chapter 67

533 12 2

gabbys POV

I peed on all of the sticks and put them on the counter and waited impatiently for the results to come back.

15 minutes later and 3/4 of the sticks said positive.

I didn't know what to do, I threw them all out and started crying and biting my nails.

I don't know who to tell.

I went downstairs and grabbed my keys and wallet and phone.

"where are you headed to in such a rush and so late?" Nash asked

"I gotta go see zac, I told them I would go today but I totally forgot" I said

"are you crying?" he asked

I hate when people ask that because it makes me cry even more, and I don't know why.

I started crying and then wiped my face, "no, I'm good" I said

Nash hugged me, "is it because of Hayes? he's a little off today, it's my mom and dads 5 months" Nash said

"no, it's not Hayes" I said

"what's going on then?" Nash asked

"I need to talk to my brothers first about this I'm sorry" I said

"let me drive you, you're too much of a was right now to drive" Nash said

"I'm fine I promise" I said

"please call me when you get there and when you leave there ok?" Nash asked

"okay I will" I said

I got in my car and wiped my face off and drank some water then drive as far as I could.

I went inside and asked for zac and Dylan.

they came out and we sat at a table, "what's going on?" zac asked

"he got me pregnant" I said

"Hayes?" Dylan asked

I just shook my head no and looked down.

"then who?" zac asked

"no gab no" Dylan said

"what who?" zac said

"zac, the foster guy, bob" Dylan said

I just shook my head yes, and Dylan got up and hugged me.

"I'm not even 17 yet" I said

"I'm 5 minutes you will be, is 11:55" zac said

"great start to my birthday" I said

"do me a favor, they're gonna kick you out soon because it's late so just go home and get some sleep ok? rest up and eat good, you're gonna be fine. don't worry about what's gonna happen to this kid after you have him or her. I want you to focus on yourself and keeping you and the baby healthy, got it?" zac asked

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora