fifty nine - bad boy intro

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It was Monday, and Sasaki returned to school. Akashi had only taken care of him the first day, then he’d had to return to Kyoto for school since missing even one day was unnatural for him. The other days, Aomine came by with Momoi since when she heard about it, she wanted to make sure it was done right and that the ace didn’t make it worse.

“How’re you feeling? You were sick for quite some time,” The homeroom teacher asked as Sasaki walked into the classroom.

“Oh, I’m all better! Thanks for asking, it was a really rough week,” The white haired boy answered sheepishly. The day went by, and Sasaki joined the other first years for lunch.

“That must have been awful! And for a whole four days?!” Kawahara put his hand over his mouth, his eyes wide with shock as Sasaki shrugged.

“Yeah, any time I tried to eat anything at all, my stomach knew it was coming or something cause right before I could eat it, I’d be making a mad dash for the toilet,” He recounted, grimacing. “Definitely not my favorite experience. No one likes putting their face where their butt should be.”

“True that,” Kagami was chowing down next to him, joining them since he was also worried about Sasaki but definitely wasn’t going to admit to it.

“Were your parents taking care of you?” Fukuda questioned, causing Sasaki to shake his head.

“Nope, two of my boyfriends switched off, but it was mostly Aomine and Momoi,” He told them, and the three in front of him o’d with their mouths. “My other boyfriends who hadn’t been exposed were prohibited from coming over, so I have a hunch I’ll be seeing a lot of them tonight,” Sasaki grimaced.

“Didn’t need to know that,” Kagami stated, almost rolling his eyes but thinking better of it since Kuroko was on the other side of Sasaki and was glaring at him, probably as a warning.

Soon enough, school ended and practice came and went, and before anyone knew it, the weekend came again and it was time to play their last league game which was against Kirisaki Daiichi. “Why’s everybody looking so tense?” Sasaki asked as they walked to the stadium.

“I’m not sure,” Kiyoshi smiled, and immediately Sasaki knew he was lying through his teeth. If they don’t wanna tell me, fine.

“I’ll tell ya later,” Kagami mumbled to him quietly. Giving him a thumbs up, they soon found their way into the locker room for Seirin and began getting ready. After their shoes were on and Riko deemed everyone ready to go, the Seirin basketball team headed out onto the court to start warming up.

“Hey chief,” Sasaki whispered to Riko as the two watched Hyuuga shoot and miss. “Feel free to put me as shooting guard, Captain’s obviously tense and from what I heard, I doubt there’s any chance he’ll lighten up.”

“Kagami-kun told you?” Riko speculated, and she was proven right as the white haired boy nodded. “We’ll see, I want to give him a chance.”

“Fair enough, then I’ll get back to it,” Sasaki said, jogging back over to where all the Seirin players were. Meanwhile, the Touou Academy and Kajio High players showed up, meaning Aomine and Kise were present. Sasaki noticed immediately—one because the Kaijo team was loud, and secondly because he felt people staring at him, specifically him, hard.

Suddenly, a ball bumped against Hanamiya, the other team’s captain, causing him to turn and pick it up. “Isn’t this your ball?” He directed the question to Kiyoshi, who had come to retrieve it.

“Yes, thank you,” Kiyoshi said as the resident bad boy tossed the ball back to him.

“You’re welcome,” He smiled, his eyes narrowing as he cocked his head slightly. “Hey, you seem to be feeling well.”

“Yeah, thanks to you,” The center replied, not even blinking as they held each other’s gazes.

“Hold on a second!” Hyuuga barged over angrily, “You better not have forgotten what you did last year.”

“Hey, don’t be mean,” Hanamiya’s expression looked hurt. “You still think I did something? I don’t know what you’re talking about. He just hurt himself,” He recalled, then snapped his fingers. Sasaki flinched as he felt murderous vibes coming from Hyuuga.


“Easy now!” Sasaki came over, willing and able to incapacitate the captain to take him away from the situation.

“He’s even shittier in person,” Kagami and Kuroko were suddenly beside Sasaki. “No matter what you pull..”

“We won’t lose,” Kuroko glared at the other team’s captain. Sasaki blinked as he looked between the three—Hyuuga, Kagami and Kuroko. Looks like I’ll need more hands to incapacitate them all.

“Crush us if you can,” The redhead spat, and it drew a huff from Hanamiya.

“Wow, you’re assertive. I’ve heard about your first year trio,” His eyes went from Kuroko to Sasaki to Kagami, his smile widening. “You should be careful. I hope nothing happens,” He shrugged as he walked back towards his team.

“That gave me shivers,” Sasaki grimaced. “You sure you’ll be okay, captain?”

“Huh? What’re you talking about?” He demanded, making the white haired boy sigh.

“You aren’t making any of your shots. You’re tense. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if you turned out to be a robot with how brittle your moves are.”

“What’d you say?!”

“Oh wow, that’s really bad!” Kiyoshi laughed, putting a hand on Sasaki’s shoulder. Understanding that he wanted him to back off, he sighed and shrugged.

“I mean, playing with a robot is cool and all, so I guess we’ll see how it goes.”

After that confrontation, the two teams regrouped at the benches to take off their warm ups, revealing their jerseys and game faces. Kiyoshi almost got turned into a mummy before Riko took over and taped his leg properly.

“Don’t push yourself too hard, though,” The coach warned as the center stood up and tested out his knee. “If you think you’re in trouble, we’ll switch you out immediately.”

“Got it,” Kiyoshi smiled affirmatively.

“All right!” Hyuuga yelled as soon as the Seirin team got into a huddle. “Let’s win! Seirin, fight!”


“If Hanamiya does anything to Ayacchi,” Kise glared at the court, specifically one person. “I’ll make him feel tenfold what he inflicts on him.”

“Are you gonna be okay? It might be painful to watch your boyfriend get brutalized,” Imayoshi muttered, his gaze on Aomine who shrugged.

“He’ll be fine, and if he isn’t, I’ll take care of it.”

“How can you be sure he’ll be okay? Especially with Hanamiya’s track record,” Momoi commented, drawing a sigh from the ace as he slumped back in his chair.

“Just a feeling. Either way, I don’t see Hanamiya winning this game.”

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