chapter 54

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gabbys POV

"mike green, your under arrest for the abduction and murder of 4 year old julia teal" the cop said and attacked him.

"what" kayla said

they put him in hand cuffs and left and kayla just started crying.

the cops took his keys and went in his car and pulled a body of a tiny little blonde headed girl out of the row behind where I was sitting on the way to cold stone.

I called Hayes to come pick us up.

I hugged kayla and just held her, "I thought he really changed and I was gonna have a dad and part of my family back" she cried

"I'm sorry baby" I said

Hayes pulled up.

"Kay come on" I said

"no I can't get up, I can't leave. I know he didn't do this, I'm gonna wait, he's gonna be back" she said

"Kay I'm sorry but he's not coming back, he didn't change. he killed a little kid, you need to forget about him" I said

"no Gabriella, this wasn't him. I'm staying here" she said

I picked her up and tried to throw her over my shoulder but she kicked and scratched and screamed.

Hayes got out of the car and is much bigger than me so he easily picked her up as she fought back.

he got her in the car and she tried to get out so I say in the back seat with her and just hugged her tight.

I hate seeing my best friend like this.

we pulled up to the house and she got out right away and stormed inside.

I got out and Hayes did too and grabbed my by the arm before I could go inside.

"are you okay?" he asked

"yeah, I gotta take care of kayla and it's gonna be hard because she's mad at me" I said

"what even happened?" he asked

"her dad was arrested, he killed a 4 year old girl, murdered her" I said and those words hit me and I just covered my mouth.

Hayes hugged me and I could feel that he was crying.

"I gotta go check on kayla" I said

"wait gab, why is he mad at you?" he asked

"because I wouldn't let her stay. she said he didn't do this and he would be back because he changed and he's good now" I said

"I think you should wait till tomorrow to talk to her" Hayes said

"can you go see if she's in bed?" I asked

"yeah come on. go put on pajamas and get something to eat" Hayes said

we went inside and I went upstairs and into the room me and kayla were staying in and changed into sweat pants and a long sleeve tshirt.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora