimanded, "Pay more attention to your surroundings!"

"Wow, didn't even apologize," Sasaki observed as the redhead practically growled and stomped back to defense.

"Doesn't he seem especially on edge?" Kogenei voiced as the team watched him as well.

"Yeah, at first I thought it was because he was focusing," Izuki agreed, "But I was wrong. He's acting like he did when he first joined, he doesn't try to rely on anyone else. He's playing basketball by himself."

What a lonely way of life, Sasaki thought.

What is?


Huh? Kagami whipped towards him. I'm doing this for the team!

You're angrily stalking around and aggressively fouling for the team? Wow what a great teammate, Sasaki smiled. Kagami didn't reply, tutting and arrogantly turning his head up.

"Hey, Kagami-kun," Kiyoshi called out, catching said person's attention. "I want to play soon too, but I don't think it's fair for me to ask to play just because I'm an upperclassman. So..." He trailed off, "Why don't we play some one-on-one for the starting position?"

"Kiyoshi.." Koganei trailed off as the team watched the encounter. Hyuuga suddenly laughed.

"He hasn't changed. This is why I can't stand the guy."

Makes sense since you can barely stand me, Sasaki held a hand over his mouth to keep from making any noise. My condolences, now you have two times the headache.

"He always plays hard, is obsessed with basketball, acts stupid and... He's always up to something."

So the two went at it, Sasaki yawning since it had gotten so late. "Amazing!" Fukuda gasped as Kagami blocked Kiyoshi.

"Neither one is budging," Furihata commented.

'They're evenly matched?!" Kawahara exclaimed in surprise.

"Kiyoshi really is amazing," Hyuuga mumbled, "He hasn't played in a while, but he's doing this well against Kagami."

"But Kagami's the one pressuring him," Izuki added. Sasaki knew why, so he was just smiling to himself as he watched the weirdo trying to play competitive basketball in normal shoes.

"He broke past him?" Someone exclaimed as Kagami got past Kiyoshi. They both jumped, one to block and one to dunk.

"It's not over yet," Izuki said. No, it is over, Sasaki thought to himself as Kagami spun around in mid air and slammed it into the basket from the other side.

"That's amazing," Furihata gasped, "He dunked from behind. Kagami wins!"

"You got me. I lost," Kiyoshi admitted, smiling as he panted a bit before patting him on the shoulder. "Like I promised, you can start."


"Hey.." Riko started, but Kagami was already leaving.

"I'm going, good work."

"I'm going, good work~ Friggin nuts, this guy pisses me off," Sasaki mocked, grumbling to himself as he sighed.

"What are you thinking, Kiyoshi?" Izuki asked once the door had shut.

"He really is strong," The center replied as he turned to face him.

"And what are we going to do without you?" Riko demanded as she hit him with her paper fan thing.

"I can't help it," He massaged the area he had been assalted. "Saying I haven't been playing isn't much of an excuse. This is the best I can do."

"That's not you best," Hyuuga said, "You're acting too stupid. Look at you feet!" Everyone looked down, and sure enough, the slip on indoor shoes--not meant for basketball--were there. "Those are indoor shoes, you moron!"

"HUH?!" Everyone seemed surprised. Sasaki snorted.

"Sheesh, don't tell me you lost on purpose," Hyuuga deadpanned at him.

"Oh crap," Kiyoshi choked out.

"It wasn't on purpose?!" Hyuuga shouted. Soon enough, everyone was heading out for the night.

"Hello there!" Kiyoshi jogged up to Sasaki, smiling. The white haired boy returned the look. "I'm Kiyoshi Teppei, and you are?"

"Hey, it's nice to meet you," He held out a hand, and they shook. "I'm Sasaki Hayate, you were awesome out there."

"Nah, it was pretty lame," The other male admitted as he chuckled sheepishly. "I heard you're out for another few days, how is your ankle feeling?"

"Well I don't use it so I don't know, since I'd only feel something if I used it, right?" Sasaki grinned.

"Sasaki-kun, are you ready to go?" Kuroko questioned, appearing beside him and causing Kiyoshi to flinch and Sasaki to smile.

"Sure thing Kuroko!" He glanced at Kiyoshi again, "It was nice meeting you, and I look forward to playing with you!"

"Same here!" He smiled again, waving the two off before he also headed off with Hyuuga. "So, that's Sasaki Hayate," He mumbled as Hyuuga was grabbing a drink.


"Huh? Oh, nothing," Kiyoshi just smiled as he looked up at the sky. "I wonder how good he really is."

"Worry about yourself, moron."

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