Bregan Hold

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The crowd around them roared, causing Error to flinch slightly in his knitting. Fresh whined softly at the turbulent noise, curling up in his nest of a blanket, grabbing the finished portion of cloth Error had been working on to wrap around his skull.

The only reason there was a crowd at all was because of the wedding that had taken place recently. When they had arrived, it had not even been an hour since it's conclusion, the children leading them to Bregan Hold a mile off the valley floor.

The fortress itself was hewn entirely out of a red granite, seated on the side of Thardûr mountain, situated for a view of miles in every direction that wasn't a mountain.

The main structure itself- the hold- was five stories tall and tipped with a bell tower tipped in a giant teardrop shaped flameless glass lantern the dwarves called Az Sindriznarrvel, the Gem of Sindri, saved to be lit in times of emergency.

Around this prize tower and accompanying structure was the rest of the hold, places for servants and soldiers to live, as well as stables, forges, a church for the god Morgothal, the lord of fire and patron of smiths, so of course he'd be worshipped- this was the house of smiths, Dûrgrimst Ingeitum.
Below this and the hold's walls were farms, dotting the mountainside amid the tremendous trees.

After they had arrived via shouting children, Orik had found them and greeted them most enthusiastically, treating Eragon like his own brother before Error eagerly showed him the small Fresh hiding in the blanket. The dwarf had been quite baffled as he explained, then smiled at the little one.

The newly ascended clan chief then took Eragon to wash and be changed, the human returning in a dark purple robe and gold circlet, forcing a light snort from Error as he thought of Nightmare.

The skeleton had remained as he was, following the two as Orik took them to his proud wife, Hvedra. She had an apple shaped face and glittering eyes, long hair trailing behind her as they embraced.

The woman was kind, asking Eragon to regard her as kin and to offer protection if he ever came to them for sanctuary. The question of why they chose to marry so soon came and went, answered by the dwarves' fear of time and Galbatorix killing them all.

And that led to where they were now, celebratory games in full effect as swordsmen contested in the field. One dwarf tripped and fell to the other's blade, healers rushing over as the crowd cheered the victor, Eragon digging into bread and mutton before addressing the dwarven woman.
"Will you be accompanying us to Farthen Dûr, Hvedra?"

Fresh struggled to stand in Error's lap and look over as she smiled and shook her head.
"I cannot. I must stay here and tend to the affairs of the Ingeitum while Orik is gone, so he does not return to find our warriors starving and all our gold spent."

Orik chuckled as he held out his tankard for a nearby servant to refill.
"Hvedra does not boast. She is not only my wife, she is the… Ach, you have no word for it. She is the grimstcarvlorss of Dûrgrimst Ingeitum. Grimstcarvlorss means… the keeper of the house. The arranger of the house. It is her duty to ensure that the families of our clan pay their agreed-upon tithes to Bregan Hold, that our herds are driven to their proper fields at the proper times, that our stocks of feed and grain do not fall too low, that the women of the Ingeitum weave enough fabric, that our warriors are well equipped, that our smiths always have ore to smelt into iron, and in short, that our clan is well managed and will prosper and thrive. There is a saying among our people: a good grimstcarvlorss can make a clan-"
"And a bad grimstcarvlorss will destroy a clan." Hvedra finished.

Orik smiled at her, taking one of her hands in his. "And Hvedra is the best of grimstcarvlorssn. It is not an inherited role. You must prove you are worthy of the post if you are to hold it. It is rare for the wife of the grimstborith to be grimstcarvlorss as well. I am most fortunate in that regard."
The two rubbed noses happily.

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