Chapter 66

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Shannon's P.O.V.
Numb, I walked in the headquarters. I left Elizabeth at the apartment and ask her to stay there for her own safety because paparazzi are crowding outside our building and I just got her security team to clear that out for me so I could go here and have this last shoot with her sisters. Maybe this will distract me from actually having a breakdown.

I put myself in survival mode which means I'm in auto pilot. I'm not fully aware of what was going on around me. I'm physically present but mentally absent. That's how I describe it and it gets me through the day. Its not right, I know, and its fucking dangerous when I'm like that but at least I'm still existing. Lisa, their receptionist immediately guided me to the room where we will be having the shoot and when I walked in, they we're already setting up.

"Hey, am I late?" I say as I approach the twins who seem so surprised to see me. Well, I can't blame them. Like what the hell am I doing here when the half of the world is talking about Elizabeth and I's relationship seeing Robbie in the picture again.

"Shan, I thought-"

"What? you thought I was gonna bail on you guys. Elizabeth and I might be on the line but that's not a valid reason for me to just drop you just like that. You two are like my sisters too and that's different." I say in a low tone and gave them a small smile before walking away and placed my bag on table at the corner and start setting up as well ignoring everything else and the looks they're giving me. I'm here for work so lets get this over with.

I stand by in front of the backdrop testing the camera when I felt presence beside me seeing Mary Kate and I know what's coming. I know I might not be able to escape their questions and I understand that.

"Shannon, are you okay?" I looked up from my camera and glanced at Mary Kate who is looking at me with worried eyes.

"No, but that doesn't matter." I shrugged.

"You and Lizzie?" Hearing that makes me remember her and how I left her earlier. It breaks my heart but a break from all of this might just be what we needed.

"I might not be around for a while. We're taking a break so you might not see me for a while but I'll try and keep in touch." I swallowed the lump in my throat as I look through the viewfinder trying to test a shot and also try to distract myself from my tears. I can't break down here. I just can't.

"Shan" I hear her whisper before I felt arms around me and that just made the lump in my throat grew. This is harder than I imagined it would be.I've been way too attached to the twins and this is like a break up from them too and that is hard.

"I'm gonna kill Liz for this." I let out a sad chuckle trying to lighten up the situation but that doesn't work for me really.

"Hey, don't do that. Its okay. I'm not going to disappear, I just won't be around for awhile."

"For how long?" She sniffs pulling away and looked away and I can sense tears and I really don't want that. Not on my last shoot with them for now.

"I don't know. a month, half a year, a year. I don't know that depends on her." When she didn't respond, I glanced at her and saw her staring at nothing so I nudged her making her look at me and I gave her a small smile.

"I love you both, don't think too much about it. This is my last shoot with you guys so let's get started." That sounds so sad but we really need to start cause I'm seconds to falling apart really.

The shoot starts and I did my job seriously. I was trying my best but every shot I take is really not good in my eyes though the twins thinks it looks so good. I see otherwise. So we had some reshoots just to try and make up for it. But its not going well for me still. I was about to do another set of shots when the twins stopped me saying the shots were great and there's no need for a reshoot and also it was getting late so I caved and just leave it like that. Well, they love it. That's what matters.

Photograph (Elizabeth Olsen Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora