Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys...

By Krystal_Grace

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I cupped her face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs in circles over her cheeks. She was having trouble finding w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 65

816 27 1
By Krystal_Grace


Something Special: Usher

XO: Beyonce

End of the Day: One Direction

Harry's POV

After a restless night of taking care of Katarina while she threw up every ten minutes, she finally stopped fighting me and let me hold her. We sat on the cold bathroom floor with her tucked between my legs while her body rested on mine. After about half an hour of nothing flying out of her, she decided to wash up and move to the bed. She laid half her body on me, her eyes shutting instantly. I knew she wasn't going to sleep though. It was already seven in the morning and she was ready to get up by now, upset tummy or not.

I tried to ask her if this had anything to do with her stomach aches she started having when we were in Mexico, but she just ignore me. It was a little concerning that she wasn't getting any better after all this time. In fact, she was just getting worse. Once she got in to shower, I made my way down to the kitchen, hoping that my mum was already awake.

Thankfully, she was already in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. "Mummy, Katarina doesn't feel good, what do I give her?" I questioned throwing my entire body against hers for some comfort.

She wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my back. "Don't worry, I'm making her some tea, should make her feel better," she patted my back, indicating for me to stand up straight.

I did as she asked, walking over to the fridge and getting a water bottle. I was tired, but I knew I couldn't take a nap. If I did, Katarina might take it upon herself to leave like she did back in Dallas, and I don't think I could stand it. At least if I were awake I could try to stop her or at least follow her.

Gemma shot me a few glares as she walked in the kitchen and noticed me sitting on the counter top. Luckily, she had Tommy sitting on her hip, so there wasn't much she could say. Otherwise, I would have gotten an earful and after the night I had, I was not up for it. And judging by the way John shot me a good morning with a large smile, I knew she hadn't told him anything either. He was Katarina's brother after all, had he known what happened last night, his greeting would have been way different. 

The kitchen soon started filling up, Katarina being the last to join us. She looked pale in comparison to her usual colored skin. She thanked my mum as she practically shoved the tea down her throat. I had expected her not to want to sit through breakfast, but surprisingly, she joined us and even had some food. It was just toast and a little bit of fruit, but it was still more than I had hoped she was going to eat. I thought I was going to have to force feed her.

We stayed at the table for well over an hour, just talking and catching up. I loved being around my family, and I especially loved that Katarina was here to be part of that. Even though she asked me for space and time, she still stuck around. I didn't know if that was for the benefit of my family or mine, but I didn't care. At this point, I was just going to take what I could get. Though I was scared shitless that she would leave me, I knew in the back of my mind that she wouldn't. We've been through this enough times to know that neither of us can walk out on the other.  

The doorbell ringing was what finally got us out of our little trance. "I'll get it," I got up heading over to the door, it was probably some cousins or something that were coming over today.

"Hey, Haz," Alice's cheery voice filled my ears.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping that she would just go away. I didn't want to be rude, but her being here was the last thing I needed right now. "Alice, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your family or something?" I questioned a little too harshly. Though she deserved it after what she did last night.

"Well, good morning to you Mr. Grumpy pants," she giggled, pushing past me to walk in the house.

I had never been so annoyed with her in my life. "Don't call me that," I shot back, remembering the times Katarina had called me that.

I watched as she stood on the tips over her toes trying to peek over my shoulder. That's when it hit me. She had done the same thing last night when we were out. I hadn't planned on going, but she insisted that I should go visit with some of our old friends while I was in town. She was right,but I hadn't exactly planned on staying out as late as I did either.

"You saw Ka- my girlfriend last night didn't you," I corrected, knowing that Katarina would have a fit if she heard me use her full name with Alice. "When you kissed me last night, you had seen her and waited till she was watching to kiss me."

"Don't act like you didn't like it," she grinned.

"No, Alice, no I didn't like it. It wasn't a real kiss, it was dull and lacking spa-"

She cut me off, pressing her lips to mine. I pressed my lips together, trying to avoid her as I pushed her back by her shoulders.

"Tommy, go ask Gem if we can use her crayons please," I heard Katarina enter the room.

In the same instant, Alice pretended to push me away, wiping her lips from her smudged lip gloss. The little bitch. She did it again. I was about to explain myself to Katarina as she made her way to me, wiping my lips with a tissue. Once all the lip gloss was off, or just the essence of Alice, she proceeded to press her lips to mine, both of our mouths opening at the same time. It wasn't the reaction I was expecting, but I welcomed it. The familiar sensation of sparks flying filled my body. That's what a kiss should feel like. The way her lips and her mouth molded to mine, the way she ignited my body, letting me know that she loved me with every stroke of her tongue against mine.

I almost groaned a complaint as she pulled her lips from mine, both of us panting for air. She smiled up at me, biting her bottom swollen lip as she untangled herself from me. I hadn't noticed that I had her by the hips, pressing her to me until she pushed them away moving to face Alice.

"Now, if that wasn't clear enough, he has a girlfriend-"

"Haz, are you going to let her talk to me like that?" Alice interrupted.

Katarina stepped directly in front of her line of vision of me. "Haz, isn't talking to you sweetheart, I am," her voice was authoritative and I knew if these were different circumstances and we weren't at my mum's house, she might have punched her. I actually would have loved to see that, not even gonna lie. "Now, I respect the friendship you both have, and I won't come between that, but all I ask is that you show the same respect towards our relationship and we shall all get along," she smiled politely and genuinely before stepping out from between us. "Merry Christmas," she added before walking away.

"I gotta go," I moved Alice towards the door, closing it before she could say anything. I followed Katarina as she headed up the stairs. "Where are you going?" I asked, hoping that she wasn't going to take off. I took the stairs three at a time until I was two steps in front of her, walking backwards.

"Gotta go scrub my lips off," she waved her hand exaggeratedly in front of her. I looked at her confused. "She kissed you with her slimy little lips and then I kissed you, now make yourself useful and find me a Brillo pad or get out of my way, Styles."

She continued her ascent up the stairs to the bathroom we shared, grabbing her toothbrush from it's holder. She was literally trying to wash away any trace of Alice, brushing her teeth for a good solid five minutes before rinsing with mouthwash. Twice. A routine I also followed at her request. It was a little childish, and she knew it, but I'd do anything to get back on her good side. And it was a little funny, I had to give her that.

Once we were all washed up to her satisfaction, we made our way back down the stairs to join the rest of the family. Thankfully, other family members had decided to finally make an appearance, that way I could avoid any scrutiny I was bound to receive from my immediate family, including John, who I was now sure couldn't wait to tell me off. He probably saw something or Gemma finally spilled the beans, I thought she was supposed to be on my side?

I happily introduced Katarina to every one of my family members, and as expected, they all took a liking to her, especially the little kids who she decided to hang out with. It was quite a sight to watch them climb all over her while she pretended to be beaten up by them.

I knew she was still mad at me, but she was acting like her normal self around me, except when I tried to wrap my arm around her. She would smack my hand away and walk off to find my mum or sister. I guess I deserved some backlash, but at least she wasn't making a move to run out the door.

She and John fit in perfectly with everyone. Gemma and I kinda sat around smugly, both of us looking at our respective partners with complete adoration and sense of pride. The only time Katarina ever freaked out was when one of my great aunts asked when we were going to settle down and have some kids. She uncharacteristically stuttered, not knowing what to say, her face turning red. It wasn't until my mum sort of stepped in, gently rubbing her shoulders, explaining to my aunt that we were too young still. It was odd, yet comforting the way she looked up at my mum with a grateful smile, as though she had just saved her life.

I was glad that she got on so well with my mum. She had proven that the first time they had met, but it was something more this time around. And it was a miracle that she didn't shy away from my mum's hugs or cringe awkwardly like she usually did when anybody tried to show her any sort of affection.

Then there was Gemma, who she was practically joined at the hip with. She defended her against me while Katarina defended Gemma against John. Feisty little things the two of them put together. Again, she didn't shy away from my sister. I wondered what it was that made her so comfortable with them. She didn't even let her own mum touch her like that, though that wasn't a great comparison because I even cringed when I saw Sarah try to touch her.

It was around nine at night when everything had gone from a semi calm atmosphere to a sort of no hold back kind of party. I hadn't seen Katarina in over half an hour, so I decided to go around the house looking for her. I had kept my distance most of the day, giving her the space she asked for while still keeping an eye on her from a distance.

When I finally found her, she was sitting on the couch with Tommy wrapped around her, laying against her chest as she rocked him back and forth while she stared at the movie that was playing. As I got closer, I noticed that she was rubbing small circles on his back and whispering something to him.

"What's the matter?" I asked, getting closer. The little boy whipped his head towards me, his little eyes were red, his tears staining his little, fluffy cheeks.

She wiped his face with the back of her hand gently, "he wants to open a present-"

"And daddy said no," he finished for her, crossing his arms over his chest, letting out a loud huff that sent snot flying from his nose.

Katarina grabbed a tissue from her other hand, wiping his nose clean, to which he protested, shaking his head rapidly. Just as she was about to say something, her phone rang. "Huh, look who it is bubba," she showed him the screen, Odette's face popping up to face time. She turned him around in her lap as she answered the call.

I sat down next to her, playing with Tommy's little hand to distract him. "MERRY CHRISTMAS," she shouted as soon as the call went through. "Wait, is it Christmas over there yet?" We both shook our head while Tommy nodded. "Oh well, it's Christmas somewhere. Wait, why is my favorite crying? Kit, what did you do to him?"

"Daddy won't let me open presents," he huffed.

Odette gasped mockingly, but it seemed to capture Tommy's attention that someone shared his point of view. He laid back against Katarina, taking her phone into his little hands, going into a full blown explanation to his other aunt on why he should be allowed to open presents right now rather than tomorrow morning. Eventually, between the two sisters, they had convinced Tommy that it was best to wait till the morning because that's when Santa delivered all the toys, if he opened one now he might get socks.

The conversation went on between the four of us for another ten minutes, Tommy had taken my phone and began to take pictures of everything and nothing at all. I didn't mind though, as long as he was happy. It took every ounce of willpower not to go over and grab one of the presents from Katarina and myself and let him tear it open. But, John was his dad, and I didn't want to overstep my bounds.

It wasn't until the sound of Sarah's voice caught everyone's attention that we decided to mutually start wrapping it up. With a few eye rolls and goodbyes later, she ended the call.

"Well, she's never boring is she?" I teased.

"Nope," Katarina answered with a prideful smile. I kissed her cheek, not thinking twice about it. "I'm still mad at you," she commented as my lips left her skin.

"Yeah, me too," Tommy added while he took pictures of his cartoon slippers.

"Why are you mad at me?" I grabbed him, tickling his little belly.

He wiggled around on my lap trying to escape me. Loud shrieks and giggles filled the room. He begged Katarina for help, which she made the mistake of doing. I grabbed them both, tickling them until we were all on the floor and they were now on top of me and I was now their victim.

I threw my hands up defeat. "Alright, alright, I give up. You guys win."

They cheered happily, Katarina grabbing Tommy's arms and raising them up in the air in victory. He jumped around happily as Katarina snapped a picture of me defeated on the ground. We took a few more pictures together before Tommy got sleepy.

His little hands opened and clenched into tiny fists as his arms outstretched for me to pick him up, which I happily did. I followed Katarina up the steps as she led the way to the room he was staying at with John. We tucked him in and he passed out within five minutes of his head hitting the pillow.

We made our way back down the step and plopping back in front of the TV. I was a little surprised when she leaned against me while she posted something before locking her phone and shoving it between her thighs.

"Not mad at me anymore?" I mumbled against her hair.

"Mhm, you're just comfy and you make me feel better," she mumbled, paying attention to the Christmas movie that was playing.

"When are you going to stop being mad at me?" I dared to ask.

"When you stop doing stupid shit," she was all too quick to answer. She let out a loud laugh, smacking my stomach as she tried to control herself. "I'm sorry, that was mean, huh?" She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. I nodded with a smile, happy that she was at least in a good mood. "I'm not mad at you anymore," her laughs softened as she pulled out her phone again, showing me what she posted.

It was a picture of us two making a silly face while Tommy was looking like a little grump. The caption reading "Merry Christmas", simple yet effective. "Does that mean I get a Christmas kiss?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

She shrugged playfully. "We'll see if I even make it till midnight," she yawned mockingly, tapping her hand against her mouth.

Her fingers played with the rings on my free hand while my other scrolled through her pictures, sending myself the ones I liked. As I was about to turn off her phone, I noticed that she had set a black and white version of me laying on the floor after they had proclaimed victory over me. Not that I was conceded in any way, but the fact that she had just set a picture of me as her screensaver made me happy. It meant that she was still in this and she wasn't giving up on me just yet.

It was a minute till midnight and everyone had gathered in the living room for the countdown Katarina was half asleep, leaning her body against mine for support. I knew after this I was taking her off to bed. She urged me to join the rest of my family and have fun, but I couldn't be without her, especially after the whole incident with Alice. I was still afraid that she was going to run out the door any minute, despite my earlier sliver of hope. You never know with Katarina.

As the clock struck twelve, everyone cheered and exchanged a "Merry Christmas" to one another. I on the other hand, grabbed Katarina, cupping her face and giving her a kiss. I didn't care if she wanted space or not, I wanted my damned Christmas kiss. I was relieved when she kissed back instead of pushing me away. If it weren't for our need to breathe, we would have never stopped.

"Merry Christmas," I let out breathlessly.

She smiled, pecking my lips one more time, "Merry Christmas," she said, just as breathless.  

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