Chapter 57

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We've just landed to Dallas and fortunately, there's not much commotion around which is a breather though it was hell back in LAX earlier. Jake and the whole team handled it very well as always and we got through the paparazzi safely.

When we arrive at the terminal I immediately saw my family and my dad is also here which is a surprise since I'm used to seeing only my mom every time I fly back home. I smiled at them as I waved before glancing at Elizabeth who looked at me with the sweetest smile on her face linking her arms with mine. I'm so happy she's here with me and doing this for me and finally she will get to meet my dad and Casey.

"Hey! This is different." I say as we greeted them and as I pull away from Casey, I caught a glance of Elizabeth giving my dad a hug and that just made my heart jump out of my chest with happiness as a wide smile appear on my face. Having to watch that is just special to me really.

"Do I need to introduce my girlfriend to you guys seems like you've figure it out who she is."

"Nah, She's lovely." Casey says winking at me earning a giggle from Elizabeth and that just makes me happy.

"Alright then."

"Lizzie come here sweetheart walk with me." Mom says making me raised my brows as she takes Elizabeth's hand practically pulling her away from me leaving me quite confused but in awe looking at the both of them together. The moment they start to walk away Casey links her arm with mine while Dad takes the cart with our luggage in it before we start to make our way out of here.

"God, Shan what did you do to have a girlfriend so perfect like that? She's unreal and pretty sweet." I let out a chuckle giving her a shrug cause honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out as well.

"Yea, honey. She's lovely" I glanced at my dad and saw him looking at them.

"Really? you like her?"

"Yea, well, you're mom clearly loves her. She's all she talks about on the drive here." I look towards my mom and Elizabeth who are chatting away and smile. Yea, they really get along pretty well and God knows how happy am I to know that my family loves my girlfriend. Well, they're gonna have to though.

"And I heard she cooks so well." Casey states snapping me out if my daze.

"Oh yea, Her food is heavenly. She's vegan though and I think she's turning me into one too and I like it. I get sick a lot so she banned me from junk."

"Well that's good, at least we know someone is looking out for you." Dad says making me smile. She really does take care of me all the time and never fails to ask me how I am every day.

When we got to the car, Dad put our luggages in the trunk while the four of us got in with me sitting on the middle of my sister and my girlfriend. I glanced at Elizabeth as Dad got in and starts driving she just gives me a smile scrunching her nose while I take her hand in mine.

"Oh Shannon, Sidney asked me a couple of weeks ago when will you come home and I told her I have no idea but she wants you to take pictures of her and Austin for their wedding on August." Mom says. Sidney could've just texted me or what. Maybe she just forgot.

"Who's Sidney?" Elizabeth says making me turn to her.

"Sidney, she's one of my sorority sisters back in college."

"You're in a sorority?" Right, I haven't told her the story yet. I gave her a nod and she tilts her head on the side in confusion." And by that time did you like girls already?" I gave her another nod as I hear a snigger on my other side making me glare at Casey who raised her brows at me.

"Oh I see what you did there." She says and thats when Casey laughs making me sigh and shake my head. Casey loves teasing me about this and keeps on insisting that that is the real reason why I joined a sorority which is not.

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