Truth Or Dare (A One Directio...

By lillybird10

6.9M 115K 22.6K

Blazers, polos, plaid shirts, varsity jackets, and red pants... all because of one little dare, a bag of carr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five (Part One)
please skip
Chapter Fifty Five (Part Two)
Chapter Fifty Five (Part Three)
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Author's Note 3 :{)
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Niall Horan's 19th Birthday
Author's Note 4 :{)

Chapter Sixty

59.7K 907 111
By lillybird10

Chapter Sixty w/ note :

"The stairs are quicker, Lou? Really? It didn't seem like it," Laura rolled her hazel eyes and crossed my arms, "The elevator would have been faster and less exhausting."

"What if it broke down?" Louis said walking ahead of her, "It wouldn't have been fast. The stairs are quicker."

"No they're not," I said agreeing with Laura, "The elevator is much faster."

"Then explain why earlier today when Lars and I walked down the stairs and got to the lobby before you and Haz, who took the elevator," Louis said turning around to face me, "I need an answer."

"Going down stairs are faster then walking up them," I replied, "Now, let's get to my room. I need water."

"But can you tell me why we had to leave from our fun day with Lars? And why Kyla can't cook and-" I cut Harry off.

"Stop asking," I glared at him, "You'll find out inside the room, " Louis and Laura looked confused, while Harry looked mad.

"I want to now, Aria! Tell me!" Harry begged.

"Wait and see," I sighed.

Kyla's P.O.V (This isn't rare!)

"We need to clean this up," Megan shook her head, "Before Aria arrives here with the other two and Laura."

"Does anyone have an idea to make the cleaning go faster?" Liam asked the four of us. Megan, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and I were standing in the bathroom, discussing the flour mess in the kitchen. Before any of you think it was me, it wasn't. It was all Zayn. Believe me. Zayn was the one who dropped the bag. Why were we in the bathroom? To stay away from Megan's parents, who were in the main room watching TV or talking.

"Me!" Niall raised his hand.

"Yes, Nialler?" Megan asked crossing her arms. Megan and Liam took charge. They were the "bosses" of our assignment. The assignment was to clean up the kitchen.

"Can we make flour angels first?" Niall asked, "I heard that they're very fun and-"

"And messy," Liam cut him off, "We're running out of time and Aria, Hazza, Lou, and Lars are going to be coming soon. I sent Aria a messege, well, Kyla sent the messege off of my phone because the phonenapped it," Liam glared at me and I shrugged.

"You needed to pay attention more to the decorating, Mr. Payne," I shook my head, "And speaking of decorating, we haven't set up the decorations!"

"We're not putting up the balloons," Liam said putting his head in his hands, "No one should see them."

"C'mon, Li, it will be fine," Zayn told his friend, "We have to put them up, or we'll be having to wear your head."

"What?" Liam looked up at me with a confused look. I laughed and then went back to serious.

"I ordered party hats with your face on them. It was Zayn's idea," I said accusing Zayn.

"Yeah, it was," Zayn chuckled, "I told her to order them, I didn't actually mean for her to order th-"

"No one is wearing my head or blowing up my head," Liam said pointing at me and Zayn. Niall, Megan, Zayn, and I burst out in laughter, "What's so funny this time?"

"You said wearing your head or blowing it up," Megan laughed, "You gotta admit, that is funny."

"Well, no one is wearing them or-"

"I want to wear Liam!" Niall said raising his hand again, "And I'm sure Lars will want on-"

"No one is touching those!" Liam exclaimed.

"Then what are we going to do with them?" Zayn asked crossing his arms, "We can't just waste them. That would be the wrong thing to do."

"Yeah, I was really hoping to hand out your head to lots of little children," I sighed looking at the ground. Liam rolled his eyes.

"Now, let's get back to business. We need to clean up the flour before Harry, Lou-" Megan was cut off by a voice.

"WE'RE HOME!" I heard Louis yell. Oh no.

"Great," Zayn muttered rubbing the back of his head, "Now what are we going to do?"

"Keep them out of the kitchen," Liam said, "That is the only way to keep it a secr-"


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Harry asked him. Do they have to yell? "LOU, DID YOU SAY SNOW IN THE KITCHEN? IT'S SUMMER AND-WHAT THE-"

"Harold, language," I heard Aria say. Typical Aria. I smiled and then looked at the other four.

"Life is about taking risks, this is fine. I'm used to having Aria yell at me for making a mess in the kitchen," I smiled, "But today, Zayn has to take the risk because it wasn't me who dumped the flour onto the floor."

"It was an accident!" Zayn yell whispered.

"Yeah, and all my messes or mistakes were accidents too, and I still got yelled at!" I yelled whispered.

"But I don't want Aria to yell at me!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Why are we whispereing?" I asked him. We both laughed and then looked at the other three. They shook their heads and looked to the ground, "Why are you guys sad?"

"No reason," Niall said looking up, "Now, since we're sacrificing Zay-"

"We're not sacrificing anyone, Niall," Megan said looking at him with a glare, "Zayn is completely innocent, we are not sure if he was the one wh-"

"He was the one," Liam and I both said at the same time.

"So, he's guilty, but we're not sacrificing him," Megan said, "Sacrificing is a no no."

"C'mon, it's not like we're sacrificing food," Niall said, "Let's just let Zayn take the risk an-"

"What about Kyla? She's used to it."

"But she's innocent. Zayn's guilty."

"Zayn is guilty, but it was an accident!"

"And-" Niall was cut off by Liam.

"Enough, we don't need another argument to fo-" Liam was cut off by the door opening. Aria stood there, wide eyed.

"Where are you-am I disturbing something?" Aria asked looking at the five of us. We all looked at her and then exchanged looks with each other, "Yeah, I should just go-"

"Did you find them?" I heard Harry ask. He walked up to the door and stood in the doorway. Wide eyed also, "You know, the bathroom is meant for one person to use at a time and-are we disturbing something?"

"Why did you guys ask that question, they're not in the closet, what if they're lo-oh, there they are!" Louis said coming up into the doorway, "Are we disturbing something?"

"NO!" we all shouted.

"Good, because there is a mess in the kitchen," Aria said, "And you five need to clean it up."

"And so there won't be a punishment?" Zayn asked.

"No, there won't be a punishment. Wait, punishment?" Aria looked confused, "This isn't preschool."

"Oh," Zayn sighed with relief.

"Hey!" I shouted, "You always gave me punsihments! And Zayn did the mess in there and-"

"Was it an accident, Zayn?" Aria cut me off and looked at Zayn.

Aria's P.O.V

"Uh...." Zayn looked at Megan, then at Liam, and then back to me, "It was all Liam's fault. He was in charge."

"Okay," I said leaving the doorway. I didn't feel like getting the truth out of Zayn. And yell at them. I'm not a yeller, but I have became one since I met One Direction.

Louis and I walked into the mainroom, along with Harry and Laura following slowly behind. Louis looked at the Daniels and then waved. They looked confused, but waved back. Laura did a small smile, I just didn't look at them, and Harry smirked.

"Hey, what's in this?" Louis lifted up a bag off of my bed, "What's in here?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"You will never believe what is in here."


Thanks for reading, Rae and me, plus @meg9999 may have a sleepover tonight, so there may be NO updates! Oh my gosh! What are we going to do? That is what you are probably thinking right now...some of you are probably thinking, When will there be Aria/Harry action! And Niall/Kyla? What about Zayn/Megan! Don't forget Liam and Louis! There will be some more romance into the book. I am excited to make Niall and Kyla a couple. There will be ONE ENTIRE chapter all about them! And none of Aria and, sorry. I may ask Rae for help (which is rare in writing, I only ask for her help with school work. Today she wasn't much help because she kept calling herself stupid. We had to do a scavenger hunt in our History books, and she couldn't find out the price of how much you payed if you lost the book. The teacher said he just put it on there to make advanced kids struggle. And then he told us not to get arrested over the weekend and-well, he was the one who called One Direction M&Ms.)

Anyway, none of you may not want to read about my stupid old boring school day. But our wood shop teacher said one direction. Not the band, he said it together though because he was talking about a machine.

I will try to update, but then again it's Labor Day weekend and I'm busy. I have to spend time with family because my mom is throwing a party for Labor Day. But I will try my best to update.

*Spoiler Alert!* There will be Aria/Harry drama! Yay!

with more chapters to come, xoxo

-Kat :{)

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