chapter 85

503 11 3

gabbys pov

i woke up on a stretcher with hayes standing next to me crying, i looked around and saw the sky and flashing red lights.

"no" i said

"she's awake" a paramedic said

"i refuse treatment" i said

"no she doesn't, she's a minor. she can't and her guardian is gonna meet us at the hospital but he said do everything" hayes said

"get away hayes, leave" i said

he just looked at me, "i'm not going anywhere" he said

"LET ME GO" i screamed and started crying.

the put the stretcher in the ambulance and started driving.

i started kicking and screaming, "we're gonna have to put her out for a little while" the paramedic said

"do what you gotta do. i've never seen her like this" hayes said

a needle went into my arm and i fell back into a deep sleep.


i woke up to zac shaking me, "do you know where gab went. something's not right" he said

"what do you mean" i asked

"she texted me and the text is scaring me, i don't know where she went" he said

"my phones in her car, i can track it" i said

"you do that i'm gonna drive around and look for her car" he said and left.

i ran down to the computer and tracked my phone, it was in a mall parking lot an hour away.

i drove as fast as i could and made it there in a half hour.

i saw her car turned off, i saw her head leaning against the window.

the doors were locked, i banged on the window trying to take her up but she wouldn't wake up.

i went to the passenger seat and broke the window so i could unlock the doors.

i opened her door and her head fell right out and i caught her, she was unconscious.

i called 911, as i held her.

i called zac and told him everything, he's gonna meet me at the hospital.

i looked around to see if there was any clue as to why she's unconscious right now.

i saw an empty pill bottle on the floor by her tiny foot.

I saw her phone sitting in the cup holder.

i looked at her face and saw it was wet from tears, i just kissed her head and cried.

the ambulance pulled up and grabbed her and put the stretcher with her on the ground and started pumping her stomach.

she woke up and started screaming that she refuses treatment, she told me to go away but i wasn't going anywhere.

that's the love of my life right there, i'm not leaving her no matter that she says.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora