Chapter 30

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Shannon's P.O.V.
I was woken by small kisses being planted on my face and it was the best thing to do trying to wake someone up.

"Honey, wake up please. We're going to be late." She whispers as I felt her head on my chest. I still didn't open my eyes and just moved taking her completely locked in my arms snuggling further into her earning a soft giggle from her.Oh, this feels so nice. She lets a few minutes go just drawing random shapes on my chest before I felt her hand on the side of my face tapping it slightly.

"Shan we really need to get up now honey. We still need to go to yours so you can properly change for work." Oh that's right, I'm not in my house. So even though its against my will, I opened my eyes and finally looking down to those jade ones.

"Hi, good morning." She smiles sweetly and just how adorable is she. I could get use to this all the time.

"Good morning sweetheart." I smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead. She still looks beautiful even when she just woke up and that's just unbelievable.
"What time is it?"

"Its 6am" I groan closing my eyes and pulling Elizabeth more closer to me. Its fucking too early, who wakes up in this hour of the day.

"No, we need to get you home. I don't have anything that'll fit your height Shannon. I really need to give you some space in my closet." I smile hearing that. She's really serious about that. "Shannon, come on now please." Now, she's starting to poke my cheek and kept repeating the word 'please' in my ear and its starting to really actually wake me up. So I pulled back giving her a look.

"Are you awake now?" She chuckles. "I'm sorry, but we really need to get up." She gets out of my arms sitting up but I stayed still. God she has so much energy at this hour of the day, I really can't keep up. I suddenly felt her take my hand getting my attention to her. She then moves on top of me straddling me and that made me feel heated up.

"Elizabeth what're you doing?" She doesn't say a word but her eyes had a look I couldn't quite get. Her hands then travels to my neck pulling me in for a kiss sending shivers down my spine. My hands made its way around her waist as I let her pull me up. I opened my eyes as she pulls away leaving me so confuse.

"Okay, you're up. Let's go and get ready." What the fuck! What a fucking tease. I look at her in disbelief as she started giggling before putting her arms around my neck biting her bottom lip.

"You're fucking kidding me, Elizabeth. Really?" She started laughing dropping her head on my chest before giving me another peck.

"Can you please not drink when your on CBD. You're really hard to wake up."

"Well, you really figured out how to by now." She gives me a smile placing a kiss on my lips again I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her softly. She then slowly pulls away taking my bottom lip with her. I'm rather confused on what was happening and I'm trying to remember what I did last night that made her so clingy today and I got nothing really.

"What's with all the morning kisses sweetheart?" She looks me in the eyes and smiled before she shrugs. "No reason. Come on we need to get up"

"Well, I really can't do that when your sitting on me."

"Oh right, sorry." She gets off my lap before holding her hand out to me. I let her pull me out of bed before heading to the bathroom.

"You go and get ready, I'll ask mom if Trent has bottoms that'll fit you." Wait, I'll wear her brother's clothes. That's a little bit too much isn't it.

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