Chapter 47

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I woke up feeling a bit warm from Shannon's hold and noticed that she was shivering making me pull back slightly touching her neck. God, she's burning up, I feel my chest gets heavy as I look at her flushed face before being pulled back closer to her again.

"Shannon, honey." I whispered as I touched her cheeks trying to wake her up. She needs to take some medicine. I glanced at the clock seeing its already 9 in the evening. I need to cook something for her still.

"Baby" She started stirring and eventually opened her eyes a bit. She snuggles further into me trying to stay warm. "Babe, you have a fever. I need to cook you something to eat so you can take some medicines okay?"

"No, stay." She whispers and as much as I want to do that, she won't get better with me just being here.

"Just for a little while honey, come on. you're not going to get better and have no kisses from me if you let me stay here." That did the trick as she loosen her hold on me and somehow pushed me a little bit making me giggle. I tucked her in as I see a small smile on her face before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Just rest for a while honey, I'll turn the heat on a little bit." I grab my phone on the bedside table and walk over to her thermostat and turn it up just a little bit so she'd be more comfortable before making my way out of the bedroom closing the door behind me to let her rest. I really need to take her junk away from her its not doing her any good.

I walked to the kitchen placing my phone on the kitchen table before heading towards the stove. I'll heat the left over soup from earlier and maybe some green juice for her. So while I was doing that, I put on some tunes from her playlist just to entertain myself for a bit. By the time the soup was finish heating up my phone starts buzzing on the kitchen table so I turned off the stove and glance at my phone seeing Ashley calling making me frown but answered it anyway.


'About time you answered the god damn phone. Where are you? Are you with Shannon? Mom called us, she's worried sick says Robbie came to the house and was looking for you. She couldn't get hold of you.' Shit, I forgot to call my mom. I was suppose to but everything just happened so fast earlier and it slipped out of my mind

'I'm home with Shannon, I'm sorry.'

'What're you two have been doing that you can't fucking pick up the phone'

'Can you calm down. I'm okay. I was suppose to call mom earlier but Robbie called me and Shannon answered so you might figure out what happened next.'

'Yea, he's been arrested again. Its all over the headlines that's the other reason why we called.' I groan in frustration sitting myself down on the bench. Why does everything have to appear on the headlines.

"Where's Shannon? Why can't we get a hold of her too?"

"She's sick since we got here and it just got worse after what happened earlier. She has a fever and is resting at the moment."

"You mean she's been sick this whole time."

"Yea she was having these headaches and we had an argument earlier when she answered Robbie's call. I told her she's not in the right state to have a confrontation with Robbie right now but she got mad and insisted to talk to him and that led to a bruise on the cheek and a cut on her lip. She doesn't listen sometimes." I heard her sigh before talking at the background. Maybe she's with Mary Kate.

"Typical Shannon Lizzie. She just can't stand him but pretty stupid idea to have a fight when she's sick. Anyway, we have to go. Please call mom, she's worried."


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