Truth Or Dare (A One Directio...

By lillybird10

6.9M 115K 22.6K

Blazers, polos, plaid shirts, varsity jackets, and red pants... all because of one little dare, a bag of carr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five (Part One)
please skip
Chapter Fifty Five (Part Two)
Chapter Fifty Five (Part Three)
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Author's Note 3 :{)
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Niall Horan's 19th Birthday
Author's Note 4 :{)

Chapter Forty Seven

65.9K 1.1K 93
By lillybird10

Forty Seven :

Being trapped in an elevator with One Direction Weird? Creepy? Hilarious? Well, it is one of those adjectives. I got to make one annoyed, one scared, and the others to laugh. My job here is done. All thanks to the most annoying things you can do in an elevator.

"It's a small world," I hummed standing infront of the doors.

"Aria, can you be quiet? You're giving me a head ache," Harry stood beside me.

"Oh, sorry," I apoligized, "It's a small world, after all," I hummed quieter. When the elevator stopped, I told everyone not to panick. We were just on another floor, that wasn't mine, and that some other strangers were going to be coming on.

"The lobby please?" a woman boarded onto the elevator. Louis smirked and then looked at the other strangers. I guess he was going to press their buttons for them. Literally.

"Floor two," a man with a briefcase told Louis.

"The lobby," another woman smiled. Louis nodded. He then hit every single button. The faces on the passengers and Harry's faces were priceless. Liam and I bursted into laughter.

"Great, I have to stay on this stupid elevator longer," Harry sighed.

"It's okay, you have me. And Lou. And Liam. And Niall, well, he is asleep. And Lars. And-" he cut me off.

"Exactly. You're annoying," Harry said walking over to the otherside of the elevator.

"Not to be rude, but are those people...well, dead?" the man asked pointing down to our sleeping friends. Liam shook his head no, while I shook my head yes.

"They were so young," I said putting my hand to my heart, "It feels like the just died three minutes ago."

"Because that was when they did, Aria," Louis said playing along, "It will be okay. We'll live."

"Yeah, live....without their jokes, laughs, and their eye rolling," I sighed wiping away a few fake tears. Liam rolled his eyes, but laughed.

"Did the elevator start workin-who are those people!?" Zayn woke up pointing to the three new strangers. I then fell to the floor and hugged him, "Are those angels, in heaven or something? Did I die?"

"You're alive!" I exclaimed letting go of the hug, "Only if Niall and Lars were hear to see this."

"They will, Aria," Harry said annoyed, "They're just sleeping."

"I know it hurts inside, but stop denying the fact that they're no longer with us," I said looking up at Harry.

"They are with us! And alive!" Harry exclaimed motioning to them. The elevator stopped again, but that was only to board some more passengers. Louis did the same thing, he hit all of the buttons. He also looked at all of the new people, who were boarding, in horror.

"There is so many of them," Louis whispered loudly.

"I know," I whispered back. Louis walked up to one of the new strangers and stood beside him.

"I'm kinda nervous...this is my first time flying," Louis said to the person.

"Okay?" the lady said. She just gave him a fake smile and then went back to talking to her friend. The elevator doors closed and it started moving again.

"I think I'm going to feel sick," I said clutching my stomach.

"Are you okay, dear?" one of the ladies asked. She came over to me and then bent down, "What's your name?"

"Aria," I replied, "My stomach hurts too much. I think I am going to throw up."

"Well, are any of these boys your  brother? Or something?" the lady asked, she then looked up at Harry. The person she saw me annoy, "Are you her brother?"

"Why would you ask that?" Harry asked crossing his arms.

"Well, she was annoying you and most siblings do that. So I just assumed," the lady replied, "If she is, don't deny it. I can tell that she is embaressing."

"I'm not her brother," Harry rolled his eyes.

"I feel all better!" I smiled standing up, "You can go away now."

"Um...okay?" the lady smiled and walked over to her friends. She began talking when Louis yelled.

"HELLO!? PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" Louis yelled. Everyone looked a little startled.

"Lou, do you mind?" Niall yawned waking up.

"No, he doesn't. Him and Aria have been annoying everyone since...I don't know," Zayn shrugged.

"Lou, don't yell so loud. Half of these people on here don't know you," Liam said walking up to Louis.

"And I don't know you!" Louis said walking away. Well, I have to admit....this was fun. Acting annoying and all. Louis then started making weird ringing noises.

"Are you going to answer your phone?" a man asked. Louis nodded. He then pulled a carrot out of his pocket and put it to his ear.

"Hello? This is Louis," Louis said talking into it.

"I think these children have been living in this elevator," a lady whispered to the man with the briefcase.

"Or they're orphans," he replied.

"If they had parents, I knew if I was one, I would be very embaressed and disappointed in them," another lady said butting into their conversation. Mean.

"La la la," Louis sang, "La la la la!"

"La la la!" I joined in. Soon we were singing and the people started to clap. But only for Louis, not for me. I'm a horrid singer.

"Thank you," Louis bowed, "You can buy our album."

"That kid thinks he is famous or something," a lady laughed while clapping.

"Because he is!" Harry said frusterated, "We're One Direction!"

"Who are they?" the man with the brief case asked.

"Ugh," Harry sighed.

"Do any of you people have food? I'm starving," Niall asked from the floor.

"No," they all said. We were to my floor when Louis tried to open the doors. He then let go.

"It's no use," he huffed. Then the doors opened, "Wow, I'm embaressed."

"Freedom!" Harry exclaimed running out of the elevator.

"Harry, no running!" Liam yelled chasing after him.

"Liam, no running!" I laughed exiting the elevator.

"Nice job," Louis said to me.

"For what?" I asked.

"Annoying Harry and the others," Louis laughed, "I really want to get trapped in an elevator again."

"So, do you think we annoyed him alot?" I asked.

"Yeah, he is currently banging on your room's door," Louis said. I looked over at Harry, he was banging on the door, "Probably to get away from us.....or he is just losing his mind."

"Open the door!" Harry yelled, "I don't want to see Louis and Aria anymore!"

"Harry, they were acting," Liam said, "And the door is open."

"What?" Harry asked opening the door, "Oh, it is. Why?"

"Because I lost my key," I smirked, "Because of Megan."

"And speaking of Megan, I'm right here," Megan said popping out of my room. Harry jumped back, along with Liam, "What took you guys so long to get here?"

"We...uh...were stuck in an elevator," Liam explained.

"With them!" Harry exclaimed pointing to me and Louis.

"Oh, why didn't you guys use the emergency phone?" Megan asked crossing her arms.

"We never thought of that," Niall mumbled walking up to us.

"I had to take the stairs because there were these girls blocking the elevator and they were screaming," Megan sighed, "So, you wanna come in."

"It's my room, so sure," I smiled.

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