chapter 79

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gabbys pov

i woke up to hayes talking, "i don't know. i had to watch cupcake wars all night last night. it was horrible" he said

"oh you like it, don't lie" i said

"good morning" zac said

"you have surgery in about a half hour so a doctors gonna come in and do some final tests. could everyone please leave the room" a nurse said as she stuck her head in the door.

the guys all left the room except for zac, he sat down next to me, "you got this in the bag kiddo. i love you and i'm gonna be right here when your done. good luck little one" he said

"i love you too Zachary" i said and hugged him tight.

the doctor came in so zac got up and said something to the doctor, i could hear him though. "please don't let anything bad happen to that perfect little girl. she's my life as without her there's no meaning to life" zac said and wiped a tear as he walked out.

"those boys really admire you gabriella" my doctor said

"they're the best" i said

"they seem it" he said back.

he did a series of tests and they all came back good.

"i'm gonna send them in here to wish you good luck for 5 minutes then we're out" he said

"okay thank you" i said

all the guys came in except for zac, "good luck kiddo. we love you. we're gonna go in the waiting room and give kay, dylan, and hayes some time" nash said

"thank you guys. i love you all and i'll see you after surgery" i said

"good luck, you got this one best friend. i love you and i'm gonna be right here after surgery to help you. you go show them how strong you are" dylan said and kissed my head.

"don't leave me with dyl and zac alone. good luck tho. i love you. thanks for always being my big sister and pulling me out of bad times" kayla said and hugged me.

"i love you" i said to her and she left with dylan.

"i know you're gonna be fine. you have to be because i'm not fine if you're not. thank you for helping me and being the best thing that's ever happened to me. here's to 3 years and many more to come. i love you beyond words, you're my best friend, love of my life, wife to be, and mother to my children one day" hayes said and planted a warm kiss on my lips and head.

"i love you so much" i said

the doctor came in so hayes walked out.

"ready" he said

"yep" i said and he rolled me down the hall.

he put a mask over my mouth and nose and i fell into a deep sleep.

~8 hours later~

i woke up and looked around the room and saw all the guys sitting around my bed, some were teady eyed.

"gab" zac said

i tried to talk but couldn't, "babhd" is what came out.

i immediately knew that the surgery wasn't a success if i can't talk.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora