Chapter 80

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Just like I expected, Elizabeth stays for the night again and ever since she came in earlier, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Taking note of every move she makes. If I had a pad with me then maybe I've written a hundred pages just listing down everything she did for the past couple of hours. It may sound stalkerish but its not like that. I just want to remember every single thing about her. She's wearing the pullover I gave to her after the night we first kissed. She never returned that one to me and refuse to let me take it from her. She says it still smells like me which is so adorable of her.

I watch as she tells stories with my family and how she talks to my mom so sweetly. I even heard she prepared dinner for them back at home and fixed the house a bit so they could rest properly and that's what Elizabeth does typically. I also watch as her eyes lit up and how she scrunch her nose when she laughs whenever my dad embarrassed me with his stories while I was growing up.

Sometimes she would catch me looking and I would just give her a smile and look away waiting for someone to take her attention so I could adore her again. I don't know how many times I have to do that but I couldn't help it. I was looking at her like someone who knows they won't be able see a single thing in the world again. I was looking at her engraving her image in my mind. I know its a bit strange because I would always get to see her on television or in social media even after all of this, but this is different. This would be the last day I might get to see the real her.

As the night goes deeper and we're the only ones left in the room, I feel the tension coming back making me realize that this is it. We really need to talk. She lets out a shaky breath as she slowly sat down on the chair next to my bed facing me. She doesn't speak nor look at me but something tells me that she knows. She knows its going to end tonight.

"So" She whispers, its barely even there. "How are you?" She asks softly and it felt heavy on my chest while my guts are doing somersaults inside of me.

"Not good" Her jade eyes snap to mine as she sat up clearly alarmed with what I just said. I give her a small smile and take her hand that is resting on the side of the bed feeling the need of her touch. I swallowed the huge lump that had formed behind my throat but its no use. Its still there, choking me.

"Do you need a doctor, I'll go and get you one-" She was about to leave but I kept her hand in mine stopping her from getting up in that chair earning a worried and confuse look on her beautiful face.

"We need to talk Elizabeth." I whispered in defeat. She swallows as she breathes heavily , I know because I can see how her shoulders shift up and down in a heavy manner. My thumb strokes the back of her hand as if it would bring some comfort to her and its stupid of me to think that. She looks away from my gaze and sat back on her seat but still lets me hold her hand.

"Do you have work tomorrow?"I asked and she doesn't respond. Instead, She starts to chew on her nails before resting them down her middle which she always does when something is really bothering her. She still haven't laid her eyes on me

"I'll be discharge the day after tomorrow. I might be staying in Texas for recovery until my heart heals-"

"So you're really leaving." She mutters under her breath. I can feel my heart beating loudly from my chest as I watch her eyes finally looks up to me the same time a single tear falls and that just sends the first dagger to my heart. She shuffles closer lacing our fingers together shaking her head. "Shan"

"I-I have to. I can't do this to you sweetheart. I'm sorry." 
She bursts out in tears dropping her head in her arms. I close my eyes hearing her cries. It was torture, I never imagined everything, this amazing and wonderful love that we have had all fell down to this. My tears fall down feeling pain all throughout my body, I played this scenario in my head over and over again so I could prepare for it but now, I realized I'll never be ready to let go of the most important person in my life and I'm a monster for even doing this but I really don't have a choice.

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