Chapter 50

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Okay, so I went through the scripts while they were setting up equipment in the room. I still have 20 minutes to spare to figure this all out. My nerves are still there but I try my best to be professional and put that in the back of my mind. I need to focus on this one.

"Hey, Shannon need to ask you something." Jude says calling me over to the room. He works on cameras today so maybe its about it.

"What is it?"

"We will have two camera set up here, one for Lizzie and one for Kelly. What is the first shot of the scene?" I looked around looking for a spot facing the doorway where Elizabeth would enter for the first shot

"Elizabeth would walk coming from the living room to here so there should be one camera over here to capture the execution properly then follows Kelly coming in.  I need also a camera by the doorway for a long shot of them. then we'll just do another retake for close up shots. Who is our Boom Operator today?

"Uh- Kevin. Mark already talked to him earlier so he's now setting up."

"Oh that's great, I'll go ahead and talk to my ladies so we can start already." As soon as I was out of the room, I spotted Elizabeth and Kelly walking in so I took a deep breath and held the script tight into my hands. Kelly spots me immediately and practically grabbing Elizabeth's arm dragging her towards me making me smile.

"Hey Shan" Kelly says in a teasing tone as she waggles her brows at me making me smile and shake my head opening the script in my hand scanning to the right page.

"Hi honey." I hear Elizabeth tease and my smile just grew wider as I hear giggles. I look up to the both of them and  saw some teasing smiles. I rolled my eyes at them as I let out a breath.

"Alright ladies, first shot." I started. "This is so weird but okay." I muttered and hear them giggle. I start giving them directions on their blocking and their dialogues and I'm surprised really I delivered what I want to them without being distracted by Elizabeth's presence though I can feel her intense stare on me as I was talking

"Did you get everything?" I asked and they both nod their heads making me sigh in content. "Alright then we'll start in five minutes. Get ready ladies and I'll see you later on. I'll be watching through the monitors." I was about to leave when a hand on my arm stopped me making me turn to her as she bites her bottom lip sending my eyes to look at her lips and then her eyes. Not going to give in this time. I shake my head and rest my hand on the back of her head placing a kiss on her forehead before pulling away.

"I'll see you later on." I winked and she just smiled at me sweetly. She eventually lets me go allowing me to walk behind the monitors with a smile on my face. On second thought, maybe I could pull this day off just fine.

"Hey, you ready?" I hear Mark says as he suddenly appears beside me.

"Yea, I already talked to them on what they're going to do I just hope they understood it." Mark smiles before handing me the megaphone

"Alright places everyone, lock it up." I wait a second as silence surrounds us. "Action!" I watched through the monitor and so far so good, they did the first shots well just like what I said but something isn't right.

"Hey Mark"


"Would it be better if the long shot is kind of closing in on them on the first part of the scene or like it comes from the doorway and peaks on them something like that to have a nice effect to it."

"Yea, let's try that one. Should we stop the scene or-"

"No, they're doing great, Let's just have another take and try that one later on."

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