Chapter 73

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Lizzie's P.O.V.
We just finished having dinner and now everyone is getting ready to go home. Shannon told me the news earlier and I got so excited for her that I literally jumped on her when she told me. I'm so happy that she's finally getting back on track and we're having progress on her career too so everything is falling into place. But since we finished dinner I noticed something. Even though she laughs and talks to everyone, she seems a bit fidgety and sometimes would take in sharp breaths. I've asked her so many times if she's alright and she just says she's fine but she's not fine. I know and I can feel that. There's something she's not telling me

"So we're going to go. Thank you for tonight Kevin." I say as I pull away from Shannon to give Kevin a hug and she did that as well.

"Yes, I'll see you both soon. Shannon what we talked about." I smile as I glanced at Shannon who gives her a proper smile and a nod but eventually fades as I felt her pull me closer. "Drive safe you two." We said our goodbyes even to the others and made our way to the car. I glanced at her and she seems out of it and it was starting to worry me.

"Honey, you alright?" I say and it took a while for her to respond giving me a small nod and that was it. She didn't even smiled or showed any kind of emotion and I was thinking that maybe she's just tired. We've been out all day so maybe that was it. But with her state right now, I really can't let her drive.

"I'll drive okay, you're tired." She didn't respond but she opens the driver seat for me. I felt a heavy weight on my chest as I got in and settled in before starting the car. I glanced at her when she gets in and takes my hand in hers.


"Let's go home." She says in a low tone and looks out the window but kept my hand in hers. I let out a sigh and started driving with my mind consumed of her. Did something happen during dinner, she was okay earlier. The whole journey home was so awfully quiet. Its like a someone turned the switch again and it was killing me. I know she's tired but I don't know if she's upset because up until we pulled over by the house she was still holding my hand so maybe that's a good sign still. The moment I turned off the engine, I let out a shaky breath trying to compose myself before deciding to talk to her.

"Hey honey." She turns her head and looked at me with empty eyes. I really couldn't figure out what she's feeling right now.

"We're here, want to go inside?" I whispered as I touched her face trying to find some kind of emotion but she just gives me a nod and gets off the car making my hand drop.  I let out a sigh as I watch her go to my side and open my door for me. I didn't want to keep her waiting so I grab my purse and got out of the car. When everything was secure, she took my purse and hang it around her shoulder  and took my hand in hers but this time her hands were icy cold. She didn't looked at me before started walking and I can definitely feel that something is wrong

"Shannon" I sighed as soon as we got inside. She placed my purse on the coffee table before turning to look at me. "Is everything alright?" I whispered.

"Yea, I'm just tired. its been a long day hasn't it." She gives me a small smile before walking to the kitchen. Maybe she really is tired. She's right its been a long day and I'm surprised she even got through it.

I walked over to my purse taking my phone out to shoot Scarlet a text that we got home safely. She's worried about Shannon too and can tell that she's not herself earlier during dinner. As soon as I sent the text, I heard a crash coming from the kitchen making me gasp and rush to the sound.

"Shan- Oh God." I gasped as I saw her hand bleeding holding a bottle of beer with the top cut off and glass all over the sink. "Jesus, you're bleeding what happened?" I rushed to her and take the bottle from her hand.

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