Truth Or Dare (A One Directio...

By lillybird10

6.9M 115K 22.6K

Blazers, polos, plaid shirts, varsity jackets, and red pants... all because of one little dare, a bag of carr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five (Part One)
please skip
Chapter Fifty Five (Part Two)
Chapter Fifty Five (Part Three)
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Author's Note 3 :{)
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Niall Horan's 19th Birthday
Author's Note 4 :{)

Chapter Fifty Six

64.2K 1K 215
By lillybird10

Chapter Fifty Six :

Kyla's P.O.V (This isn't rare anymore!)

"Why would you order or buy balloons with my face on it!?" Liam exclaimed motioning to his face, "Why!?"

"Because it is funny," Zayn muttered. He was still laughing. Alot. I was too. But not as much as him.

"Shut it, Malik," Liam said turning to face Zayn. I started to laugh harder, Liam really hated this.

"Laura likes you, so I just...assumed...that I should buy...balloons with you....face on them!" I said, still laughing. It was hard for me to talk right now because I was having a laugh attack. Laugh attacks are similar to heart attacks, but they don't cause death. The only thing they cause is wetting your pants, crying, your face turning red, not being able to control laughter, and damaging your laughing box. I think. I'm no doctor, "Liam, it isn't that's just...funny! It wasn't....meant!"

"I'm not blowing those up," Liam said sitting down in one of the chairs at the table, "It would be weird if someone walks in and sees me blowing up my own face."

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Zayn laughed. I laughed too, but not as hard as before.

"You two are so immature," Liam shook his head, "I sometimes wonder why I'm the mature one."

"Well, Harry and Louis are planning on bribing you with a cookie. Saying come with us, to the dark side, I mean, side," Zayn told Liam, "But I don't think you would want a cookie."

"I'm hungry though," Liam said. I laughed.

"Since when are you Niall?" I asked. Liam shrugged his shoulders and Zayn took a seat on the counter.

"So, speaking of the little leprechaun who loves to eat Nandos, where is he?" Liam asked.

"At the airport," Zayn said pulling out his phone, "He is probably going to come back missing a body part."

"Why?" I asked looking at Liam, then to Zayn.

"Fans. Directioners," Zayn sighed, "We sometimes have stalkers come to London, to spy on us. They may be at the airport and rip off Niall's arm, foot, or whatever they want."

"Ew, that is just, ew, disgusting, gross, almost every disturbing word to describe," I rolled my eyes, trying to a get the image of a fan ripping Niall's arm off. It gave me the shivers.

Aria's P.O.V

"That was a fun movie," Louis said skipping out of the cinema. He was linking arms with Laura, instead of Harry. But Harry was on the otherside of Laura. I was the only one being normal.

"Yeah, if you call getting kicked out of the theatre fifteen minutes into the movie, than yeah. It was," I said rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault," Louis said putting his free arms up in surrender, "I'm innocent. It was all Harry and Lars' faults."

"No it wasn't!" the two suspects exclaimed at the same time, "We're not guilty!"


We walked into the theatre. Lars was holding a huge bucket of popcorn, Harry was holding a huge bucket of popcorn, Louis was holding a hu-I think you get it. We all were holding huge buckets of popcorn. Why? Because Louis and Laura agreed that we all need our own. Why huge? Because Harry and Louis both said that you mostly run on of popcorn while watching the commericals for new movies or trailers, the fancy word for them. What was the price? I don't know, Louis wouldn't allow me pay for me and Laura. He said it was his treat, but he ended up taking Harry's wallet and taking the money out of brings us to the drinks. I told them not to get larges, but the three of them consisted.

"You'll wet your pants during the movie, Lou. Don't get a large," I crossed my arms at the concession stand, "You three will have to go to the bathroom and then do a little dance in your chair because you don't want to leave the movie."

"We'll be fine, Aria," Harry rolled his eyes, "You always think of the bad part of things, why don't you think of the good?"

"Well, maybe because I'm always stuck with you two," I said looking at Louis and Harry.

"Mean," Louis said clutching his heart dramatically. If this was the movie, I would be laughing. But this is reality, so I wasn't.

"You were the one who wanted to come with us," Harry rolled his eyes. Laura was over talking to some girls who had followed us to the theatre. So it was no problem to talk about the suprise party we were holding for Laura's last day in London.

"Just order the stupid drinks already if you want them," I sighed. Harry and Louis both did fist pumps in the air, which I think was stupid. And then I mentally slapped myself for choosing them over Megan or Kyla and Niall.

"So, four tubs of large popcorns, is that it, sir?" the lady at the register asked. She looked to be in her late thirties and winced everytime a girl would shriek when they saw a piece of our popcorn accidently fall to the ground. Oh no, that belongs to Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles! I got to have it, oh wait, they didn't even eat the stupid piece! I thought to myself. I sometimes acted like a fangirl in my head, a stupid one. The ones that freak out over seeing that someone is selling a sandwich Niall supposodely put his mouth on. Two things, one, that is gross if you buy that, two you are wasting your money on something totally retarded.

"No, I would also like four large drinks, please," Louis smiled at the lady. The lady nodded and then told one of the workers to fill the cups up. Thank God it was a guy.

"Is that it, sir?" the lady asked as the guy handed us the drinks. Louis looked at me, and then looked at Harry, and then at Laura.

"I think so...." Louis' voice trailed off. He then looked at the ceiling and then back at the lady, "Yep, that's it."

"Okay, you're total is forty dollars and ninety seven cents," the lady replied to him. My jaw dropped.

"Aria, you're going to catch flies," Harry said to me. I glared at him and shut my mouth.

"Louis, that is expensive!" I exclaimed to him.

"Yeah, I know. It's movie food, it's always expensive," Louis told me, "And it isn't that expensive to what us boys buy."

"Let me pay for Laura and myself," I said pulling some money out of my pocket. I didn't feel like bringing a purse, "How much?"

"Uh, no, it is my treat. You guys don't pay. I do, now shoo!" Louis said motioning for me to leave. I sighed and walked over to Laura. Joining her into the conversation of directioners. What did I ever do to diserve this?

"C'mon, Lars and Aria!" Louis said holding a bucket of popcorn and a drink. We each did the same and we walked into the theatre.

"Did he seriously pay for all of this himself?" Laura asked looking over at me. I shrugged. Harry walked over to us.

"No, he stole my wallet. He didn't pay anything, it was all me," Harry sighed. I would pat him on the back for sympathy or something like that, but I was to busy holding jumbo popcorn and a drink.

"Why would we buy all of this?" I asked as we sat down in the front row.

"You asked that already. It's because we don't want to get hungry, beca-" I cut Louis off.

"Fine, I get it," I answered.

"We got the Niall special!" Harry joked raising up the bucket of popcorn. I rolled my eyes, but laughed at his stupid joke.

"How do you think Li and Zayn are doing with the decorating?" Louis whispered to me. I was in the middle of Louis and Harry. Lars was on the other side of Louis.

"Oh, badly," I replied putting a piece of popcorn into my mouth. Louis gave me a confused look and I said, "I'll tell you later."

"Okay," Louis said. The lights dimmed and the trailers started. Then the actual movie started. It was quite intresting. Until Harry and Louis started to laugh like maniacs.

"This isn't even to the funny parts!" I yelled whispered.

"Sorry, it's just that the characters on the screen look so huge!" Louis whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"You two are retards," I told them.

"We're not," Harry whispered to me, "We're smart."

"Yeah, in idiot school," I said shaking my head, "Just be quiet."

The movie continued. Then Laura traded seats with me because I couldn't stand Louis and Harry's comments. They leaned over me to talk to each other and say something about the movie. Don't they know the rules of the theatre? Oh, wait, they went to idiot school! I totally forgot!

"Uh oh!" Laura gasped quietly. I rolled my eyes and turned my head into their direction.

"What?" I hissed quietly. Laura and Harry both pointed to the spilled popcorn on the floor.

"We dropped it," Harry said.

"No, you dropped it," Laura said.

"Nuh uh, you did," Harry crossed his arms.

"Oh my gosh, you are so stupid," Laura said crossing her arms, "Remember? You were the one who knocked it out of my hands."

"Both of you shu-" Louis was cut off by Laura shrieking.

"This is bad! Very, very bad!" Laura shrieked. I leaned over Louis, whose mouth was open, and then mine did too. The sight wasn't pretty. Popcorn scattered all over the floor and some of the large drinks spilled.

"It was all Laura!" Harry whispered pointing to Laura.

"Me? You wer-" Laura was cut off by me.

"What happened?" I snapped.

"First, we were laughing a little," Harry explained, "And then I accidently knocked Laura's popcorn off her lap."

"And then Harry spilled the drinks all over," Laura continued, "And when I accidently threw some of his popcorn at that person," she pointed over to a mad looking worker.

"Out, you two, out," the person said shining a flash light into Harry and Laura's faces.

"Hello, ma'am, they're fine. People spill popcorn all the time, it's not like they killed anyone," Louis said to the girl.

"And do you know these two?" the lady pointed to Harry and Laura.

"No, I don't," Louis lied, "I'm just sitting here and enjoying the movie."

"Well, I bet you wouldn't mind if these two leave the theatre then," the lady motioned for Laura and Harry to get up and leave.

"How dare you!" Louis stood up, dropping his popcorn all over the floor, "That is THE Laura Daniels and THE Harry Styles!"

"I'm sorry, sir. But I have no idea who those people are," the woman said calmly, "And may I ask you to please leave also, you are causing a lot of noise around here."

"I shall go! You are an awful person! This movie is rubbish anyway!" Louis said walking out of the theatre, with Laura and Harry following.

"Are you friends with them?" the woman asked me.

"Yeah," I said looking up at her.

"Then you should leave as well."

"I'm sorry, but I wanted to see this move and we are only fifteen min-"

"I said leave."

"This is a free country."

"This is England."

"Oh, that only works in the U.S."

"Yeah, now go."

"Fine, I shall!" I said standing up and throwing popcorn at her. And then running out of the theatre, with a laughing Harry, Louis, and Laura following behind.

-End of Flashback-

"I was so suprised to see you dump popcorn all over that girl," Harry laughed, "I never knew you were like that."

"Well, it's not everyday you get to throw popcorn at a worker in a movie theatre and get kicked out because of the mistake of going to a movie with two fifths of One Direction and an innocent fourteen year old girl," I said with a small smile.

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