Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys...

Krystal_Grace द्वारा

138K 3.1K 238

I cupped her face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs in circles over her cheeks. She was having trouble finding w... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 88

755 23 4
Krystal_Grace द्वारा


The Story: Sara Ramirez

Good Enough: Little Mix

A.J.'s POV

Four o'clock in the morning. That's the time, Harry decided it was time to come home, drunk off his ass. I was livid. Not because he came home drunk, not even because he came home so late. It was the fact that he had the audacity to try and have sex with me, claiming it was his right. I calmly turned him down, moving passed him to get ready for the day. It had still been two hours until my alarm would go off, but I hadn't gotten any sleep, so there was no point in waiting.

I felt bad for making Pete get up so early to take me to the office, but I had to get out of the damn house and work. By the time Samara and Olivia came in, I had already been at it for four hours and I needed a break, but I knew I shouldn't take one. It would only allow me time to think, and thinking would only piss me off and make my anger with, Harry grow.

By two in the afternoon, I had effectively tackled everything for that day and even done some work for tomorrow. I needed a nap, and food, and aspirin to nurse my headache. I walked into, Sam's office first, where she was busy working on new jewelry designs, letting her know I was taking off. She wave me off, not taking her concentration off her designs. Olivia was out on a late lunch with, Liam, so I just left her a note at her desk.

The only good thing about having a driver was being able to think freely without having to worry about causing an accident. My thoughts were still consumed by, Sloane and the bitterness I was harboring for losing her. Thankfully, no one really paid me any mind, knowing I would probably snap if they did. At least this way I didn't have to pretend to smile for them, act like I was okay when I was dying inside. I can just be my miserable self. I guess that's partly the reason why I didn't care that, Harry was out so late and came home shit faced. I didn't have to pretend for him either.

When I got home, I kicked off my sneakers and headed off to the kitchen. To my annoyance, a very hungover, Harry was standing in front of the coffee maker, rubbing his temples with his fingers.

"Good morning," I said as loudly as possible, walking over to the fridge.

"God, please do not yell," he groaned.

"I'm not yelling," I lied, keeping my voice raised.

He groaned again, grabbing a mug from the cupboard. I pulled out some supplies for a sandwich along with chips and a soda. Junk. I missed junk. I loudly made a sandwich for both of us, setting a plate in front of him before putting everything back in the fridge and taking my seat.

I wasn't even hungry anymore. I was just annoyed and tired. I rested my head on my fist as I took a bite from my sandwich, wiping my hand on a napkin. As I chewed, I grabbed my phone, opening up Instagram, I hadn't been on there in a while and I wasn't particularly intrigued by it, I just didn't want to deal with, Harry.

"You're being rude," I heard him say from behind his mug.

I hummed, swallowing my over chewed food. "It's also rude to stay out all night without telling your girlfriend you'd be home late," I retorted without looking up from my phone.

"Didn't know I needed to ask for your permission," he shot back.

"You don't," I shrugged. "I just don't think it's fair-"

"You really don't want to talk about fair," he challenged, sending a pang in my chest.

I placed the rest of my uneaten sandwich on his plate, knowing he was going to eat it anyway, picking up my own plate and taking it to the sink. I noisily washed the dish and set it off to dry, knowing it would piss me off.

Just as he was going to demand that I behave, the doorbell rang.

"Can you get that, please?" I asked, drying my hands and leaning against the counter, wrapping my arms around myself.

I could tell, despite his stone faced expression, he wanted to come over to me and comfort me. But, he just nodded, getting up to answer the door. The ringing became constant and they began to come with an accompanying knock as well. Someone was in a hurry. Whoever it was, I hope they left, quickly. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone today. Or ever.

Odette's POV

I banged on the door and continued to ring the doorbell at the same time, hoping that either my sister or freaking, Harry would open the damn door on time. Come on Kit, open the fucking door. I banged on the door again, even more urgently, hoping they would get the damn picture and hurry the hell up. Seconds passed and I heard a damn car pulling up. Shit. Fuck. I was about to start kicking the door when it swung open, my closed fist about to hit, Harry on the face, but he grabbed it and moved his head to the side to avoid the collision.

He looked like hell. His face scrunched in confusion. Dumb ass. I told him I was coming today. "Odette what-"

I had no time for this. "Where is my sister?" I begged, but it was too late, the car door just opened. My limited time to warn them was no gone.

"Mom, please," Theo's voice filled my ears. "Don't do this, please," he begged our mom for the millionth time. But, there was no stopping her, she was on a rampage.

"Harry, I'm so sorry," I shook my head frantically. "I didn't mean to tell her, it just slipped and she-" I cut myself off, pushing passed him as I heard them get closer. "I didn't mean to," I whispered to, Harry, who still looked at me with confusion while I used his body to shield myself from the oncoming ball of crazy.

"What the hell is goi-" My sister's voice echoed through the foyer. God, she looked worse than, Harry, if that was even possible. "Odette? what are you doing here?" she asked as she got closer to me.

Her makeup was heavily done, probably to cover up dark circles and her sunken in cheeks. It still looked flawless and it wasn't obvious at all to anyone who didn't know her. But, I did. And I knew this wasn't her. She barely wore makeup, if any. What really put me off was the lack of baby bump around her stomach, and the pain in her eyes.

"Mom, calm down," I heard Theo again. "Where is she," my mom demanded, at the same time, virtually drowning out my brother's voice.

I quickly ran to, Kit, my body colliding with hers. This is usually how we greeted each other, but this time was different. This time, I was afraid. Not for me, but for her. I just hoped that my small frame would be enough to protect her from our mother.

Kit's arms wrapped around me, her hands rubbing my back as she looked down at me with a smile, telling me everything was going to be okay. In one swift movement, I was now behind her, and our mother was standing directly in front of us, towering over the both of us. It wasn't her height, but her demeanor and anger that loomed over the both of us.

What I hadn't expected was my mom's hand colliding with my sister's cheek. "How, dare, you," she seethed. Kit just looked back at her, her eyes down low, as if the emotional pain was much more harming than the physical. Theo and Harry automatically charged at the small group we had formed, but, Kit put her hand up, stopping both of them in their tracks. "Not only do you move in with him, but you bought a house together and you got yourself pregnant," she continued. She grabbed Kit's arm, pulling her forward. "Come, we'll take care of that, right now."

"I lost the baby," Kit spoke softly, full of pain and anger, but loud enough to get our mom's attention.

She turned around, letting go of, Kit's arm, a wide smile on her face. "That's fantastic." Kit's shoulders dropped along with her face.

"MOM," both Theo and I yelled. "That's enough," Theo roared. It was odd to see him on our sister's side, they usually didn't get along.

Harry's anger radiated throughout the room, making it more evident as he got closer, staring my mom down. "You need to leave," he remained polite, but his anger was just growing with every breath he took.

"Not without my daughters," she spat, pulling both of us by the elbows like little girls towards the door.

"Let her go," Kit demanded.

Doing the last thing I thought I would ever do, I did the only thing I could think of to get my mom to release my sister. She always protected me, it was my turn. I opened my mouth as wide as I could before I bit down, hard, on my mom's arm. Which worked. She instantly let go of, Kit, which made me let go, but it was too late, her hand swung round until it collided with my face this time. It brought back the sting I was already feeling at full force, but it was worth it.

She was going in for another hit, but my body was being pulling back and her body was being flung across the room and slammed into a wall. I could tell, Kit wanted to do so much more, but she restrained herself, walking away from her and turning to walk towards me. I small sense of relief washed over me before I noticed, Kit's eyes harden, studying my face intently. Crap.

I tried to wiggle out of, what I now realized was, Harry's grip, desperately trying to avoid her gaze. But, it was pointless, everyone was pretty much stronger than I was.

"What the hell," she commented, breathlessly, almost a whisper of disbelief, as she touched my face, making me flinch. Harry let me go, joining her in the inspection of my face. Double crap. She used her long sleeve of her rather expensive dress to wipe the makeup off my face. "This isn't the first time, is it?" Harry asked, cupping my chin to inspect me every which way.

Before I could give my answer, Kit spun around. "You fucking, bitch," she yelled, stalking towards our mother. Fuck. Shit. Crap. Damn. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fucking shit. "How could you put your hands on her," she yelled.

Theo's face was next to take up the confused expression, for only a split second. Once he connected the dots, he grabbed our mom by the shoulders before, Kit reached her, "you fucking promised," he yelled, almost shaking her body.

What I didn't expect was the look of pure terror that took vacancy on my mother's face, making, Kit, Harry and I all freeze as we watched their interaction. By now, two other people, who I recognized as Kit and Harry's security people had joined our little party, but they did nothing at, Harry's instruction.

"What are you talking about, Theo?" Kit asked, shoving him away from our mom. Not for her sake, but for his, I think.

The three of them exchanged looks, the fear not fading from my mom. Of course not, her precious, Theo was now against her. And she had railed up, Kit, I'd be scared too.

"Why did you hit her? How long? How often?" Kit asked, her voice shaking.

"Because, she's just like you," my mom spat, her normal, hardened demeanor returning. Though it was clear that it was just a facade, she was still fucking scared.

Kit, grew angrier, she was about to lunge at our mom, but, Theo stood in front of her, holding Kit's body back, the sudden touch he gave her made her flinch a little. Now Kit's anger was focused on my brother. At this point, Harry shoved me to one of the men in the room, running towards my sister. He shoved, Theo away from her and stood between them, holding, Kit behind him with one arm and ready to swing at my brother with the other.

"Stop," I yelled, making the three turn to look at me. "Harry, that's my brother, please don't do it," I begged, pathetically.

He looked at me wildly, like I was crazy if I thought he was going to stop. But, he did. As if though something had clicked inside him, he relaxed his stance, stepping back to wrap both his arms around my sister. Which seemed to calm her down, slightly.

"My office now," she looked at our mom and brother. Theo nodded, grabbing mom's arm, harshly. "Pete, can you take them please, and make sure they don't leave."

The man who didn't have me, nodded, leading them to what I assume was, Kit's office. As they passed me by, Theo gave me a reassuring smile, while my mom gave me a death glare that sent chills down my spine. It sucked that my own fucking mother was able to strike that type of reaction in me, her own daughter. If I felt like this, I couldn't imagine how, Kit and Ollie felt, out of all of us they got the worst of mother.

Kit and, Harry whispered to each other, careful not to speak too loudly. Both of them looked each other like they were mad with one another, but the love was still intact, it was odd. Maybe they were in the middle of a fight when we got here. Fucking Harold, I bet it was his fault. With a final whisper from, Harry, a small nod from my sister and a quick kiss from both, Kit walked away, her arms snugly around herself, not bothering to look at me when she walked passed me in the same direction my mom and brother had disappeared to. Great. She was mad at me.

"What's she going to do?" I asked Harry.

He gave me a tight lipped smile. "I don't know," he lied. "How about we go get some ice cream and you can tell me how your acting lessons are going?"

I huffed, nodding, knowing I wasn't going to get anything out of him. He was probably told to keep me distracted so I wouldn't go eavesdropping. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me into him as we made our way to what I assume was the kitchen.

A.J.'s POV

"What are you going to do?" Harry mumbled, quietly, careful to not, let Odie hear us.

"I don't know," I answered him, honestly and just as hushed, my voice threatening to break. He gripped my elbows to support me and I gripped onto his forearms, needing his comfort. I didn't care if we were having a spat right now. That didn't matter. Only, Odette mattered right now.

I looked up at him, needing to see his reaction to what I was about to ask him. "Can she live with us?" I asked, quietly and hesitantly.

"Babe, of course," he mumbled. I looked at him, trying to gauge how he really felt, but all I saw was sincerity. "She's your sister and you need to keep her safe, if moving her in will do that, than that's what we'll do."

"Just, me and you, we're-"

"We're having a hard time, but we'll get passed it soon enough. But, we need to do what's best for, Odette, and that's getting her away from, Sarah." He tenderly rubbed my arms with his thumbs, which calmed me down, immensely. "Now, go deal with them."

"Watch, Odie, please, you know how she is, I don't want her to hear anything."

"Of course," he nodded. "Just, stay calm, okay?" It was more of a plea than a suggestion.

I nodded, looking up at him as his head ducked down. I hadn't expected it, but I welcomed his kiss, offering him one in return. We pulled away, making me take a deep breath and turning around. I walked straight passed, Odie, not wanting to look at her. I was pissed with her. She should have told me this was happening long before and we wouldn't have gotten to this point. She should have trusted me.

Keep calm. Keep calm. Keep fucking calm. I had to repeat to myself over and over as I left, Harry's encouraging words behind and made my way to the office. I took a deep breath, letting go of every fear I had before I put up the mask I had created when dealing with, Sarah, long ago. I opened the door, my eyes being met with Theo's, who's hardened eyes softened when he looked at me.

I still didn't know if I could trust him yet, but I knew one thing for certain. Like me, he loved, Odie with everything he had, and in this particular ordeal, he was on my side. The mere seconds of peace I had when I looked at, Theo were out the window when, Sarah turned her head, offering me the wicked smile she was known for.

"I fucking, hate you," I growled, lunging at her for the third time today.

Pete was quick to create a barrier between us, but I pushed passed him, only to be met with, Theo. Both of them kept me from attacking my own mother. Not that the fucking bitch deserved their fucking protection.

"You're really going to stoop down to her level?" Theo whispered into my ear. "You're better than this, A.J., you're better than her. Come one," he rubbed my shoulders.

"I can't, Theo," I confessed to my brother. That's what he was acting like right now. My brother, the one I had known so long ago. "I hate her," I admitted, again.

"I know," he said softly. "I know."

For some reason, his understanding was enough to calm me down, again. I nodded, letting them know I was okay now. Pete let go first, with a small nod before stepping away. Theo was hesitant at first, but eventually let me go, taking his seat once more.

I walked around the desk, taking a seat in my chair. I didn't want to sit down I was pumped, my blood was rushing and I needed to be up and moving. But, I knew if I stayed standing, it would just be easier to reach, Sarah if she pissed me off again. I took the cross pendent between my fingers, gripping it as I fought to keep myself calm and gather enough strength to do what I was about to do. I knew what I had to do; get, Odie away from her. And I knew how to do it. I just didn't know if I could do that. It would make me just like her.

"What do you want?" I asked the woman who birthed me. The thought alone made me sick. I was her offspring, her DNA made up my own, her cold bool ran through my veins.

"I want you to leave him," she sneered.

"I mean, what do you want for, Odette, what's your price? How much do you want for you to leave her alone?" The words tasted like venom as the left my lips. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I was putting a price on my own sister.

"Like I said, I want you to leave that idiot and marry, Emilo," she smirked, knowing I'd do it if it meant protecting, Odie. She was finally going to have her way, and she knew it.

"Mom, don't," Theo was furious. I hated the way he called her mom, it wasn't even his real mom, granted, she treated him better than she treated the rest of us, but still. "If that's your deal, I'll tell dad everything," he threatened. "And I'll tell her the one thing you don't want her to know."

Her eyes went wide while mine grew confused and curious. But I let it go. "How much did you sell me for?" I ask, pulling out my personal checkbook. "'Cause this is what it's about right? That's what it's always been about. Money?" I grab my pen from its holder and flip to a blank check. "Huh? How much did they pay you to arrange the damn marriage?" My voice broke, slightly, but she didn't notice. Pete did. "Because, that is the only fucking reason you would give a damn who I was with, face it, you don't give a rats ass about me, you never have and you never will. All you care about is the money that's to my name and what benefits you can reap from it. Now, you much was I worth to you?" I almost yell the last part.

We stare at each other for a long moment. Neither of us backing down, both of us scared and angry at the other.

"Two million," she finally says after a long silence between us. "His father gave me two million and if you don't marry him, I have to pay him back, plus two extra." Theo whipped his head in her direction, clear shock and disgust on his face. I on the other hand was hurt. I expected it, in fact, I knew it, but hearing her admit it, it stung. By her own admission, she sold me, not caring what that meant for me, her own daughter.

I ignored the burn from the ball in my throat and made out a check to my mother. Once I finished, I ripped it out, hating myself for the tear that slipped away, making me look weak and pathetic in front of her. "I want to buy myself back," I uttered the words, loud enough for her to hear.

"What?" Both her and Theo asked in unison. Even Pete was giving me a questioning look.

"If you take this check, you have to call off whatever arrangement you have with that damn family," I let out, annoyed that my voice was breaking. "And you no longer get a claim over me," I add. " If you accept this check, I am no longer you daughter and you are no longer my mother. Aside from family functions I don't want anything to do with you, I don't want to see you and I do not want to hear from you, unless it is absolutely necessary."

I handed her the check, which she took without a second thought or a single ounce of remorse. She just took it from me with her perfect smile intact. "Deal," she said, tucking the check into her expensive, crappy purse.

"Mom, you can't do this, she's your-"

"She's a business acquaintance," my mom, Sarah, cut in, without a hint of regret or sorrow.

"What about, Odette?" Theo asked, me. "What's going to happen to her? How will you see her or-"

"That one is still mine," Sarah grinned, knowing damn well she had leverage.

I swallowed the ball in my throat, wiping my face to free them from the tears that had left me. Although I basically just gave up the only parent I had left, my own mother, I felt a sense of freedom. But, I still needed to take care of, Odie. "Five billion," I blurted out. My sister was worth that and much more, but I knew that was all I could use up in one sitting without raising any red flags.

"You don't have that kind of money," my- Sarah, said skeptically.

I nodded, knowing she was right. "I get full control of my inheritance on my birthday," I informed her.

"You can't seriously be doing this, A.J., mom you can't be selling your own daughter," Theo shot at both of us.

"Shut up, Theo," she sneered.

"No, she's my sister, I'll never see her, again," he stood up from his seat, anger and fear running through him.

At that moment, I remembered she wasn't only my sister, she had three other siblings and Tommy. "You can still see her, Theo," I assured him, hoping that if the tables were turned, he would return the favor. "You are still welcome to visit as often as you want and spend as much time as you want with her," my voice was still shaky, but it was still firm. "I just don't want her to grow up like us," I hoped that little bit would convince him that this was for, Odie's own good.

"Five billion and you name me her trustee in your will," Sarah interrupted. Red flags went up, immediately, but I knew it would be the only way to get her to agree. And it was a little odd that she knew, Odette was in my will. She wasn't just in my will, she was the sole beneficiary. Aside from this house that was mine and Harry's, everything would go to, Odette if I died.

"Selling and buying a person is illegal, guys," Theo spit out, punching the desk.

"I'm not buying a person," I said calmly. "Sarah is selling me her cabin," I looked at her.

She shook her head, panic taking over. "No, anything but the cabin."

"Five billion, you get to be the trustee, I get the cabin and you give me guardianship of my sister," I looked at her, my voice staying firm, surprisingly.

She looked at me for a few moments, thinking. Again, I felt a little hurt that she was more worried about losing that damn cabin than she was about losing, Odie, or myself. A fucking piece of property was more important to her than her own daughters.

"Fine," She finally agreed. "Deal."

It was my turn to smirk while she looked like she was pissed, like I had just took away her most sacred possession. Her cabin, not her youngest daughter. "Great, you may leave now," I stood up from my seat as she did the same. "Pete, please escort, Mrs. Travis out and make sure she leaves the property," I instructed, grateful that my voice didn't break.

"Yes ma'am," he nodded, grabbing her elbow, a little too firmly, making her squirm. Part of me wanted to have him stop, but she was no longer my concern.

"Theo, let's go," she called after her dear son.

"I'm not going with you," he announced. "I'm staying with my sister, sisters," he corrected, looking over at me to see if that was okay.

I simply nodded, knowing that, Odie would want him to stay. With one final look to both of us, Sarah made her way out of my office. As the door shut behind them, I flopped back into my seat, realizing that that was the very last time I was going to see that woman as my mother. Not that she was much of one, but she was the only thing I had, the only mother I had. Why the hell did I just do that? Why did she accept? What the hell did I just do to, Odette? I did what my mom, what Sarah has done to me my entire life, make my decisions for me. I just did that to my little sister.

Just as Theo was about to ask me something, the door reopened. I hoped that it was, Sarah, reconsidering the whole ordeal, maybe she reflected and decided that she couldn't take the offer, at least Odette's. But, I was wrong. It was my little sister and Harry, the only thing that kept me from crying was the bruises on my sister's face. That simple reminder of why I did what I did was enough to make me okay with the arrangement I just made with, Sarah. But, I still wanted to have, Harry wrap his arms around me and make this nightmare go away.  

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