Chapter 19

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I think two weeks of non stop work is already taking its toll on me. I feel like shit today. I woke up with a little cold this morning and I thought it was nothing so I still got ready for work. It's a good thing that Elizabeth and I are on the same set today which is at the Shaw's house. Kelly and her have scenes that needs to be shot today so I would be working with them for the rest of the week.

"Are you sure you're okay, you don't look so good" I turn off the engine as Elizabeth's hand travel to my cheek making me look at her and I see worry in those jade eyes staring back at me. We just got here on set and now, I have a headache. I really don't like worrying her but I can't lie to her either.

"I just a have a headache. I'll take some medicines later and it will be fine okay."

"I told you, you should've just stayed home and take a rest."

"I'll be fine. If this gets worse, I'll call it a day and go home." She stares at me for a while before letting out a sigh of defeat. She gives me a nod before fixing her things. I got off the car and jogged around opening her side of the door and helped her out of the car. She then held on to my arm as I closed and locked the car before we headed to the set.

"Hey! Its nice to finally have you back Beveridge." Mark greeted as soon as he saw us making me smile.It's really nice to be back with all the crew complete in one set. Elizabeth lets go of my arm giving Mark a hug.

"It's good to be back." Mark looked at me with a questionable look after I giving him a gentle squeeze  and I can't seem to get why.

"You don't sound so good, are you sick or something?"

"Just a headache, but I'm fine really." Mark looked at Elizabeth not very convinced on what I just said and she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head making me sigh. Well, with the sudden voice change because of a slight cold is not very convincing enough that I'm fine.

"Thought so. Well, you need to take something because you really sound so sick and by the way here are the scripts for today's shoot." I took the scripts in his hands and scan through them giving him an occasional nod."I'll let you lead later if you can and Lizzie"


"You should get ready, we're about to start in 30 minutes."

"Alright, I better go to my trailer then." Mark nods and gave her a smile before she turns to me taking a hold of my hand.

"When I come back I'll let you take some medicines okay. I'll see you later. Bye." She squeezed my hand smiling so sweetly before leaving to her trailer leaving me staring at her as she walks away.

"That pullover is very familiar to me." I snap my head at Mark who was still thinking looking at Elizabeth as she walks away. I bit the insides of my lip and shrugged at him trying to play it cool. Elizabeth and I decided that we should keep what we have to ourselves for the meantime until its really official. So we're still keeping it low key at the moment.

"So, how's your shoot yesterday."

"Great but exhausting. We've been out under the sun for the whole day, I'm surprised Alyson stood through it. But everything was awesome. We'll edit the shots next week maybe after the shoot with H&M."

"Damn, you're one busy bee aren't you." I smile remembering how Elizabeth calls me. Shan bee, it figures. "You really need to take a fucking break, honestly. Its very concerning how you work these days."

"That's what Alyssa told me last night."

"Well, its true though. You're obviously not well today but still you're here." I sit down on my director's chair being scolded like a little kid for going to work not being that well. I can still work, I'm still fine though.

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