I'm Fragile - Kiribaku Fantas...

By animetragedy

822K 40.6K 51.9K

Kirishima is a shapeshifter, halfdragon-halfhuman. Being kidnapped and held captive since the age of three by... More

My Whole Life....
I'm Sorry, My Friend
Who Even Am I Anymore?
This Can't Be Happening..
Above It All
Its Alright
A Black-Tailed Deer
The Camp
This Is New..
Let's Not
First Word
The Town
Koji Koda
Prices and Words
White Stripes
Cared For
Just Talk
Flower Thievery
Small Struggles
Doll Play
Tea Party
Castle Walls
Through the Trapdoor
The Letter
The 'Special Suprise'
Come On!
In The Willow Tree
Hallway Mischief
I Know
Back to the Roads
In the Forest
Keep Your Chin Up
New People
Speaking Clearly
Just Talk
Is That You?
Honest Answer
In The Rubble
The Crash
No Trick
Up In The Thinking Tree
Healing Still
Table Manners
Alternate Way
A Tease
Ready Now
Much Pretty
I Hold
Old Friends
I'm Fragile
Sequel Announcement!

Go, Red

10.2K 490 242
By animetragedy

Bakugo POV:

I crouched in the bushes, hidden by the darkness and crowded leaves. Red was over by Iida, and was also squatting in bushes. In fact, my whole crew was.

We were relying on Jiro to come out tonight. This was the second nightfall since Koda took her, so if she didn't come out by dawn, we'd have issues.

My knees began to ache from sitting for hours in the same position, we had to stay very still in order to not be caught. And so far, we've done a pretty good job at it, maybe a cough here and there, but they were short and quiet.

The sound of leaves rustling and rocks rubbing against one another had us all on high alert. Looking around for any sign of being caught or if Jiro had finally arrived. The rustling continued until I heard four bird chirps.

I reply back with five chirps and stand up, revealing myself out of the hiding spot. I see Jiro pop her head from behind a tree and smirked. The Princess was right behind her, she gave a small wave.

"Lets get out of here." I whisper, everyone else gets up and we begin to walk back to the town in dead silence. The backpacks full of supplies were quickly weighing us down. Only a mere two minutes in, when Iida chirps twice. Theres guards here..

I immediately drop into the nearest bush, staying silent and still. I pray the rest of my crew is hidden enough. 

Murmurs and the crunching of leaves could be heard, swarming around us, we had moments before the guards were on top of use.

"I swear I saw someone over here, Cap'ain!"

"Ain't that right? Search the area, now."

Thats it. We're done for. Boots stomping came closer and closer to us, snapping twigs and crunching leaves.

I hunker-down into a fetal position, hoping it would make me less noticeable, when I hear a shrill cry.

"Got one!"

I jerk my head up in the direction of the cry, and see Red being held up by the collar. Balling up my fists in rage, I watch as the guy holding Red jerks him around, showing intimidation and pride. My anger came over me, and I stood up, wielding my sword.

"EAT SHIT!" I scream, sprinting to the guard holding Red, he drops the half-dragon, making him fall to the ground. And I swing my sword at him, full blast.

Deflecting the blow with his own sword, he holds his ground. So this one's been trained I see. Careful to not get the guard too close to Red, I continue pushing onto the armored guard, he was getting more fancy and anxious by the second, and his swings were getting sloppy.

I keep moving forwards, jabbing my sword towards his chest, getting closer and closer every time. But just as I pin him against a tree, I hear a loud battle cry from behind me, and feel a hot, pinching, slice in my back. 

I scream out, dropping my sword and tripping onto the forest floor. A smell of iron fills my nose, and it stinker terribly. I feel a warm liquid pool on my back maybe it was Red's slobber? I know he gets drooly when he smells meat..

Hearing a high pitched ringing, my vision gets hazy. And a black fog seeps into my sight, so I blink, hoping it would go away. But it doesn't, I close my eyes, and drift into a dreamless sleep.

Kirishima POV: (haven't seen this guy in a while..)

I sit on the forest floor, where the guard dropped me, I watched Bakugo as he charged and lunged his sword at him. Nobody picked me up again, as they were preoccupied with the rest of my friends fighting to even notice me.

Looking over at Jiro, I saw her protecting another girl with black hair, and she was fighting off four guards at once. I shrunk into myself in fear, this was just like Master's bots. The men were going to kill us if I didn't kill them. But I don't want to kill them.

But Master would be happy and he wouldn't beat me, would he? Or would he just make me fight more, I don't know. No matter how many things I kill, I'll always be a monster, weapon, a pet. Cou-

My thoughts are interrupted by a terrible scream, I perk my head up and look in the direction of the yell and see two guards looking down. What were they looking at, and why were they laughing? 

I stood up, getting a better view of the guards. Glancing down by their feet, I see red, and a blonde head.. No..

The more bulky guard took his sword, and raised it above the spiky blonde's torso. No.. They couldn't!

Before I knew what was happening, I grew much taller, and began to hear more sounds, and my vision was much clearer. I yelled, rushing to Bakugo's side, and use my snout to smack the lunging guard away.

I hit the guard so hard, his back cracked against a nearby tree, and he fell slump and unconscious. I pick the limp blonde up with my teeth gently, and turn around, slapping the guard who once held my neck with my tail. I pull Bakugo's body into my mouth with my tongue, decided it would be most protective in there. But he tasted oddly like iron, and was releasing a thick water into my mouth.

I run over to the rest of my friends, who were mid-battle, and charge at the guards attacking them, knocking them all over with my paws and tail. 

"Red! You changed!" Mina smiled, I lowered my neck and she hopped on, sliding down to my back.

My eyes search the area for any current charging guards, but most were knocked out or too terrified to tempt me. So I walk calm to the rest of my friends, letting them all on my back. Stopping when I get to Jiro and the mysterious girl behind her.

With Bakugo still in my mouth, being completely incased and unable to be seen from the outside, I sniff the weird girl.

She smelled nervous, and not so much like a threat, so I pushed on her with my nose.

"Red, stop that." Jiro laughed, pushing on my cheek. "This is Princess Momo, she's your friend, okay?"

I gave her a look of knowing, and turn my head to expose my neck. They both climbed on, and I looked back at the people sitting on my spine. Seeing as that everyone was there, I spread my wings for take off, hoping there would be enough room to flap.

"Wait! Red! Wheres Bakugo! We need him!" I hear Pinky shout, I forgot that he should probably not be in my mouth for the flight, so I twist my head, so I can face Pinky fully.

I open my mouth, revealing the limp boy resting on my tongue, earning a few gasps from my friends. Why were they gasping? Did I do something wrong?

"Ca-Can we have him, Red?" Pinky asks, I saw tears in her eyes. But what was wrong? It was just Bakugo, and he's fine, right? I roll him off my tongue and onto Pinky's lap.

She cradled his head, and supported his back. But what was wrong? He seemed fine, except for the red liquid now dripping down my side because of him. Was that, blood?

"Go, Red. Fly to Ochaco's."

-1234 words-

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