Chapter 68

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Lizzie's P.O.V.
I wasn't paying attention to the meeting for the entire time of it. I'm in a state of shock at this moment. I refuse to believe that the person who I just saw with Mark earlier is my Shannon. That is not her. I didn't recognize her at first and I thought she was just a part of the crew who came in sick but when I asked Kit if she's here. She told me that it was in-fact her.

Two weeks had passed since I last saw her and I was shattered. I stayed in New York for a week and if it wasn't for the twins. I might've died with pain already. I started having panic attacks and nightmares while I was there and they took care of me and made me realize that I can't cry and be in pain forever. That won't bring her back to me.

I talked to Robbie for the last time. I've made it clear that the both of us is way in the past now. It was hard to let it sink in him but he eventually raised the white flag and swore that he won't bother or interfere with Shannon and I's relationship with the condition of me letting him buy the house so I agreed and sold the house to him.

I may seem okay to others but I'm absolutely not. I'm far from okay. I force myself to wake up in the morning and go to work. Shannon said we might see each other at work just to find out she works on days I don't have to go to work. It hurts still knowing that she talked to Kit about it but I deserve it right. I caused her pain in the worst way so I can't really blame her if she doesn't want to see me.

I miss her. I miss her so much it hurts. I still cry myself to sleep at night thinking about her. She's all I think about. If she only knew how many times I stop myself from calling her or texting her. How I cuddle her pullover every night just to feel her close to me. She wanted space so I try to respect that but I thought this space she wanted was to make ourselves better and focus on ourselves and what we want but that's different from what I just saw.

"Lizzie?" I snap out of my daze and look up to Kit who has her brows raised at me and realized everyone's attention on me. Fuck, am I suppose to say something?

"I'm sorry what?"

"Do you have questions?"

"Uh, no you're good." I say and let out a sigh when she nods and said something about next week or so. I really could't pay attention to her right now. I just can't take her off my mind. I glanced at Mark and caught his glance. I need to know what's going on with her. I just need to know.

When the meeting was over. I immediately gestured Mark to wait for me outside after saying goodbye to the other executive producers and excuse myself out of the room. I can feel my heart race as I look around and saw Mark leaning against the wall waiting for me. He looks a bit nervous when he saw me which scares me.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while." He says as he gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I gave him a small smile as I pulled away from him. I let out a breath trying to compose a sentence in my head.

"How is she?" I whispered getting straight to the point. I need to know what's going on with her because I still refuse to believe that the person he's with earlier is Shannon. That is not her.

"Uh- want to have some coffee?" He offers. I shake my head and demanded and answer now. I want to know now. When it was finally clear to him that I wouldn't leave him alone until he tells me everything, he grabs my hand and leads me to the editing room which is still empty so we're good. He then sits me down to his station and made sure no one is around before letting out a sigh.

"Not good. We're very concerned about her since she started working again. She just won't stop, refuse food all the time. Doesn't get that much sleep. She's losing weight fast and is still having the worst panic attacks." I feel the weight in my chest getting heavier and heavier upon hearing that. What is she doing. Is she trying to kill herself or what.

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