chapter 12

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gabbys POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring at 5am.

I rolled out of bed and drug myself to the shower and got in.

once I was finished I put my uniform on then put my hair in a high pony tail and did my makeup.

I put on my socks and shoes and went downstairs and saw dave eating cereal.

"hey, listen Zacs up to no good right now. I knew you had a competition today so I'll take you" dave said

"what do you mean no good?" I asked

"he's just partying" dave said

"okay, Dylan's coming, and can we pick up Hayes on the way?" I asked

"yeah of course" he said

I ate yogurt and strawberries then drank some water and put some water in my cheer bag.

Dylan came downstairs in shorts and a tshirt and his hair done.

"ready?" he asked

"let's go" dave said

we all got in the car and picked Hayes up.

"happy birthday" I said once he got in the car.

"happy birthday" Dylan and dave said

We got to the place and the guys sat down and I went back with my team and they all gave me dirty looks.

"what's going on?" I asked andrea.

"they're judging you for what zac did" she said

"what did zac do?" I asked

"you didn't see?" she asked

"no, what's going on?" I asked

she pulled up a link on her phone and the cover picture was zac in handcuffs, "actor zac efron arrested for doing drugs. who's gonna take care of his siblings now?"

"that can't be true" I said

"coach may I be excused real fast" I asked

"yeah be fast" she said

I ran out and into the crowd and I saw Hayes, Dylan, and dave.

I ran over to them, "dave tell me if its true right now" I said

"yeah buddy, it's true. but he's gonna go in rehab and nothing's gonna happen with you and Dylan, ignore that stuff. I already went to court, I have custody of you guys for 3 months until he is back" dave said

"he's gonna be gone for 3 months?" I asked

"yeah, he's not in jail, he's in rehab" dave said

"wait what's going on?" Dylan asked

"I gotta go now" I said

"hey, don't think about it, focus on cheer, you're gonna do great" dave said

I ran back into the dressing room.

"alright you can all stop judging me for what my brother did, we're here to compete not to judge each other" I said

we all practiced then went on.

we finished our routine then went back in our dressing room again.

they did awards and we came in second, next weeks practice is gonna be brutal.

I found Hayes and Dylan in the hallway.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora