love of my life (Hayes Grier)

By hayesgrier_260

72.9K 1.7K 326

The day I met Hayes was the day I knew my life would change forever. I'm just a simple 14 year old girl, like... More

intro/chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78
chapter 79
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 87
chapter 88
chapter 89
chapter 90
chapter 91
chapter 92
chapter 93
chapter 94
chapter 95
chapter 96
chapter 97
chapter 98
chapter 99
chapter 100
chapter 101
chapter 102
chapter 103
chapter 104
chapter 105
Authors note!!

chapter 7

1.1K 26 7
By hayesgrier_260

gabbys POV

I woke up to my alarm going off at 7, I rolled out of bed and got changed for cheer then washed my face and went downstairs.

I ate a banana then woke zac up to drive me.

I went to cheer for a few hours then walked home because zac forgot to pick me up and decided not to answer his phone.

I got inside and saw him asleep on the couch, I really didn't care, I don't mind walking.

I went upstairs and showered then changed into comfy shorts and a tshirt and I put my long hair in a pony tail.

I got a text from Hayes asking if I wanted to hang out.

"dylllll" I said as I went into his room.

"what" he said

"can I go to Hayes?" I asked

"ask zac, he's the one in charge" Dylan said

"he's sleeping" I said

"oh well sure I don't see why not" Dylan said

"thank" I said and hugged him then walked and met Hayes around the corner.

he looks nervous about something, "is everything ok?" I said

"yeah yeah, it's great, how bout with you?" Hayes asked

"it's good" I said

we were walking when Hayes kept fiddling with his fingers, "I do that when I'm nervous too, what's wrong?" I asked.

"gab, I know we haven't known each other that long, but I really like you, like a lot. we have been inseparable since we met, like I defiantly consider you my best friend right now and I'm crazy for you. everything about you is perfect Gabriella. I know you and know that you're gonna think this is cheesy but will you be my girlfriend?" he asked

"aw Hayes that was so cheesy but yes, I'm crazy about you too" I said

"is that what you were nervous about?" i asked

"yeah" he said

"aw that's cute" I said

"stop" he said getting all embarrassed.

we got to nashs and went inside and it was only Grayson and Ethan there.

"how'd it go Hayes?" Grayson asked

"good she said yes" Hayes said

"aw" Ethan said

"what are we gonna do today?" Hayes asked

"it's just us here all day, let's order pizza and make a video" Grayson said

"gab you're in it" Ethan said

"okay fine by me" I said

I sat down on the couch and Hayes ordered pizza.

"gab will you come with me to pick it up?" Hayes asked

"yeah sure" I said

"okay we'll leave in 10 minutes" he said and sat next to me on the couch.

we heard a knock on the door so Hayes got up and opened it.

I saw a little girl at the door, "hi would you wanna buy some Girl Scout cookies?" she asked

"oh yeah, how much for a box" Hayes said

"5 bucks" she said

he handed her 5 dollars and she handed him some thin mints, "thank you, good luck selling the rest cutie" Hayes said

"thank you" she said and ran away.

"I don't like these but she was cute so I had to buy a box" Hayes said

"gab let's go" Hayes said

I stood up and put my flip flops back on and we left.

"how far is the pizza place?" I asked

"like 2 blocks away lazy" Hayes said

"I'm not lazy, I was at cheer all morning, actually jk I'm really lazy" I said.

"I'll race you" Hayes said

"fine but you'll lose" I said

"ready set go" Hayes said and we both started running and it was a close one until my flip flop broke and caused me to fall.

Hayes started laughing while trying to help me up.

"Hayes you're so mean" I said

"that was the funnies thing I ever saw in my life" he said while laughing.

I stood up and kept walking.

"want a piggy back ride?" Hayes asked

"no" I said

"aw don't be mad" Hayes said

we got in the pizza place. "pick up for Ben" Hayes said

they handed Hayes the pizza and he paid then we left.

"Benjamin" I said

"you're mean" he said

"funny" I said

we got back to Hayes and went in and saw Grayson and Ethan wrestling.

"pizza" Hayes yelled and they both jumped up.

we all started eating pizza and then after the guys set up the camera.

"okay sit on the couch everyone" Ethan said and we all sat down and he started filming.

"hey guys it's Grayson and Ethan and Hayes and Hayes girlfriend gabby. we're doing a Q and A today" Grayson said

"okay let's get right into this, question 1: who's the tallest" Hayes said

we all stood up, "Gabriella sit down" Hayes said, I stuck my tongue out at him and sat down.

"Hayes you can sit down too" I said

"well I'm taller than Ethan" Grayson said

"question 2: who has the most defined abs?" Ethan said

the guys all pulled their shirts up, "she has abs too" Hayes said and pulled my shirt up a little.


"I'm not so sure about that one" Hayes said and i slapped him.

"okay well I think this ones between gabby and Grayson" Hayes said

"grayson one, girl abs aren't as defined as guys" i said

"question 3: is Gabriella zac efrons little sister?" Grayson asked

"uh yeah" I said

"wait really?" Ethan asked

"yes why do you think dave Franco was in her house the other day when Nash went all fan boy on him" Hayes said

we finished the video with a couple more stupid questions.

"me and Grayson are going to movies are you guys coming?" Ethan asked

Hayes looked at me, "I don't care, up to you" I said

"yeah sure" Hayes said

"I'll call zac and see if he'll drive us so we don't have to walk" I said

I called Zacs phone and dave answered saying zac was still asleep but he'll drive us.

"dave will drive us" I said and we waiting outside.

dave pulled up and the 3 guys got in the back and I opened the door upfront but Dylan obrien was there.

"make room back there" I said and opened the door.

I sat on Hayes lap because it was too squishy to make room.

"do you need money gab?" dave asked

"no I have some" I said

"what are you guys seeing?" Dylan asked

"scorth trials" hayes said

"YOO IM IN THAT CAN I COME" Dylan yelled

"yes Dylan, you can come" I said

"I love the little efrons" Dylan said smiling.

we pulled up and dave and Dylan came with us and we went inside.

I sat in between Hayes and dave.

Dylan was over there quoting the whole

"DYLAN SHUT UP" I yelled

"raw" he said at me.

we finished the movie and it was so good, "would've been better if the main character wasn't Dylan obrien" I said as we walked out.

"DONT HATE ON HIM HES PERFECT" some girl yelled then tried to punch me but I caught her hand.

"hey I'm just kidding, he's my friend" I said

"yeah you wish" she said

"no I am" Dylan said

"oh my god it's Dylan obrien" she said

he took a picture with her then we loaded back in the car and dropped Hayes and the twins off at Hayes then I went home.

I got home and ran up to Dylan's room.

"dyl" I said as I ran and I saw him sitting on his bed crying.

"yeah what's up" he said and wiped his eyes.

"what's wrong?" I asked

"nothing" he said

"Dylan, I know something's wrong" I said.

"I'm okay now tell me what you're all excited about" he said

"no, you tell me what's wrong" I said

"I haven't heard from mom since the hospital, im scared" he said

"let's go to her house" I said

"I did, there was no answer" he said

"let's go back" I said and gave him a big hug.

he stood up and put his shoes on and we left without telling anyone because we both know zac would say no.

we got to my moms and banged on the door but there was no answer.

"that's it I'm breaking the door" Dylan said and ran into it as hard as he could.

it didn't break.

"Dylan see if there's a spare key under the matt" I said, he checked and there was.

we unlocked the door and went in.

we saw a trail of blood going into my moms room.

we went in there and she was alseep in the bed looking pale.

I ran and touched her hand which was freezing cold.

"Dylan she's dead" I said, I knew as soon as I touched her cold skin.

"no" he said

I felt for a pulse, nothing.

"call 911" I said

he called 911 on his phone and I called zac who didn't answer so I called dave.

d-dave g-gabby

d-gab? where are you?
g-me and Dylan went to my moms, please wake zac up, she's uh dead
d-alright, calm down, were on our way

I hung up and cops came in and started questioning us and they took my moms body and I saw zac and dave run in.

zac hugged me and Dylan and all 3 of us were crying.

"there's nothing we can do, let's go home for tonight" dave said

"no I'm staying here" I said

I went into my moms room and just starred at her bed.

Dylan came in and picked me up and we all got in the car and went home.

when we got home everyone went to their rooms.

I laid in my bed and decided t post a picture on Instagram with my mom.

I posted a picture of us from last Christmas, it was my favorite picture.

I made the caption, "I love you so very much mommy. always take care of me, Dylan, and Zachary"

I turned my phone off and cried myself to sleep.

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