For You

By its_Sesi

97.8K 6.9K 7.1K

A motorbike rider dressed in full leather outfit and helmet, rammed through the opening in the barricade towa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Introducing more Characters
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Preview of new characters and roles
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
More Characters
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Happy Announcement
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Thank you
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
100 reasons to celebrate and thankful for.
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
ASR...What the!!! 10k reads Yay!!!
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Mothers: Most important roles in the story.
Chapter 80 Wedding Part 1
Chapter 81 Wedding Part 2
Chapter 82 Wedding Part 3
Chapter 83 Wedding Final Part
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100 - Final Chapter
Thank You and Coming Soon
Review of "For You"

Chapter 57

601 47 58
By its_Sesi

You tell a lie once and the rest of them come easily.

The hardest part is to live by those lies afterwards.

If you tell the truth, it becomes part of your past.

But if you tell a lie, it becomes part of your future.


For the first time, Ajay and Amrita couldn't enjoy their holiday stay in their hometown. All their thoughts were with their dear friend Shyam, and how he and his family were coping.

It was a very sombre and grave Shyam, that met them after two weeks in their home town.

Mukesh Ajay and Amrita were glad to see Shyam finally, but were equally shocked to see the drastic change in him. He looked like someone, who hadn't had a proper meal or sleep for weeks.

Mrs Sharma was so worried that she asked Dr Sharma to do a thorough check up on Shyam.

Dr Sharma tried to put his wife's worries to rest. He invited Shyam to stay with them as long as he was in the town, and Shyam reluctantly agreed. Then with the forceful intervention from his friends, Mrs Sharma and Brijesh he began to slowly recover.

It was almost time for Amrita and Vidya to go back, as the holidays were nearly over. Brijesh had arranged for both of them to stay in a hostel now, in spite of protests from Ganesh. They would first go to Shyam's house though, pack their things from their rooms on the top floor, before settling into the hostel.

Ajay was leaving for the City in few days to appear for the Civil services preliminary exam

One day,  Shyam and Amrita were chatting in Amrita's room. Amrita was packing her suitcase, and came across the Sari Deepa presented to her. She was looking fondly at it, when Shyam came and touched the sari himself, and sat next to her.

"You know Ammu, the last day I was with her, she talked very little, but she mentioned how happy she was in the last year or so, because of you being in our home. I think you fulfilled her desire of having a daughter in the house. She was so fond of you. And you did so much for her, perhaps more than any of us. You stayed with her in the hospital, even at home when she was so sick. I sometimes don't know how I can ever thank you."

Shyam broke down again, and Amrita moved close to him and hugged him.

Amrita and Shyam didn't notice that Ajay walked into the room just then, and seeing both his friends crying, stopped.

"Please Shyam don't ever say things like thank you. She was very dear to me as well, and I felt so happy to be with her. Please control yourself. If she had her way, she would have probably kept me with her all the time, and I would have stayed with her too." Amrita chuckled, and Shyam joined her as she ruffled his hair affectionately.

She looked up just then and noticed Ajay looking sadly at them. Flashes of their previous argument over Shyam jolted Amrita; fearing that Ajay might misunderstand her sitting so close to Shyam, she moved away from him quickly with a guilt stricken face. Ajay noticed the sudden change in Amrita's behaviour, but couldn't understand why.

He approached Shyam and tapped on his shoulder.

"Mukesh and I are planning to go to the movies; do you guys want to join?" He asked casually.

"Sure, let's go." Shyam was keen to distract his mind.

"Ajay!! You got the most important exam in two days' time and you want to go to movies? You are really...Anyway you guys go ahead; I have got packing to do. Vidya hadn't done her packing either. I have to make sure she does." Amrita turned back to her packing.

"Ammu, let me worry about my exam. Not you. It's been so long since we saw any movies; that packing can wait. I am leaving early morning tomorrow and I haven't done any yet. You still got time." Ajay came close to Ammu and looked at her longingly.

Amrita looked into his eyes, and couldn't turn her gaze away. She too wanted to spend some time with him but...

"I think she wants to go... but just with you dear." Shyam guessed shrewdly.

"NO!" Both Ajay and Amrita denied in unison.

"Ok then, as long I get to sit next to her, I am good to go." Shyam mocked.

Ajay came towards him and strangled him playfully.

"As long as I get to strangle you, I am happy too." He replied.

Amrita was happy to see Shyam back in his jovial mood after so long. She got ready quickly, and joined the guys to go to the movies.

As they were just leaving, Amrita noticed a visibly upset Vidya coming in. Amrita called out to her if she wants to come too.

But Vidya refused politely, and walked away towards her room.

As Amrita was watching the movie, Ajay whispered in her ear.

"Seriously Ammu, have I asked you to come to watch the movie?" She pinched him lightly, and moved a bit closer, wrapping her arm around his, and rested her face on his shoulder. She was embarrassed that Shyam or Mukesh might hear or notice them, but they seemed engrossed in the movie.

"I will be gone for 4 days. I am going to miss you." Ajay nuzzled against her hair and murmured.

"Me too." Amrita whispered.

Whenever appropriate, Ajay kept kissing her hair or forehead and Amrita just closed her eyes in a bliss, inhaling his smell. Just as the movie was about to finish, Ajay quickly grabbed her lips and gave a swift kiss. Amrita blushed so deeply, that she was thankful that they were in a dark theatre.

Ajay dropped Amrita at her home and they said goodbye to each other. Both kept looking at each other, as if they didn't want to move.

Finally Amrita had a spot of courage; she quickly kissed on Ajay's lips and then ran away inside. Ajay's face was lit up with a content smile, as he walked slowly towards Dr Sharma's home.

Once he went inside, he saw Shyam asking Dr Sharma for his car keys, as he had to urgently go somewhere.

When he saw Ajay walking towards him, he quickly hugged him and left, saying he will be back in few hours. Dr Sharma looked at Ajay in confusion, as both didn't know why Shyam was in such a hurry.

Both of them shrugged and smiled, as they went to the dining table where Mrs Sharma was waiting for them.

 Later,  Ajay quickly packed his bags for his trip, and waited for Shyam to return. He called a few times too but Shyam wasn't answering his calls.

Ajay waited for some more time and then finally went to bed, as he had to wake up early in the morning for his journey.

Shyam was driving the car as fast as he could, in the narrow windy roads around town, towards the highway. He knew there was a new hospital, which had been built recently, around 30km away. He inwardly prayed to god that they will reach there in time. If anything happened and they are too late, he will be seeing another death, and he had no capacity to deal with that right now.

He looked into the rear view mirror, and found Amrita looking like a ghost, and silently crying.

"Ammu, can you please tell me at least now why we have to go to another hospital 30 km away, when Dr Sharma uncle would have been the quickest and best option."

"Trust me Shyam, I will explain everything once we see the doctor. But remember one thing, please give false names for all of us, and use only cash for payment. I have got cash with me."

"Don't worry about that, I have got cash too." Shyam replied frustratedly.

He still shuddered as he recalled what happened earlier. He had to carry the unconscious body of Vidya out of their home, that too without the knowledge of Janaki Amma and Brijesh Sir.

Shyam tried to engage Amrita, but she seemed too lost in her own thoughts. They drove in silence for another 10 minutes, and reached the emergency ward of the new hospital.

Shyam quickly explained to the duty nurse and doctor, and they hurriedly brought a stretcher to carry a deathly looking Vidya inside. Shyam and Amrita were nervously waiting outside the surgery, as the doctor and nurse worked on Vidya.

Finally after an hour or so, the doctor advised them that Vidya was now out of danger but was  kept under observation, and they can go and see her. Amrita rushed inside along with Shyam, and there, on the bed, was a pale looking Vidya, with a drip attached to her. The moment she saw Amrita and Shyam enter, she turned her face away, as if she was ashamed of herself, and started sobbing.

"Shush!! Vidya please don't cry my dear. There's nothing to cry or worry about. Thank god you are safe now. That's all that matters." Amrita sat close to Vidya and hugged her softly. Shyam looked on helplessly. Then he slowly gathered courage and spoke in a soft caring voice.

"Vidya, don't you know how precious life is? If you don't, just ask someone like me, who lost his mother a month ago." Shyam choked.

"Ammu, Shyam I am so sorry! I didn't know what came over me. When I saw the message from the College Principal today, I knew what I feared all along. I have failed in two papers. He wanted me to come and meet him along with Baba. He had sent a similar message to Baba too. And you know what I did? I know Baba never checks his messages regularly. I took Baba's phone secretly and checked, he hadn't read it yet. So I deleted that message. I felt so ashamed of myself later. I didn't know what came over me. Then slowly I realised that I can't keep hiding this truth from him or anyone ever.

And I couldn't face Baba... I was the one who boasted to everyone that I want to become a doctor, and here I was, a failed student, who couldn't even pass her college exams. So... So I went to Dr Sharma uncle's clinic and took the sleeping pills bottle. I knew where he always kept them...Oh!! Ammu I am so ashamed of everything I have done." Vidya started crying uncontrollably again.

"It's Okay Vidya, please... please stop crying. We all make mistakes dear, sometimes that's the only way to learn, and then we make sure we don't repeat it. You know how much I love you, how much Baba loves you. Failing in exams is nothing... you can always appear for the exam in September and pass, and no one will even know. But what if something happened to you today huh? If I had lost you, can you imagine what effect it would have on me and Baba? I would have died too... simple as that." Amrita's tears were uncontrollable.

"Ammu, I am sorry, I am so sorry. I promise you, that I will always come to you first if I need help. I behaved so cowardly today." Vidya hugged her sister desperately.

"Vidya you are the love of my life and I will always take care of you, I made a promise to myself long time ago. All you had to do was come and tell me, and I would have taken care of everything dear. Now please don't worry about anything and just rest, Ok?" Amrita gathered Vidya's face and kissed on her forehead.

Vidya wiped her tears and nodded with wet eyes.

Looking at the two sisters, Shyam suddenly thought of a tigress and her cubs, and he laughed at his own imagination. But he was glad that Vidya was regretting her decision, and promised to consult Amrita for everything. But one thing still remained a mystery. How could a hardworking student like Vidya fail in her exams? He felt delicate to ask them at this moment though, and let it pass.

Amrita looked at Shyam as if she was steeling herself for something and finally asked.

"Shyam can you promise me one thing too?" Her voice was calm and collected.

"Of course Amrita, anything. You don't have to ask." Shyam replied promptly.

"Don't give your promise to anyone so easily, Shyam. I want you to promise me that you will stand by me, no matter what I do and say, in the next few days or weeks or whatever. I will have to tell all sorts of lies to my family now to cover up for Vidya; but I need you to stand by me. Can you promise that? This is just between you and me, give your promise only if you trust me, if you think I am worthy of it. Please think carefully and give me your word." Amrita's eyes were shining with passion.

"Ammu, no please don't do this. I will ... I will face up to Baba and tell him everything... I can face everyone but Ajay..." Vidya started crying again.

"Shush Vidya; Ajay will never ever know anything about this... Not just Ajay but no one else will, I will make sure of that. Now please rest up." She tucked Vidya in her bed and laid her arm over her gently.

She turned to look at Shyam again with the same intent gaze.

Shyam was confused, where did Ajay come into all this?

And then he looked at Amrita who was still gazing at him fixedly. Her words echoed in his mind. It's just between you and me. As he looked at her, he realised he could do anything for her.

She was his friend who helped him and his mother tirelessly for the past one year, never even complaining once; someone whom his mother started looking upon almost like a daughter or as family. She was his best friend's girl, his childhood mate.

"I give you my word Ammu; I will stand by you in whatever you do to help Vidya." He promised again with more determination.

"Thanks Shyam, I knew I could count on you. I can't do this without your help."

There was a relieved and thankful expression on Amrita's face.

As they both looked, Vidya fell asleep slowly. Amrita slowly got up and beckoned Shyam to follow her, and they went into the waiting room outside the ward. It was almost midnight then.

Brijesh meanwhile was frantically trying  to call Amrita and Vidya once Janaki Amma noticed that Ammu hadn't returned from the movies, and Vidya too wasn't in her room. He then called Dr Sharma, who informed that Ajay and Shyam returned few hours ago, but Shyam had gone out again in a hurry with his car.

Brijesh didn't know what to make of this. He thought of calling all the friends of Amrita and Vidya, but hesitated due to the late hour; just then, to his relief, he got a call from Amrita, briefly informing him that she, along with Vidya and Shyam were on their way back home. Before he could ask any further details, Amrita hung up on him, which left him fuming. He however called Dr Sharma immediately, telling him not to worry, as Amrita and Vidya were on their way home.

As she hung up on the call, Amrita knew Baba would be quite angry at her now. But tonight, she was ready to face anything and take on anyone. A steely glint entered her eyes as she contemplated what needed to be done. But first, she needed to explain certain things to Shyam.

She looked straight into the eyes of Shyam. She needed to be tough and objective about this, she told herself.

"Vidya had been failing all her term exams and internal tests at the coaching institute it seems, but she never told any of us. Of course it was entirely my fault too, that I have not taken enough care of her in the past few months, or monitored what was going on." She began to explain.

"Ammu don't be ridiculous and blame yourself for this. If a person was hiding something from you, you don't have superpowers to find out. And I know how hard you have been working for the past one year, due to Maa's sickness and all. If blame needs to be taken, it should be taken by my family for this." Shyam said guiltily.

"Please Shyam, I didn't mean it that way at all and for the last time, please don't ever mention my time spent with your mom as a tax on me or anyone. I did it because I loved her; I treated her as my own mother, that's all."

Shyam came closer to Amrita and ruffled her hair.

"You don't know how much it means to me to hear these words from you." He choked.

Amrita gulped nervously before continuing.

"Vidya always hero worshipped Ajay, but it had now slowly grown into a deep love, and like a typical teenager, all she had been doing was thinking about him constantly. That's why she had been getting bad grades. Apparently she already had told him in her own muddled way, but he never understood her. That was all I could get from her, before she collapsed in my arms earlier."

Amrita added in a toneless voice.

Shyam's eyes narrowed as he began to comprehend the situation.

"Ammu it is nothing but infatuation, you know that; she is just a kid. Explain to her that Ajay loves you, and she will realise how wrong she was and forget all about it. Of course it will cause a lot of heartache, and time to recover, but we can help her through that."

"Oh!! so when it comes to matters of heart, she is a kid; but otherwise we all need to treat her like an adult is that it? I fell in love with Ajay at 17 but I knew what I was doing, because I have known him almost all my life. But the same applies to Vidya. So, how can we judge that her love is nothing but infatuation?" She asked him emotionally.

"Wait a minute, so what are you implying here? So are you going to let her get away with it?"

"Shyam that is my sister lying there on a bed. She almost died few hours ago. Do you think she will have the strength to face rejection? Or to know that the person she loved all her life is in love with someone else. No!! I am never going to tell her this, and neither are you. Promise me that."

"You and I can hide as much as we want to dear, but Ajay will tell her anyway. So what is the point?" Shyam argued.

"Well let me take care of that. This is where you come in Shyam." And she quickly explained what she was going to do.

"NO! NEVER! Over my dead body! What the hell do you think you are doing?" Shyam's angry voice reverberated in that empty waiting room so much, that the duty nurse came and scolded both of them to keep their mouths shut or leave.

 Shyam and Amrita continued to argue, but in lowered tones. At one point, Shyam stormed out of the waiting room but came back again, as Amrita had got Vidya discharged from the hospital.

After an hour, Vidya supported by Amrita and Shyam reached home, to find an anxious Brijesh and Janaki Amma waiting in the living room.

Amrita held Vidya by the arms, and helped her walk slowly into the living room.

The atmosphere in the home was quite tense, and Vidya shuddered slightly, as she looked into the stern face of their beloved Baba.

Janaki Amma came forward as she looked worriedly at Vidya.

"What happened to her?"

"Janaki Amma, Vidya had a fall at the party we went to. She needs bed rest. I will just take her to the bedroom, and I will come right back and explain everything."

Brijesh was observing Shyam, who stood with such a stony expression and controlled rage, that he began to worry exactly what happened.

"Shyam beta, please sit down." He offered.

"Thanks Brijesh Sir, I am fine." Shyam didn't dare to look into his old teacher's eyes.

Amrita was back and stood before her Baba followed by Janaki Amma.

"Hmm Ammu! So what is this party you are talking about? Janaki Amma said you guys were going to the movies. And Vidya wasn't with you then." Brijesh sounded pleasant, but his temper was barely under control.

"Yes Baba we did go to the movies, but then I came back and took Vidya with me. All three of us went to attend a birthday party at new club on the highway."

"And you didn't bother to tell anyone at home about this because..."

"Because I knew you wouldn't approve of it. Actually I just wanted to go alone with Shyam, but you would have been even madder at me then, so I just took Vidya to tag along." She replied without a flinch.

"Oh.... Very clever of you I am sure. I..."

Amrita cut him short.

"There's one more thing I want you to know Baba! I am in love with Shyam and we intend to marry each other once we are settled in jobs.


Hope you have liked this chapter so far. I don't want to hold 

you here.Please tuck in to the next chapter. But remember to

vote please. Cheers.


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