My Bad Girl Ways

By Giavannih

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"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion a... More

MY BAD GIRL WAYS...chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
List of my stories

Chapter 72

2K 60 0
By Giavannih

Eli's POV

"You guys ready?"

Alex and Xavier both nod getting their guns from the trunk.

"Damn bro what the fuck happened to your face?", Xavier furrows his brows.

"Your baby face oh no!", Alex snorts.

I give Alex a stern glare and he quickly pretends to cough.

"Just an altercation I had earlier nothing major", I plainly respond.

All I could think about is Gia. I would be lying if I said I'm not a bit nervous.

I hope to see her again.

It's midnight stars all over the sky shining brightly down at us.

Crickets chirping while the cold wind howls.

The three of us scurried quietly towards the warehouse.

As we got nearer my heart began to thump faster than usual enough for me to hear my own heart beat.

"Omar and Freddy are right over there", Xavier whispers as we crouched behind some bushes.

I notice a small rock on the ground and I grab it throwing it against a random tree.

As soon as the rock hits the tree stem. Omar and Freddy both snap their heads towards our direction.

"Did you hear that?", Freddy croaks as he warily stares at the tree.

"Yeah let's check it out", Omar demands gripping onto his gun.

As soon as these two idiots walk pass us circling the tree. I immediately bolt at Omar hitting him with my gun on the side of his head.

Alex and Xavier grab Freddy doing the same.

"Where's Julius?", I firmly scold.

"You won't hear shit from me!", Omar scoffs.

My blood flares up quicker than usual not having any patience for anyone tonight.

I pull the trigger letting out a bullet blast through this head. His now cold pale body laying still on the ground.

This is my first time murdering someone. I should be tripping about what I just did, but I'm not. I honestly have no sympathy for any of these bastards.

"Wow", Alex gasps.

"If you don't answer us the same will happen to you!", Xavier mutters aiming his gun at Freddy's head.

Freddy was trembling from fear especially after seeing Omar lifeless body laying near him.

"Please don't kill me!", he begs.

"Where is Julius and the others?", I hastily repeat.

"T-They're inside", Freddy stutters.

Without any permission nor order Xavier pulls the trigger.

"Can't trust none", Xavier scoffs.

We make our way towards the warehouse hearing laughter coming from inside.

I peek through the window on the side and see Julius and his three guards drinking it up with four prostitutes.

"I'll go in first", Xavier whispers.

"Alex sprint to the other side and barge in from the back and shoot don't wait", I order.

Alex nods sprinting his way to the back.

I take in a deep breath as Gia's face comes to my mind suddenly.

Her precious face instantly toughens me up as I remember this must happen in order for her to be safe as well as be free from this lifestyle.

I look through the window straight to the other one across the room seeing Alex nod his head signaling me he's ready.

I nod back in response then look at Xavier before saying, "now".

Xavier kicks the door open as we both burst in at the same time.

The prostitutes all gasp in shock with fear in their eyes as they intently look at us.

Julius snaps his head towards Xavier and I then back to Alex.

His guards are now aiming their guns at us three as we are to them.

"Wow who fucked you up?", Julius evilly chuckles as he beams at me.

Suddenly I spot one of his guards stepping forward and everyone starts shooting fire.

I throw myself to the floor while shooting towards the guards.

One prostitute was laying lifeless on the ground while the rest were crouched near Julius desk.

It's was complete chaos. Bullets hitting everywhere.

Two of Julius guards were now down only leaving one and Julius left.

"Alex!", Xavier shouts fear in his voice.

My eyes almost bulge out of their sockets as I see Alex's body fall to the ground.

I avert looking towards Julius who's gun is aiming towards Alex's direction.

Anger rises within me and I quickly get up on my feet charging towards Julius.

I've never hated anyone as much as I hated Julius.

As I'm charging towards Julius I feel his bodyguard aim the gun towards my direction.

Somehow I didn't give a fuck if I got shot. All I could do is keep my focus on Julius.

I suddenly hear a gun shot and Julius's guard falls down to the ground not moving.

Julius aims his gun at me, but a sudden bullet shoots through his hand causing him to drop his gun on the floor as he grabs his injured hand with the good one wincing in pain.

I tackle him to the floor and start throwing blows to his face with all of my force.

Each hit was packed with aggression from everything he's done to threatening Gia's life, raping Francia, and shooting Alex.

I feel a strong grip grab my fist from hitting Julius causing me to quickly snap my head up to the side seeing Xavier.

"Is Alex d...?"

"No, he's good he was shot on the leg. We must take him to the hospital", Xavier cuts me off.

Xavier helps me stand up aiming both of our guns at Julius who's lying helplessly on the ground.

"How dare you three fucking betray me this way you ungrateful fucks!", Julius grits his teeth.

"We're ungrateful?", Xavier scoffs letting out a chuckle.

"I'm going to fucking kill Gia this is all her fault!", he grumbles.

"Ha not if I kill you first!", I snort.

Suddenly I hear police sirens outside of the warehouse.

Xavier and I both furrow our brows at each other.

I hear the police man's footsteps coming closer as well as rustling.

"Shoot him now!", Xavier demands as he hears the police getting closer.

Beaming at Julius I throw him the most deadliest glare I can.


Suddenly he tries reaching for the his gun and I pull the trigger the bullet going straight through his forehead.

Julius face quickly becomes pale and his whole body stiffens.

At the same time I pulled the trigger the cops burst through the door of the warehouse from all sorts of directions.

"DROP THE GUNS AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP!", a police offer shouts as the other aims their guns at Xavier and I.

Two paramedics enter the room assisting Alex who's on the floor wincing in pain.

"Fuck man", I mutter under my breath.

Xavier and I throw our guns on the floor.


We do as he says slowly putting our hands up kneeling down.

I take a moment to examine the room seeing blood sputtered everywhere.

Bodies were laid out in different places.

The crying prostitutes are escorted out of the warehouse by the police.

I can hear all of them making reports to the officers outside.

Xavier and I are both hand cuffed abruptly and rudely lifted up.

We're both escorted individually. Once I step outside all kinds of red and blue lights flash almost blinding me.

Police cars and FBI trucks are everywhere.

Civilians from around the area are in their pajamas behind the yellow tape being nosey.

4 different news reporters with their camera crews are all trying to get past the yellow tape trying to get information.

"Omg isn't that Elias Gold the next future owner of Gold Industry Enterprise?!", a female reporter says out loud as a baffled expression sets on her face.

As soon as she says this everyone starts to gossip to each other.

I'm thrown inside of the back of the FBI truck.

"We're finally going to lock your spoiled ass up!", one of the officers in the truck sneers as he smirks.

I roll my eyes at him. However I think he's right.

I'm glad Xavier and I came out alive without any injuries from the war from a few minutes ago.

Alex just has an injured leg, but he's alive.

However looks like I won't be going back to the love of my life.

Gia's POV


My eyes flutter wide open noticing Eli isn't here.

I quickly get up from the bed throwing clothes on.

Bolting downstairs as fast as I could almost falling down on my way. I finally reach to my mother.

She's stiff absolutely not moving whatsoever as she beams without blinking at the TV.

"What's going on?", I croak out.

My mother slowly lifts her arm up her finger pointing towards the TV screen.

I furrow my brows at her and my eyes follow her finger.

My eyes literally bulged out of their sockets. My body began to shake from the nerves.

News reporter

Good morning we have a tragic event that took place 3 hours ago. A fatal violent drug war took place at a warehouse in San Jose near Evergreen neighborhood leaving 1 male injured, 6 males and 1 female dead at the scene.

San Jose residents claim they heard more than 10 gun shots at once causing them to awaken in the middle of the night.

The Sheriff of San Jose Police Department reports several calls were made around 2 in the morning reporting gun shots occurring in Evergreen area.

Once police arrived at the scene where residents said the gun shots were coming from. Police officials walked in witnessing the horrific scene still taking place.

An 18 year old named Elias Gold and his acquaintance Xavier Black who's 19 years old were arrested and taken into custody.

I talked to the sheriff as the two young males were taken into custody. I asked him how long are these two youngsters possibly facing behind bars and he said, "years or life without parole".

My heart shattered at the scene of an hand cuffed Eli being escorted out of the familiar warehouse getting pushed into the FBI truck.

I don't understand anything right now. He was laying with me a couple of hours ago.

Suddenly it all hit me like a thousand needles going through my heart.


I placed my shaky hands on both of my temples as my body jolts. My lips were also shivering.

"Honey", my mom softy croaks.

I tried to respond, but nothing seemed to come out from my mouth. All I could do is break down.

My mom quickly tugged me in a tight hug.

"I need to see him!", I grumble.

"Honey I have to leave to work in 20 minutes"

"I'm going to call April!", I pull away running upstairs.

"Let me know everything", my mom shouts.

Once I'm in my room I pick up my phone and dial her.


Hi Mrs. Gold have you seen the news?


Have you talked to him?

Not yet but I'm currently talking to his lawyer

I'm so sorry I'll let you finish. Please let me know everything

Of course

The line goes dead. Frustration sets in my head causing an enormous headache.

I need to get to Eli but how? I wouldn't mind walking, but downtown is so far.

7 minutes later

I've called Lulu, Jesiah, and the girls and none of them answer.

Knowing them their all still asleep it is only 6 in the morning.

As I dial the person I never thought I would turn to especially after everything that has happened.

I bite on my bottom lip and shake my foot rapidly from all the nerves being dis controlled right now.




It's me I need your help please

What? Are you okay? Wait! What time is it?

I need you to give me a ride to the San Jose Police Department in downtown please hurry!

Before Ray could respond I hang up on him. This is the only way to avoid a no.

15 minutes later

The past 15 minutes, I've been sitting on the couch constantly looking through the window for Ray's arrival.

My eyes spot his Mercedes pulling up in front of my driveway and I quickly get off of the couch heading out of the house.

Barging in his car buckling myself I turn to face Ray. I haven't seen him since he fought with Eli.

Ray has a black eye, a busted lip, a huge bump with stitches on his left forehead, and a large purplish bruise on his right cheek bone.

If I thought Eli looked somewhat in pain. Ray is twice as worse.

"I'm so sorry about the fight between you and Eli", I huff.

"Don't do that it's not like you initiated it", Ray responds his eyes focused on the road.

"I kissed you back giving you a false signal and I hurt the both of you", I frown feeling so guilty for all the drama lately.

"Honestly I deserved that. I forced myself on you. It's clear you love him as much as I hate to admit it meaning there is no chance for us to happen", Ray sighs.

I never wanted to hurt Ray in the first place. No matter what he did to me I do still care about him as a friend.

Once I thought I hated him with all of my heart, but Eli helped me move on as well as forgiving Ray for hurting me.

"Ray I don't want you out of my life. We were once friends and I would really like my friend back", I smile.

Ray smiles before asking, "So why did you wake me up so early?".

My vision began to blur.

"Eli is in custody. He killed Julius and his people and now he could be facing years or even life behind bars".

Tears slide down my cheeks like a river stream.
No matter how hard I try to keep it together in front of Ray I just couldn't.

"What the fuck! Why? He's a murderer?", Ray splutters a stunned expression plastered on his face.

"He's no murderer", I mutter.

"My bad I didn't mean to offend, I'm just taken back by this sudden news", Ray apologizes.

And so I begin to explain everything to him.

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