chapter 10

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gabbys POV

I woke up to dave shaking me, "hey kiddo, wake up, we have to leave in an hour" he said

"I'm up" I said and he left my room.

I got in the shower and then got out and curled my hair and did my makeup then put on my black dress and nude heels.

I put in earrings and put on bracelets and a necklace and a ring.

I went downstairs and saw the boys in black suits.

I ate a banana and drank a glass of water.

"ready?" Dylan asked

I shook my head yeah and we left.

we drove to the church and we were there before everyone.

a line started forming outside and people were coming up and talking to us, I didn't know a lot of them but they said they were my aunts and uncles.

"okay we're gonna get started, we need her hole family to go in first" the priest said

zac started going in and Dylan grabbed my hand and we went in.

we stood by moms casket for a few minutes then everyone started coming in and we had to greet them.

I wasn't really paying attention to who I was hugging, we just had to hug everyone.

I saw Hayes, Nash, Cameron, matt, Jack, Jack, and Taylor.

I hugged all of them, "you guys really didn't have to come, thank you" I said

we've been greeting people for an hour, most of them know zac.

"zac I need to use the bathroom"I said

"okay, hurry up" he said

I walked through the church and to the back and went into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water.

I can't to back in there, I can't do this.

I heard knocking on the door, "Gabriella come on" Hayes said

"I'll be right out" I said

"it's about to start, they're waiting for you" he said

"I'll be right out"I said then I heard him walk away.

I heard a key to in the door and it opened and Dylan was standing there.

"let's go, now" he said

"dyl, I don't think I can sing, I'm gonna be crying" I said

"you can, you're gonna do great, let's go" he said

"I can't" I said no he walked I and picked me up.

he walked through the church carrying me over his shoulder then set me down at the singing stand up front.

the music started going and I began to sang as the priest and alter servers came in.

I finished singing and sat down next to Dylan but he soon got up to read.

we finished the funeral and we were all crying.

we stood up as people were leaving.

"zac I wanna go home" Dylan said

"we have the burial then the lunch in then we're going home bud" zac said and hugged him.

I sat down by the casket and just stood cried for a minute.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora