chapter 105

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gabbys pov

i heard the door open.

"hayes?" i called

"it's just me" he said back.

i was sitting in the rocker just watching michael sound asleep.

Hayes came up and looked at the other nursery across the hall, "in here babe" i said

he turned around and came in, "how was he all  night?"

"he slept like an angel" i said

"did you sleep?" he asked

"no" i said

"go lay down" he said

"how about you go shower and put on clean clothes and eat and all first then i will" i said

"sounds like a deal" he said and went into our room.

i heard the shower running and then the baby woke up.

"good morning bubba" i said and picked him up and kissed his big cheeks.

he just giggled. i laid him down on the changing table and changed his diaper and put a pair of mint green footie pajamas on him.

i made him a bottle and fed him then burbed him and heard hayes coming down the stairs with the dog on the leash.

"i'm gonna take zan for a walk then i'll take him" hayes said

"okay" i said

hayes left and was back soon.

i handed him the baby and then kissed his head, "how are you feeling?" i asked

"a lot better" he said

i went and laid down but just couldn't fall asleep.

after an hour i went back downstairs and saw hayes sitting on the couch on his phone and the baby was in his swing.

"you're already up?" he asked

"something just doesn't feel right" i said

i sat down next to him and cuddled up to him, "what do you mean?" he asked

"i don't know, i just have this gut feeling" i said

"we just had a really rough couple of days. we lost a kid gabriella. let's just relax today and take into consideration that we have a beautiful, healthy baby boy" hayes said

"you're right" i said

i went and took a picture of michael so i could post it.

i went and took a picture of michael so i could post it

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"welcoming our happy baby boy, michael benjamin"

i heard a knock on the door.

i opened it and saw zac standing there with bella, gavin, and luke who is already 6 months old.

"gab lizzies mom is in the hospital can you pleaseeeee watch them for a couple hours" zac asked

"yeah of course" i said

"AUNT GABBY" bella said and hugged me.

"hey bell" i said

gavin and bella came running in and i took the car seat and diaper bag from zac.

"thank you" he said and kissed my cheek then left.

"i'll make some grilled cheese for them for lunch" hayes said and got up.

zan woke up michael by licking him so i had to let bella hold him because she begged.

"bella bella" hayes said from the kitchen.

i took the baby and she ran into the kitchen and hayes put her on the chair and she sat and ate and gavin joined her.

i fed michael and he went right back to sleep, and then luke woke up so took him out of his car seat and fed him then laid him on the floor and he rolled around and he's even starting to crawl.

He's so cute, he looks just like Zac when he was a baby.

i heard the door open and it got loud, "Matt shut up the baby is asleep" i said

lol the guys came in, "did you have one kid or 10?" jack g asked

"i had 1 but somehow have 4 today" i said

"we all want turns with this new kid" Cameron said

"his name is michael and he's asleep right there" i said and pointed at him.

"aw he's so cute with his chubby little cheeks" johnson said

Bella came running out because she was done her food, "hey bella" gilinski said

"hi jack" she said and ran and gave him a hug.

"here gab" hayes said

i went into the kitchen and ate the grilled cheese he made me while the boys kept an eye on the babies.

"i guess pizza for dinner?" he said

"sounds like a plan" i said

we relaxed the rest of the day and the guys were in love with michael.

it rolled around to dinner time and hayes ordered pizza then went and picked it up.

Everyone ate pizza and hayes fed the babies their bottles.

zac came and picked the kids up and they hugged everyone bye and left then it was just my family and the guys.

"thanks for having us" nash said and hugged us bye.

all the guys left and it was like 10pm.

Hayes was sitting on the couch and the baby was asleep on his chest.

i put a picture of it on my story, "picture perfect"

eventually he laid he baby down in his crib and turned the monitor on.

we went to our room and laid down.

"i'm exhausted" i said

"me too, i missed this bed" he said

"this is the day i've been waiting for my whole life. i'm laying in bed with the guy i love and in the room across the hall is a little baby that's half of me and half of you. this is our family" i said

"i can't wait till he has siblings" hayes said

"me too" i said

we both went to bed happy.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora