chapter 94

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gabbys pov

i woke up in the spare bedroom at hayes, i hate it. i like sleeping in my own room, in my own bed, knowing that zac and dylan are a bedroom away.

I got up and just fixed my hair, all of my stuff is at home.

i grabbed my keys and phone and went downstairs.

"good morning" nash said said

"good morning, i'm running out. does anyone want anything?" i asked

"an iced coffee please" cameron said

"got ya" i said and left.

i got in my car and drove home and walked inside.

"ahhhhhh" emily screamed, really.

"gabriella you can't just walk in like that, it's not your house" he said

"no zac it is, it's always been my house. since we moved here after mommy died. i'm 17, you legally have to keep me till im 18, yeah that's soon but this is my house and i don't want to leave it but i have to now. so ya know you just remember that mom sees this and she's disappointed zac. i'm really hurt by this. i'm just here to get my stuff and move. lose my number and forget my name all i care at this point" i said

"you're over reacting. i can kick you out at any time i want and now is that time. you can take care of yourself, i've done it enough. i don't care about what's going on in your life and you don't need to know about mine so i will delete your number and turn your phone off of my bill" he said

i stormed upstairs and got a bag of clothes and makeup and then some pictures and shower stuff.

i got back in my car and tried to stop crying but i couldn't.

i drove to my moms grave and went and sat on it and pulled a bottle of fire ball out of my purse that i took from the house.

my phone was ringing and ringing but i just ignored it.

i just sat there crying, it started getting dark and cold and i was drunk and not moving.

it was pitch black by this point.

i saw a car pull in and a boy get out.

"gab" hayes said

"leave" i said

"babe, you're voice sounds like you've been crying all day. it's cold and i want you to come home and lay in my arms and be safe please" he said

"hayes i'm fine" i said while looking at the empty bottle of whiskey knowing i was lying.

he walked up to me, "did you drink that" he asked

"no" i said

"stand up" he said

i just shook my head no.

hayes grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "you smell like it, what a coincidence" he said

"i wanna go home" i started crying on his chest.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora