chapter 34

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gabbys POV

I woke to Dylan shaking me.

"gab gab gab" he said

"what" I said

he handed me a note and I read it.

"hey guys, I'll be back next week. I'm setting up my house in North Carolina. I'm moving. you guys have the choice to stay there because Dylan's 16 and daves there or you can move here with me. we'll talk when I get home. you're gonna be an aunt gab and Dylan you'll be an uncle. see ya soon. -zac"

"I'm not moving" I said

"same, I like it here" Dylan said

"me too" I said

I got up and got in the shower then got out and changed into a black romper and white high top converse.

I curled my hair and did my makeup then went downstairs and ate breakfast.

"where are you going?" Dylan asked

"I don't know, I wanna do something though" I said

"do you have magcon today?" Hayes asked

"no" I said

"I wanna go visit kayla" I said

"we can't" Hayes said

"Dyl her anxiety medicine is here so let's go to drop it off so we have an excuse" I said

"good plan" he said

I got the medicine and we got in his car and drove for 20 minutes to the place.

we went inside and to the front desk.

"kayla efron" I said

"she's in the mental facility, she can't have visitors" she said

"we have her anxiety medicine, she needs it" I said

"okay on thy car room 102" she said

we walked down the hallway and to the room and it was crazy.

"time of death 10:23, someone notify the family" I heard a doctor say and saw all these doctors walk out of the room.

"this must be the wrong room" I said

the doctors were gone so I opened the door and saw kayla laying there, pale and grey.

I froze.

"Gabriella, let's go" Dylan said

"dyl this is fake" I said

he picked me up and walked to the front desk.

"she's dead, how is she dead?" he said

I saw a doctor come over, "please notify kayla efrons family that she passed away" he said

"how is she dead? that's my little sister" Dylan said

"kayla took her own life." he said

"how" Dylan asked

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora