chapter 65

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gabbys POV

I was a mess, crying, sweating and scared at 4am, knocking on the door.

no one answered, after an hour I drive back home and went I wide and laid on the floor and fell right asleep.

I woke up to the door opening and Cameron walking in, "gab, I heard. come here" he said

I couldn't get up, I just felt awful.

Cameron came and pulled me up and hugged me, "I know what's going through your head right now, you're thinking about how child services is gonna show up and minute and take you. don't worry about it, they're not, I have you now" Cameron said

I heard the door open, "that's them" I said

"hi we are child services here to take Gabriella efron into our custody" the man said

"I'm gonna take care of her for a hear until she turns 18, she's like my sister" Cameron said

"I'm sorry, you will have to be approved and that takes 3 months" the man said

"no you don't und-" I cut Cameron off.

"Don't argue, it'll make it look bad, 3 months is better than a year" I said

"gab you'll be okay, you're a strong kid, I'll have ya soon. I love you" Cameron said and hugged me.

"excuse me? may I pack a little bag of clothes to bring with me?" I asked

"you have 5 minutes" he said

I went upstairs and filled a bag with leggings and sweatpants and hoodies and tshirts.

I grabbed the picture of me, my mom, zac, and Dylan off of my night stand and put it in my bag.

I zippered it and went downstairs.

"I'll watch the house" Cameron said

the guy went out the door so I followed him.

we got in his car and he drove for a little while until we pulled up to this little house, "bye this is your new family" he said and I got out and went up to the door.

I knocked and they let me in, "hi I'm Fran and this is my husband bob and this is gonna be the worst year of your life" she said

"I'm Gabriella" I said

"I didn't ask" she said

"what's in the bag?" she asked

"just some clothes" I said

"let me see" she said and ripped it off my back and opened it and my family picture was on top, "oh you're funny" she said and grabbed a hammer and smashed the glass then threw it out.

she took my clothes that I had in there and cut them up and threw them out.

"alright then" I said

"don't be smart with me" she said

"got ya" I said

"bitch" she said and slapped me across the face.

"Bob, you're turn" she said and he came in and handed me a bag, "go put this on, I'll be up in a few minutes" he said

I took the bag and went upstairs and opened it, it was lingerie.

I put it on the bed and sat there and he came up and had a belt in his hand, "what the hell, why aren't you changed?" he asked

"because I don't wanna wear that" I said

"take you're clothes off now" he said

"no" I said

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora